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Very Interesting Point of View


Tania Admin

I stumbled across the following exert on the internet this morning. This guy really hit the nail on the head and I wanted to share it.

A German's View on Islam - worth reading.

This is by far the best explanation of the Muslim terrorist situation I have ever read.
His references to past history are accurate and clear.
Not long, easy to understand, and well worth the read.
The author of this email is Dr. Emanuel Tanya, a well-known and well-respected psychiatrist.

A man, whose family was German aristocracy prior to World War II, owned a number of large industries and estates. When asked how many German people were true Nazis, the answer he gave can guide our attitude toward fanaticism.

'Very few people were true Nazis,' he said, 'but many enjoyed the return of German pride, and many more were too busy to care. I was one of those who just thought the Nazis were a bunch of fools. So, the majority just sat back and let it all happen. Then, before we knew it, they owned us, and we had lost control, and the end of the world had come. My family lost everything. I ended up in a concentration camp and the Allies destroyed my factories.'

We are told again and again by 'experts' and 'talking heads' that Islam is the religion of peace and that the vast majority of Muslims just want to live in peace. Although this unqualified assertion may be true, it is entirely irrelevant. It is meaningless fluff, meant to make us feel better, and meant to somehow diminish the spectre of fanatics rampaging across the globe in the name of Islam.

The fact is that the fanatics rule Islam at this moment in history. It is the fanatics who march. It is the fanatics who wage any one of 50 shooting wars worldwide. It is the fanatics who systematically slaughter Christian or tribal groups throughout Africa and are gradually taking over the entire continent in an Islamic wave. It is the fanatics who bomb, behead, murder, or honour-kill. It is the fanatics who take over mosque after mosque. It is the fanatics who zealously spread the stoning and hanging of rape victims and homosexuals. It is the fanatics who teach their young to kill and to become suicide bombers.

The hard, quantifiable fact is that the peaceful majority, the 'silent majority,' is cowed and extraneous. Communist Russia was comprised of Russians who just wanted to live in peace, yet the Russian Communists were responsible for the murder of about 20 million people. The peaceful majority were irrelevant. China's huge population was peaceful as well, but Chinese Communists managed to kill a staggering 70 million people..

The average Japanese individual prior to World War II was not a warmongering sadist. Yet, Japan murdered and slaughtered its way across South East Asia in an orgy of killing that included the systematic murder of 12 million Chinese civilians; most killed by sword, shovel, and bayonet. And who can forget Rwanda , which collapsed into butchery. Could it not be said that the majority of Rwandans were 'peace loving'?

History lessons are often incredibly simple and blunt, yet for all our powers of reason, we often miss the most basic and uncomplicated of points: peace-loving Muslims have been made irrelevant by their silence. Peace-loving Muslims will become our enemy if they don't speak up, because like my friend from Germany , they will awaken one day and find that the fanatics own them, and the end of their world will have begun.

Peace-loving Germans, Japanese, Chinese, Russians, Rwandans, Serbs, Afghans, Iraqis, Palestinians, Somalis, Nigerians, Algerians, and many others have died because the peaceful majority did not speak up until it was too late.

Now Islamic prayers have been introduced into Toronto and other public schools in Ontario , and, yes, in Ottawa too while the Lord's Prayer was removed (due to being so offensive?) The Islamic way may be peaceful for the time being in our country until the fanatics move in.

In Australia , and indeed in many countries around the world, many of the most commonly consumed food items have the halal emblem on them. Just look at the back of some of the most popular chocolate bars, and at other food items in your local supermarket. Food on aircraft have the halal emblem (see the attachment), just to appease the privileged minority who are now rapidly expanding within the nation’s shores.

In the U.K, the Muslim communities refuse to integrate and there are now dozens of “no-go” zones within major cities across the country that the police force dare not intrude upon. Sharia law prevails there, because the Muslim community in those areas refuse to acknowledge British law.

As for us who watch it all unfold, we must pay attention to the only group that counts -- the fanatics who threaten our way of life.


Don't you think though that this guy has based his opinion on one facet which he doesn't back up with any statistic? I googled and another source said the following:

When the Nazis first contested elections to the national parliament in 1924, it turned out that the party wasn't so popular. The 'National-Socialist Freedom Movement' polled only 3 percent of the vote, and in 1928, fell to 2,6 percent. But, unfortunately, after this, the Nazi party continued to grow, and by 1929, had 130.000 members. At the height of its power, the Nazi party had 8,5 million members.

