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W.A. The Law On safe sex practise



Don't know if this is the latest.

Prostitution Bill 2011
1 4 — Minimising risk of acquiring, transmitting
2 sexually transmissible infections
3 30. Terms used
4 In this Part —
5 bodily fluid means semen, vaginal secretions, saliva or blood;
6 sheath means a condom, dam or other physical barrier that —
7 (a) prevents the transmission of bodily fluid from one
8 person to another; and
9 (b) meets the prescribed standards (if any);
10 STI means a prescribed sexually transmissible infection or a
11 prescribed blood borne virus;
12 STI-risk contact means any of the following —
13 (a) direct contact between any part of the genital or anal
14 area of one person and any part of the genital or anal
15 area of another person;
16 (b) direct contact between the genital or anal area of one
17 person and the mouth area (including the lips or tongue)
18 of another person.
19 31. Suitable sheath must be provided, used in certain acts of
20 prostitution
21 (1) For the purposes of this section, a sheath is suitable for
22 particular kind of STI-risk contact if it is designed to prevent the
23 bodily fluid of a person having that kind of contact from going
24 on to any part of the body of another person.
25 (2) A person must not take part in an act of prostitution that
26 involves a particular kind of STI-risk contact without using a
27 sheath that is suitable for that kind of contact.
28 Penalty: a fine of $10 000.
Prostitution Bill 2011
Part 4
Minimising risk of acquiring, transmitting sexually transmissible
s. 32
page 22
1 (3) Each person who operates or manages a prostitution business
2 must ensure that there is issued, free of charge, to each
3 prostitute working for the business and to each client sheaths —
4 (a) that are suitable for each particular kind of STI-risk
5 contact that may be involved in acts of prostitution in
6 which that prostitute and client take part; and
7 (b) in sufficient quantity to ensure that a suitable sheath is
8 available to be used for each particular kind of STI-risk
9 contact that may be involved in acts of prostitution in
10 which that prostitute and client take part.
11 Penalty: a fine of $12 000.
12 (4) Each person who operates or manages a prostitution business
13 must ensure that all reasonable steps are taken to prevent a
14 prostitute working for the business taking part in an act of
15 prostitution that involves a particular kind of STI-risk contact
16 unless the prostitute uses a sheath that is suitable for that kind of
17 contact.
18 Penalty: a fine of $12 000.
19 (5) Subsections (3) and (4) do not apply to a self-employed
20 prostitute.
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Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Talking Turkey Moderator
8 . Prophylactic to be used

It is an offence for a person to engage in an act of prostitution without using a prophylactic that is appropriate for preventing the transmission of bodily fluid from one person to another.

Penalty: $5 000.

This is the last act passed by West Australian government in 2000

Mr Little what state is your act from?


It's WA - but I don't know if it was passed.
Extract from Link is not working, so has been taken down

My copy / paste stuffed up the first time. probably coz I was trying to post it in a thread that you had suddenly closed and then stuffed up transferring it to this one.

Fixed now
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The PROSTITUTION ACT 200 with Reprint dated 13 September 2013 that you quoted from seems to be the latest.

However upon reading the section of the act "8. Prophylactic to be used" I could argue that any act of prostitution is illegal since there are NO prophylactics that are GUARANTEED or totally prevent the transmission of bodily fluid........
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Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Talking Turkey Moderator
It wasn't passed it had its first reading and stalled, it was an atrocious law as they were going to stamp out all private operators and make escort illegal. I was asked to speak to the Caucasus, and I dolled myself up and told them how excited I was that they were assisting me personally on having a queue from one end of Burswood road to the end.I told them that law was meant to be about a level playing field how come the private workers were being penalized, how many could rent a unit in a industrial area to keep there business going.
I also pointed out that they had no inexpensive way of administering the law so what was the point. I don't know if I had any thing to do with stalling the law change but I was pleased for the industry at the result.
Bad law is worse than the old laws we work under now. It was me personally that made it impossible for them to prosecute anyone under the old laws.
They tried to have a go at me in 2000 and had to drop the charges as it wasn't in the public interest, I only got back $6000 of the $55,000 I spent fighting them, but after my win they could no longer prosecute any one else for keeping premises, and 10 years before that we won a case of one of our workers that was prosecuted for partially living off the earnings.
The Law they can use against owners is a Victorian Law in the old law that is officially still on the books. Keeping a bawdy house. This charge involves a case before a judge and jury whilst the other charges were police Act before a magistrate only.


You fought the law and you won.
But now you've mentioned somewhere that's it's against the law to not use protection in certain sex acts with prostitutes and you want them to conform. Isn't that a bit like calling the kettle "an absence of colour"? (quoting h2 here I believe):)

Casey Delicious

Casey Delicious
Gold Member
since girls have been advertising you are silly and cim services it's given clients the impression that it is a service since coming back into the industry 2018, clients have referred you are silly as an extra iv lost alot of clients, constantly I have clients ask for no condom cost feels better....from 2003 to 2008 guys new if u c a wl u will waer a condom....u would get the 1 hear and there to ask but that's it...
promoting and advertising unsafe sex service need to be banned...condoms break these unsafe sex practices puts us all at risk and at the start of the year I got syphilis it's a oral transmitted sti...I don't no what it's like down in Perth but from Byford to Bunbury since locanto and Craigslist was found buy self ladled "pimps"...honestly there meth heads who get girls who never been in this industry there putting them on locanto some girls a crack heads to, but there others at great risk of sti and and abuse...they have put me through he'll but I no the industry and there no way I was working for them, they hack my phone cos I get more clientele and it's easier ....I no these guy don't care of health saftey or descreation...3 years ago they kept coming to me say they can b my security or get me work well I would of been at and agency if I couldn't get work needed sequirity....I had a huge concern my children wear court in a pedo ring, and my saftey wast from the industry i dogged alot of bullets I should not be hear today....I was right I no there's mum not hear today....murder to cover child sex crime....I was vocal they wear getting there supply from these guys...iv been threw he'll back, since digital advertising it's created a huge issue, this is wear syphilis has come back in Perth peel region there an out break...as I had to speak to the contact nurse as she wanted to know wear it came from i said I'm a sex I would of had it way before I got systems ...I said it came from sex works doing services like you are silly... I got mine from the "pimp" gangstalker acting as client they money was mine cos they got there wl they no who I never met but she's seeing my clients
I know most of u r think what the proply thinking something wrong in my head, cos this is not how our industry goes, finding talkingsex was the best thing ever for me that was just for me to c the industry not changed we still hold our HEALTH SAEFTY DESCREATION code high...digital advertising agency obviously created there own add pages,...unfortunately meth heads sexpest found locanto.
FIY...in case use wondering I'm no longer infectious is easy to cure, you are silly and UN safe sex puts us all at risk....