Wow good to see u got a good turn out, perhaps the govt will listen because if they don't they ruin many lives. The danger of course if the laws go through we will have stupid laws like the US. If these laws go in it will mean a foot in the door to make brothels only exist in the country like Nevada, make the punters criminals, create a huge VICE SQUAD, chasing consenting adults around, heaven forbid they chase real criminals endangering peoples lives in the community. This is only the start.
I wonder how they going to police private workers, I suspect there will be many men and women getting caught giving their paycheque over at the end of payday. Thin line between payment for sex or services. I wonder if I can get caught selling my body for labour/money or charging my boss by the hour. Oh wait there must be clear distinction between the two scenarios, oh what about the old bloke with young wife, goes on and on. Stupid laws make simple things so confusing and criminals out of normal consenting adults. Perhaps we should get bikies lawyer to represent the workers...