It is hard to say how many Germans could be considered ~*real*~ Nazis. Many joined the party, but not everyone could be considered an active member.

I'm half German, and half Swedish. During World War II, my father's side of the family, who are from Germany, fled to Switzerland, a neutral, unoccupied country. I'm 14 years old, and I have lived in Germany for 5 years. Even though my family wasn't involved with the war, I know the guilt about it that is felt. Today, you will find that most of the German people do not accept racism of any kind.

Remember Tania, that people were afraid of hippies with long hair and how they'd take over the world and ruin it along with the Beatles, the Rolling Stones and the Who. It hasn't happened.

We were supposed to be over run by North Vietnamese communists in the 70s and that hasn't happened.

England was going to be overtaken by the Irish Republican Army and that hasn't happened and they were equally vicious killers too. I can even remember in 2002 sitting in a bar with an Irishman and he said; "If not for September 11, the Irish terrorists would still be the world's bastards. Thank goodness nobody focusses on us anymore."

And then those bloody aborigines were going to own your house and backyard because of the land rights in the 80s and 90s - hasn't happened.

Tania Admin

All very good points Contrarian. Hmmm Food for thought. I shall delve a little deeper on this topic this evening. Thanks :) I like the mental stimulation.


Remember also Tania that the White Australia policy has been abandoned - yet the chaos and destruction hasn't happened. And then when the Snowy River project came about and a whole lot of Europeans came in and nothing disastrous has happened yet. The disdain for Poms is evident but nothing bad's happened yet.

I dread to think what a cultural wasteland Australia would be if not for immigration.


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
And just to add to the Germans and their past........Hitler's ideas of master race and ethnic cleansing were already topics of the educated circles in Germany since the late 18th century, most likely earlier. Hitler/the Naziz put the intellectual debate and believe of certain educated circles in in a party program and presented it to the masses.
What is a true Nazi anyway? The one with the party member ship? The one who didn't want to know? The one who just followed the main stream? The one who fought the war?

Fanaticism regardless in which colour and of what believe is bad news.

And just another thought.........think about the power of the so called media........we only hear what they want us to hear.......the media picks up a topic and runs with it and I would say not always in an objective way.
That doesn't make the last fanatic islamic attacks any better.....but are they the only attacks in the world?



Silver Member
Yes very interesting points made. One needs to remember that there are consequences from other points made including the hippies. Humans are not good at remembering or learning from mistakes that's why they repeat them over and over again through history.


I'm not racist but....



The bare knuckle truth


Tania Admin

Hmmmm, now that was an interesting experiment.

The point of the piece though is that it isn't the religion it's the fanatics that are the problem, and that by people not standing up to them, there is a lot of heartache and horror that follows.


Perhaps Tania, my fear is that people seem to abandon all fairness to the Muslims more than anyone else. It's a bit like zealots protesting about boat people being illegal immigrants from Afghanistan etc. Yet no one kicked up a stink when loads of white people on planes from Britain etc landed in Australia and then overstayed illegally.

People have stereotypes, prejudices and lump others together based on irrational beliefs. That video above about Muslims in Mosman in Sydney - no one would have batted an eyelid if it was a Catholic Church or would protest about it given what the Church has revealed in the last few weeks and scandals over the last 2 decades.

Tania Admin

I do understand that. It was the fanaticism which was my target, not Muslims. I think each to their own as long as it doesn't harm others. :)

Al Swearengen

Thats a very interesting piece about the German point of view. The rise of Nazism in Germany is a really fascinating time. Germany had so many things going on all at the same time. It was a very complex period. I saw a doco last week on the ABC regarding how German companies were going through a rebranding process at the exact same time as the Nazis were beginning their rise to power.
At the time German products were internationally regarded as cheap & nasty & industrialists wanted to (obviously) change this. So they initiated a massive rebranding movement that involved the implementation of stringent quality control measures & practices. Practices that were adopted (and still used) internationally today.
So, in a grander viewpoint, the moderate industrialist types (like the writer of Tania's article) at the time the Nazis rose were absolutly flat out with their businesses to pay attention to a bunch of fringe dwelling radicals. Except to note (and steal) the concept of the power of symbols.
Again, at the same time you also had the German artistic movement involving movie producers & musicians. Once the Nazis came to power & started rounding all those folks up, the rest of them rapidly fled to where they had a few relatives & where their skills would be employed. Thats how Hollywood became a super industry.
Incredibly complex & fascinating period of time when you put all the pieces together & take a step back.


