Viewing a website as if from a different device. (phone, tablet, etc...)

Richard Forum IT

Richard IT
After speaking with Maryanne she mentioned that enquiring minds may like this bit of information to have a fiddle or a play, here and there, so...

Most of the modern web browsers now have this nice function to let you emulate, and use, a website like you are using a different device.
The common starting point is within the 'developer tools' and the key stroke commands to get to it are CTRL+SHIFT+i (thats the letter i on the end).

Within MS edge you will see a drop down on the right with 'Emulation' that you can select and then choose the device you want to display the website in. (looks like MS only recognises its own devices but you can fiddle and change resolutions to suit particular devices also, see below)

In Firefox you will see an icon on the far right (at the top of the developer panel) which looks like a tablet and a phone on top of each other, with options to choose device and resolution.

In Opera you will see an icon of a phone on top of a tablet on left of the developer panel and options to choose devices and resolution above the web page.