This about tells it the way it is.
living nextdoor to me - the Perth prostitute
i live and work from home as an escort in the suburbs.
i chose this career, and have worked discreetly and within the containment guidelines i am aware of in WA
with respect for my community, the law, and my fellow neighbours.
The Vice Squad have visited me in Perth in the past
(to research on who is working in the industry. i was asked to go to the Police Station.
instead i invited the Sergeant into my home)
and was assured that i was working without complaint, and lawfully.
i have moved around over the past 7 years as a private, in rental accommodation
(doesnt everyone until they can afford to buy their first home)
until i finally saved enough money to buy my home.
my private working life is sparodic, and very much part time.
i am not an escort who operates a MacDonalds drive through.
i discreetly see between one or 3 clients on various days perhaps
only 2.5 weeks per month which is only when i feel like it.
part-time work. many more cars visit my neighbours than my house.
and i am VERY CLEAR as to how to find my house. my clients
dont knock on the wrong door.
i chose this career path because i love the company of men,
have no sexual hang-ups, seek financial independence,
and as a child dreamed of the house my dolls were in, not the family in my doll-house.
i believe i have the best job in the world, and adore the fact that Australia has given me the freedom
to choose my own path in a wonderfully democratic country.
apparently this choice i have enjoyed is pitched for change in WA.
sadly the process of legalising this industry will not give me the legal right to keep working as i have,
privately, and discreetly in my home, as the laws will now make it ILLEGAL for me
to continue working in the capacity that i have been.
the new laws will effectively put me out of a job. perhaps my government prefers i collect unemployment benefit,
and contribute to the burden of taxpaying dollars. i am not university educated, and my work choices would be retail,
where i would not be able to save for my future, and would eventually become a financial burden of the already
threatened pension system when i reach my pensioner years. i have no superannuation - dumb fees ate it all up,
and would not be able to obtain financial security working in retail.
i am not feeling sorry for myself.
i am just asking the general public to PLEASE REALISE that in todays modern society,
many women CHOOSE this career, and maintain it with dignity, because as modern young women,
we have learnt we have choices and rights as females to be independent and resourceful in our own way.
i am a good looking girl. i have appeared on magazine covers. but i could not afford my true financial
independence appearing in magazines. It pays poorly, like acting, and is sporadic work for the majority
of which i am a realist, so i decided i love men, love sex, love myself, and love attention.
i have no qualms about the fact that i wasnt a supermodel, a brain surgeon, or an intellectual.
i love me and the life i have in this beautiful city.
lots of girls now choose to do this without duress. i am not victim of drugs, abuse, pimps, violence, or anything else.
unfortunately i seems i may be now become a victim of a backward decision against my right to choose
to be an assertive female who is happily reaching her goals within the law.
when the law changes i will be potentially a law breaker.
legalising this industry just opens the door to legal prosecution;
you cannot prosecute without legislation, and this legislation will
send me to prison.
it will turn myself - a law abiding citizen - into a criminal.
because the government needs legislation to prosecute.
unfortunately i will be prosecuted for what i do now,
which i confuses me and offends me because i am a law-abiding, tax paying Australian citizen.
i fully agree that the residential Asian brothels that have popped up and do operate like McDonald drive-thru's
are a blight on this industry.
i am devestated that women are trafficked though these illegal houses
(illegal because they have more than one person working in them, and are operated by unscrupulous pimps).
and i certainly myself would not like to live next door to one.
these operations may have 5 girls working in them, doing half hours and hour bookings for bargain basement rates,
and for each girl, clients can turn up without appointments, and wait in a waiting room,
creating 24 hour traffic to a peaceful residential street where families live,
and consequently cause harassment and fear to local residents.
i am not jealous of these places taking away my income. my rate is so much higher
than theirs, so we dont share the same clientelle. i am devestated that my Government
does nothing to protect the VICTIMISATION and ABUSE of Asian girls.
we are all of the same value as human beings. why do they continue to suffer abuse
in Australia - a so called democtatic lawful, and pro-human rights First World Country?
this is the immediate issue, yet the government is going to blanket ban Australian private working girls,
who pay tax, are genuine citizens (not illegally working trafficked girls),
and are truly independent and protect their livelihood with ABSOLUTE discression at all times.
how hard is it to crack down on illegal trafficking of Asian women in Australia?
Did anyone watch Four Corners recently. I cried.
Victorian Laws changed years ago, yet the Asian trafficking still exits.
Australian working girls in Victoria are restricted and prosecuted diligently and with priority,
yet still the trafficking of prostitutes from overseas runs rampant in that state.
perhaps, sadly it is just easier to prosecute the law abiding Australian escort in todays society
than it is to spend valuable resources on chasing, and successfully catching real perpetrators of prostitutional abuse.
i understand that this occupation is not accepted by society, and may not ever be. sex will always be controversial
- even though God gifted it to the human race to enjoy.
but as todays society liberates the current issues of many people in leaps and bounds
(gay rights/marriage, boat people, violent criminals rights, whatever etc),
it currently choses to send girls like me back into the dark ages, dictating that we are immoral, drug addicts, who are a blight
(tax paying blight? yeah right! now i am really confused) on todays society.
perth escort