11 Companies That Surprisingly Collaborated With the Nazis
written by Sam Greenspan

I saw this article today; it's about a controversy over the German insurance company Allianz buying the naming rights to the new New York Giants and Jets football stadium.

That's controversial because Allianz has very famous Nazi ties -- they insured Auschwitz, their CEO was one of Hitler's advisers, and, during the Holocaust, instead of paying life insurance benefits to Jews, they sent that money straight to the Nazis.

Jewish groups don't want Allianz getting the naming rights to the new Meadowlands. Abe Foxman, the head of the Anti-Defanation League, says, quote, "It would be an insult. It's putting their name in lights for generations to come."

Since World War Two ended, Allianz has officially apologized for its role in the Holocaust and has paid several million dollars in restitution. Which brings me to a larger point here: At what point should we say to Nazi collaborating companies, "OK. You've apologized, you've paid, none of your current employees worked with the Nazis, it's time to move on"?

Because there are a TON of companies that worked with the Nazis. Way more than the Allianz and the other 11 I'm about to talk about here. They've all apologized. A lot have paid restitution. Two generations have passed.

I won't comment on whether I think people should forgive them... boycott them... continue to patronize them, but begrudgingly... or continue to patronize them with statements like, "Wow, Allianz, your insurance is SO good, we're SO impressed with what you're doing. And if it wasn't for the 800 other, better insurance companies out there, we'd TOTALLY sign up with you."

That's up to you. I'm just puttin' the information out there. Here are 11 companies that you may not realize collaborated with the Nazis.

The 12 Nazi collaborating companies featured in this article.
Kodak. During World War Two, Kodak's German branch used slave laborers from concentration camps. Several of their other European branches did heavy business with the Nazi government.

And Wilhelm Keppler, one of Hitler's top economic advisers, had deep ties in Kodak. When Nazism began, Keppler advised Kodak and several other U.S. companies that they'd benefit by firing all of their Jewish employees. (Source: The Nation)

Hugo Boss. In the 1930s, Hugo Boss started making Nazi uniforms. The reason: Hugo Boss himself had joined the Nazi party, and got a contract to make the Hitler Youth, storm trooper and SS uniforms.

That was a huge boon for Hugo Boss... he got the contract just eight years after founding his company... and that infusion of business helped take the company to another level.

The Nazi uniform manufacturing went so well that Hugo Boss ended up needing to bring in slave laborers in Poland and France to help out at the factory.

In 1997, Hugo's son, Siegfried Boss, told an Austrian news magazine, "Of course my father belonged to the Nazi party. But who didn't belong back then?" (Source: New York Times)

Ferdinand Porsche, the man behind Volkswagen and Porsche, met with Hitler in 1934, to discuss the creation of a "people's car." (That's the English translation of Volkswagen.)

Hitler told Porsche to make the car with a streamlined shape, "like a beetle." And that's the genesis of the Volkswagen Beetle... it wasn't just designed for the Nazis, Hitler NAMED it.

During World War Two, it's believed that as many as four out of every five workers at Volkswagen's plants were slave laborers. Ferdinand Porsche even had a direct connection to Heinrich Himmler, one of the leaders of the SS, to directly request slaves from Auschwitz. (Source: The Straight Dope)

Bayer. During the Holocaust, a German company called IG Farben manufactured the Zyklon B gas used in the Nazi gas chambers. They also funded and helped with Josef Mengele's "experiments" on concentration camp prisoners.

IG Farben is the company that turned the single largest profit from work with the Nazis. After the War, the company was broken up. Bayer was one of its divisions, and went on to become its own company.

Oh... and aspirin was founded by a Bayer employee, Arthur Eichengrun. But Eichengrun was Jewish, and Bayer didn't want to admit that a Jewish guy created the one product that keeps their company in business. So, to this day, Bayer officially gives credit to Felix Hoffman, a nice Aryan man, for inventing aspirin. (Source: Alliance for Human Research Protection, Pharmaceutical Achievers)

Siemens. Siemens took slave laborers during the Holocaust and had them help construct the gas chambers that would kill them and their families. Good people over there.

