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Well done Perth!


Gold Member
Perth punters are the best! We share (to a degree), we’re active & we seem to care.
I’ve been in Adelaide for 48 hours and posted for some massage recommendations in the CBD. Not one response!
So either TS doesn’t work too well in SA or they don’t fu*# over here!!


Money makes the world go around
Diamond Member
Not the slightest bit surprised. Look at the home page of talkin sex
WA has 7.9K threads and 145.8K posts.
SA has 547 threads and 7K posts.
TS has its biggest numbers in WA. All other places including VIC and NSW are small compared to WA.
In other forums its the other way around. The forums go with the states population. That is VIC and NSW are the biggest contributors.
I knew about other forums before I found out about TS.


Silver Member
The WA market is hugely dominated by the established private girls who have been working for 5+ years. Check out SB there's barely 1 page of girls and half are fakes... Sydney SB home page has endless options.
Perth, the west, is KING but more fun in Melbourne and Sdyney for sure.
That's why the girls here in WA make bank ;)

Horny A

Member Moderator
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Talking Turkey Moderator
The WA market is hugely dominated by the established private girls who have been working for 5+ years. Check out SB there's barely 1 page of girls and half are fakes... Sydney SB home page has endless options.

That's why the girls here in WA make bank ;)
They have a monopoly on the local market so prices go up and quality of service suffers.

That's why a we get aclot of touring girls. Local punters are quick to see someone who knows how to treat punters to make them want to return

Horny A

Member Moderator
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Talking Turkey Moderator
Bingo. Yet they still get so many clients because guys are getting too comfrotable and probably don't know it's mediocre service. I've kinda been noticing it from my regular yet I don't have the heart to say it to her :(
Skip a visit, go see someone else. I once had a regular of a couple years get so comfortable that she asked if we could just sit on the lounge and cuddle because she didn't feel well enough for intimacy, AFTER I HAD PAID FOR THE HOUR. Instead of changing dates. I didn't go back.

Seduce me

Gold Member
I had one years back when city west massage was the best in the west. After my first punt she asked for my number.

I gave it to her, we saw each other for sometime. Until she caught feelings. I bailed lol.

10 years back when I first started seeing girls lije this, were the days where good punts out numbered bad. That's why I don't see local perth girl anymore. Eastern state women provide the services you pay for


Diamond Member
10 years back when I first started seeing girls lije this, were the days where good punts out numbered bad. That's why I don't see local perth girl anymore. Eastern state women provide the services you pay for
Sad but true! The best have moved on, the rates have gone up (understandable) but the service is really not there. I'm seeing fewer WLs in a year and waiting for touring ladies who have been INCREDIBLY memorable... But not international tourists, they've been VERY BAD, starfish-level! :yuck:

Horny A

Member Moderator
Staff member
Talking Turkey Moderator
Sad but true! The best have moved on, the rates have gone up (understandable) but the service is really not there. I'm seeing fewer WLs in a year and waiting for touring ladies who have been INCREDIBLY memorable... But not international tourists, they've been VERY BAD, starfish-level! :yuck:
Wish the touring ladies got together and spaced out their tours. October was a busy month 😁 December and January will be quiet but gives us a chance to save up


Bronze Member
The WA market is hugely dominated by the established private girls who have been working for 5+ years. Check out SB there's barely 1 page of girls and half are fakes... Sydney SB home page has endless options.

That's why the girls here in WA make bank ;)
I know a WL who came here from Sydney and she said she made way more over there compared to here. apparently not many anglo Aussie WLs in Sydney. Think she was talking about leaving Perth but she's still here, maybe it picked up?


Diamond Member
Wish the touring ladies got together and spaced out their tours. October was a busy month 😁 December and January will be quiet but gives us a chance to save up
Yup, I hate that! Waiting so long to see a touring WL and then they all arrive at once. It always coincides with study break so... I guess better plan for it!