• We are overhauling this forum and this will take two weeks to complete. Everything will be moderated once I get the settings done. Moderation will take 24 hours at least during this time.
  • we are deleting all members that havent logged in since 2023. I have Ian IT with me so I dont fu... Up the job.

What a great time to be alive


Tania Admin

A very warm and friendly Darwin welcome to you 😎🌴🐊

Once you have done your 5 posts which are as easy as an intro ( be sure to tell us a little about yourself, why you are here and/or what your kinks/likes are), replying to your welcome messages on here and/or welcoming a few other newbies, you will be able to access the rest of our ForumπŸ‘

One word or number posts will work but aren't really interactive and we would much prefer to "Interact on an Adult level AS we are an Adult forum " :)

Our Forum is fun😊 , exciting 😜, interestingπŸ€” , sexy πŸ†πŸ‘πŸ‘ŒπŸ˜˜ and educationalπŸ€“ and it's always a pleasure to welcome each and everyone of you new members from Australia and elsewhere on the globe 🌏

We are kind of like one big family here, love some❀, don't like some 🀣, sometimes bicker with some🀬(though we try to avoid this as much as possible), advise some 🧐and most definitely offer supportπŸ‘πŸ’ͺ when and where it is needed.

I hope you like the avatar I have given you (if not feel free to change it but please do not leave it blank :) ).

If your stuck and need help, please ask, we are a pleasant bunch and happy to lend a hand (Not like that! 😲Well ummm, some do if you ask nicely or visit their work place 🀣 )

Looking forward to seeing you around and getting to know you better.😘