Siemens also has the single biggest post-Holocaust moment of insensitivity of any of the companies on this list. In 2001, they tried to trademark the word "Zyklon" (which means "cyclone" in German) to become the name a new line of products... including a line of gas ovens.

Zyklon, of course, being the name of the poison gas used in their gas chambers during the Holocaust.

A week later, after several watchdog groups appropriately freaked out, Siemens withdrew the application. They said they never drew the connection between the Zyklon B gas used during the Holocaust and their proposed Zyklon line of products. (Source: BBC)

Coca-Cola, specifically Fanta. Coke played both sides during World War Two... they supported the American troops but also kept making soda for the Nazis. Then, in 1941, the German branch of Coke ran out of syrup, and couldn't get any from America because of wartime restrictions.

So they invented a new drink, specifically for the Nazis: A fruit-flavored soda called Fanta.

That's right: Long before Fanta was associated with a bunch of exotic women singing a god-awful jingle, it was the unofficial drink of Nazi Germany. (Source: New Statesman)

Ford. Henry Ford is a pretty legendary anti-Semite, so this makes sense. He was Hitler's most famous foreign backer. On his 75th birthday, in 1938, Ford received a Nazi medal, designed for "distinguished foreigners."

He profiteered off both sides of the War -- he was producing vehicles for the Nazis AND for the Allies.

I'm wondering if, in a completely misguided piece of logic, Allianz points to the Detroit Lions giving Ford the naming rights to their stadium as a reason why they should get the rights to the Meadowlands. (Source: Reformed Theology)

Standard Oil. The Luftwaffe needed tetraethyl lead gas in order to get their planes off the ground. Standard Oil was one of only three companies that could manufacture that type of fuel. So they did.

Without them, the German air force never could've even gotten their planes off the ground.

When Standard Oil was dissolved as a monopoly, it led to ExxonMobil, Chevron and BP, all of which are still around today. (But fortunately, their parent company's past decision to make incredible profits off of war have not carried on.) (Source: MIT's Thistle)

Chase bank. A lot of banks sided with the Nazis during World War Two. Chase is the most prominent.

They froze European Jewish customers' accounts and were extremely cooperative in providing banking service to Germany. (Source: New York Times)

IBM. IBM custom-build machines for the Nazis that they could use to track everything... from oil supplies to train schedules into death camps to Jewish bank accounts to individual Holocaust victims themselves.

In September of 1939, when Germany invaded Poland, the "New York Times" reported that three million Jews were going to be "immediately removed" from Poland and were likely going to be "exterminat[ed]."

IBM's reaction? An internal memo saying that, due to that "situation", they really needed to step up production on high-speed alphabetizing equipment. (Source: CNet)

Random House publishing. Random House's parent company, Bertelsmann A.G., worked for the Nazis... they published Hitler propaganda, and a book called "Sterilization and Euthanasia: A Contribution to Applied Christian Ethics".

Bertelsmann still owns and operates several companies. I picked Random House because they drew controversy in 1997 when they decided to expand the definition of Nazi in Webster's Dictionary.

Eleven years ago, they added the colloquial, softened definition of "a person who is fanatically dedicated to or seeks to control a specified activity, practice, etc." (Think "Soup Nazi".)

The Anti-Defamation League called that expanded definition offensive... especially when added by a company with Nazi ties... they said it, quote, "trivializes and denies the murderous intent and actions of the Nazi regime... it also cheapens the language by allowing people to reach for a quick word fix... [and] lends a helping hand to those whose aim is to prove that the Nazis were really not such terrible people." (Source: New York Observer, ADL)

Tania Admin

Wow, some awesome information there. I really am glad I started this thread it has been very educational :)


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Hi Contrarian........just a couple of names to add to your list........Birkenstock and the Vatican..........who would have thought....even religion is far from bulletproof when it comes to power, world domination and money.

Good post, Tania.......opening a can of worms can be really interesting and educating ;)



Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
I do understand that. It was the fanaticism which was my target, not Muslims. I think each to their own as long as it doesn't harm others. :)
I know what you are saying, babe.......unfortunately is fanaticism only linked to Muslims.........again thanks to the information we are allowed to proceed.



I know what you are saying, babe.......unfortunately is fanaticism only linked to Muslims.........again thanks to the information we are allowed to proceed.


I dread to think what happens one day when the fanaticism spreads to Australian sport a la England's Barmy Army. Nic Natanui is everyone's hero today. What happens day after tomorrow when he joins Carlton?


Legend Member
You simply must watch Oliver Stone's untold history of the USA...it is pretty interesting. It talked about fear mongering, dirty tricks and past presidents..etc...


Gold Member
I'm reminded of political philosopher Edmund Burke who reputedly said "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"


Good men are pretty rare. There's me and the pope... But I'm starting to have my doubts about him too.


I'm reminded of political philosopher Edmund Burke who reputedly said "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"

Certainly but all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that bad men exaggerate, lie and fabricate almost everything and it's taken as good gospel.


Legend Member
Isn't that just the human race in general.

Yes but the show talks about the other side of American politics and all the BS that is. It showed the true face of Harry Truman as an arrogant prick who thought he had a cool toy that no one had and could use it to threaten anyone until Russia developed their own, not so cocky now i see. And the bombing of Japan did not cause the Japanese to surrender because they had intentions to surrender in the 1st place without needing 2 atomic bombs on their soil.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
I had the pleasure of hearing a speaker on( Islam a way of life) just the other day. He explained that many of these problems are cultural rather than religious. I was enthralled and have the utmost respect for the Islam Way of Life.
Just 50 years ago we looked on the Irish as all terrorist, now the situation is solved we seem to have changed our views.
All terrosim is bad and evil and any true believer of Islam also feels this way.

Farm Boy

Perhaps Tania, my fear is that people seem to abandon all fairness to the Muslims more than anyone else. It's a bit like zealots protesting about boat people being illegal immigrants from Afghanistan etc. Yet no one kicked up a stink when loads of white people on planes from Britain etc landed in Australia and then overstayed illegally.

People have stereotypes, prejudices and lump others together based on irrational beliefs. That video above about Muslims in Mosman in Sydney - no one would have batted an eyelid if it was a Catholic Church or would protest about it given what the Church has revealed in the last few weeks and scandals over the last 2 decades.

Contraian One little point over stayers when caught are deported .

Al Swearengen

Certainly but all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that bad men exaggerate, lie and fabricate almost everything and it's taken as good gospel.

You did read that quote didnt you, Contrarian?


I'm more a fan of Niemöller who is perhaps best remembered for:

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me--and there was no one left to speak for me.

Martin Niemöller was a prominent Protestant pastor who opposed the Nazi regime. He spent the last seven years of Nazi rule in concentration camps. Germany, 1937.


Is Terrorism a Muslim Monopoly?
by Islamic Research Foundation / Dr.Zakir Naik / IRF (Notes) on Thursday, 17 December 2009 at 22:14

This question arises in the minds of the people, during any discussion on religion or world affairs. Muslim stereotypes are perpetuated in every form of the media accompanied by gross misinformation about Islam and Muslims. In fact, such misinformation and false propaganda often leads to discrimination and acts of violence against Muslims.

Oxford Dictionary describes the word terrorism as: 'the use of violent actions in order to achieve political aims or to force a government to act.' The word terrorism was first coined in 1790's during the French Revolution. The years 1793 and 1794 were called as 'The Reign of Terror' or 'Years of Terror.'

During these years Maximilin Robespierre guillotined thousands of innocents. He arrested more than 500,000 out of which he executed 40,000. More than 200,000 were deported and more than 200,000 were starved and tortured to death in the prisons.

Today there is a statement, which is being repeatedly bombarded, especially in the western media and that statement is, 'All Muslims are not Terrorist, but all Terrorist are Muslims.' But here are the historical records on terrorist attacks that speak a different picture:

19th century – We hardly find any terrorist attacks done by Muslims.

1881 – Tsar Alexander was assassinated in a Bomb Blast. He was traveling in a bulletproof carriage in St. Pietersburg Street. The first bomb kills innocent 21 bystanders. The second bomb killed him while he was stepping out of the car. He was killed by Ignacy Hryniewiecki. He was Anarchists.

1886 – Bomb Blast at Haymarket Square, Chicago, during a labour rally. 12 people were killed; one among them was a policeman. Seven policemen were injured and they died in the hospital. The people responsible were 8 Anarchists all of them were non-Muslims.

6 September 1901 – The US President, William McKinley, was shot twice by an Anarchist named Leon Czolgosz. He was a non-Muslim.

1 October 1910 – Bomb blast in Los Angeles at Times newspaper building. 21 were killed. The blast was done by 2 Christians named James and Joseph. They were union leaders.

28 June 1914 – Archduke of Austria and his wife were assassinated which precipitated the World War I. The members of Young Bosnia assassinated them - most of them were Serbs. They were non-Muslims.

16 April 1925 – Bomb Blast in St. Nedelya Church in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria. 10,050 were killed and 500 injured. This was the biggest terrorist attack that was done on the soil of Bulgaria. The Bulgarian Communist Party did it. They were non-Muslims.

9 October 1934 – King Alexander I of Yugoslavia was assassinated by a gunman by the name of Vlada Georgieff. He was a non-Muslim.

1 May 1961 – First US plane to be hijacked was not done by a Muslim. It was done by Ramierez Ortiz.

28 August 1968 – The US Ambassador to Guatemala was assassinated by a non-Muslim.

30 July 1969 – The US Ambassador to Japan was knifed by a Japanese non-Muslim.

3 September 1969 – US Ambassador to Brazil was kidnapped by a non-Muslim.

19 April 1995 - The famous attack of the Oklahoma Bombing in which a truck loaded with bombs ran into the federal building of Oklahoma, in which 166 were killed and 100 were injured. Initially in the press it came as 'Middle East Conspiracy'. Later on they came to know that it was done by two Christians named Timothy and Terry.

After World War II

After World War II from 1941 to 1948, the Jewish Terrorists conducted 259 terrorist attacks.

22 July 1946 – The famous bombing of King David Hotel was conducted under the leadership of Menachem Begin. 91 were killed, out of which 28 were British, 41 Arabs, 17 Jews and 5 others. The Ignun group dressed up as Arabs to show as though the Muslims did this bombing. Menachem Begin was called terrorist number one by the British government. Later on after a few years Menachem Begin the terrorist number one became the Prime Minister of Israel & got a Noble Prize for Peace. Imagine a person who was a terrorist number getting a Noble Prize for Peace. Menachem Begin and others were fighting to get a Jewish state. Before 1945 Israel did not exist in the World Map. These Jewish group were fighting for a Jewish state and later on with the power they kick the Palestinian out and now the same people are calling the same Palestinian who are fighting for a more just cause for getting their land back. And the Israelis label them today as Terrorist.
Hitler killed 6 million Jews. The Palestinians welcome the Jews. Later on the Jews kick the Palestinians out of their own land and when the Palestinians are fighting to get their land back they are labeled as Terrorists. It is like I welcome a stranger in my house. After a few days that person throws me out of my house and when I shout out side my house that I want my house back, you call me a Terrorist.

In Germany from 1968 – 1992, Baader Meinhoff Gang killed several innocent human beings.

In Italy, Red Brigades kidnapped and killed Aldo Moro, the former Prime Minister of Italy.

20 March 1995 - Aum Shinrikyo a Buddhist Cult used Nerve Gas in the Tokyo Subway in which 12 people were killed and 5700 were wounded and injured.

IRA (The Irish Republican Army)

In UK since hundred years IRA (The Irish Republican Army) is conducting Terrorist attacks against UK. They are Catholics. But are never called as Catholic Terrorist.

In 1972 IRA conducted 3 bomb blasts. In the first blast 7 were killed, in second blast 11 were killed and in the third 9 were killed.

In 1974 IRA conducted two bomb blasts. First at Guildford Pub in which 5 were killed and 44 injured; second at the Birmingham Pub which killed 21 and injured 182.

In 1996 IRA conducted bomb blast in London in which 2 persons were killed and more than were 100 injured. In the same year IRA conducted bomb blast in Manchester shopping center in which 206 people were injured.

On 1 August, 1998, the 'Banbridge' bomb blast took place. The IRA planted 500 pound of bomb, which was loaded in a car where 35 people were injured.

On 15 August, 1998, 'Omagh' bomb blast took place. IRA planted 500 pound of bomb in a car where 29 people were killed and 330 injured.
On the 4 March, 2001, the BBC was bombed by IRA.

The IRA is never called as Catholic Terrorist. Today the UK government is more afraid of Muslim terrorist. Today Tony Blair is more afraid of the 'Muslim terrorists' than IRA who is conducting terrorist attacks for more than a hundred years. Why?

In Spain and France ETA conducted 36 terrorist attacks. In Africa there are many terrorist organisations. But the most notorious is the 'Lord's Salvation Army'; a Christian terrorist organisation in Uganda. They train young childrens to commit terrorist attacks.

In Sri Lanka, the LTTE (Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elam) is the most notorious. It is the most violent terrorist organisation in the world. They are experts in suicide bombings and they even train children to take part in suicide bombings.

Normally people know Palestinian suicide bombings, Iranian suicide bombing, but they don't know that LITTE are people who have popularized to suicide bombings. The LTTE i.e. Tamil tigers, they are Hindus.

In India majority of the terrorist attacks are talked about the Kashmiri militants. In India there are terrorist organization belonging to almost all different religions. We have Sikh terrorist, the 'Bhindranwala' in Punjab. If you go to South Asian Terrorism portal run by Non-Muslims, and if you see the list of terrorist attacks done by all the people, you will find the Muslims in a minority. But that is never highlighted in the media.

On 5 June, 1984, the Indian Security Forces took over the Golden Temple in which 100 people were killed. In retaliation on 31 October, 1984, Prime Minister Indira Gandhi was assassinated by her Sikh security guard. In Tripura there are Christian terrorist organizations called ATTF (All Tripura Tiger Force) and NLFT (National Liberation Front of Tripura). On the 2 October, 44 Hindus were killed by these Christian terrorists.

In Assam we have ULFA (United Liberation Front of Assam). ULFA in the 16 years from 1990 to 2006 has conducted successfully 749 confirmed terrorist attacks. The ULFA will put the Kashmiri militants to shame. But in the newspapers we only hear of Kashmiri militant. Why? The ULFA are trained to kill the Muslims, they are Hindus. How many times do we hear about them?

The maximum terrorist attacks, which have been done in India, are done by the Maoists. Only in Nepal, in the past 7 years they have conducted 99 terrorist attacks. According to the Indian Government out of 600 districts in India Maoists are present in 150 districts of India. They have done terrorist attacks in one-third part of India. The Maoists are the biggest dangers to India but yet the Indian Government is afraid of the Muslim terrorist. Why? The reason is George Bush. The Times of India, edition dated 9 September, 2006, reported that 875 rockets and 30 launchers were confiscated by the police. It is the biggest haul in the history of India that the government has confiscated.

From all these things we can surely say that Terrorism is not a Muslim Monopoly. Not a Muslim monopoly, it is not even a specialty of the Muslims. It is not even encouraged by Islam. The Holy Qur'an says in Sura Maidah, chp.5, verse.32, that "If anyone kills any human being, except as a punishment for murder or creating mischief in the land, it will as though he had killed the entire humanity". Most of the religions don't preach that you should kill innocent human being. Terrorism is not the monopoly of any religion.

The human being who has killed the maximum people is Adolf Hitler. Hitler incinerated 6 million Jews. He was Christian.

Joseph Stalin (Uncle Joe) killed 20 million human beings; including 14.5 million were starved to death.

Mao Tse Tsung of China killed 14 to 20 million human beings. He was Non Muslim.

Benito Mussolini of Italy killed 400,000 human beings. Maximilin Robespierre during the French revolution starved and tortured 200,000 people to death and executed 40,000 people.

Ashoka in one battle of Kalinga alone killed more than 100,000 people. He was a Hindu.

Saddam Hussein killed a few 100 thousands people. But the embargo put by George Bush and the USA alone killed more than half a million Iraqi children.

In Indonesia, Muhammad Suharto killed 500,000 people.

This is nothing compared to Hitler or uncle Joe nothing compare to Mao TSE sung each individual will put the Muslims to shame. I am not trying to say that these individual they were religious. If they would have religious then they would not have committed such acts. But yet we find in the international media that the Muslims are called as fundamentalist, extremists and terrorists. The American Revolution took place in the 19th century. According to the British Government the terrorist No. 1 that time was Benjamin Franklin and George Washington.

Views of world's famous personalities

The President of Venezuela, 'Hugo Chavez' says, 'The biggest terrorist in the world is George bush'.

The President Elect of Bolivia, 'Evo Morales', he says that George Bush is a terrorist.

Famous singer and activist of America, Harry Bellefonte says that the biggest terrorist in the world is George Bush.

An MP in UK by the name of George Galloway he said, 'The blood that is on the hands of George Bush and Tony Blair is much more than the bombers who have done bombing in London. It will be justified that a suicide bomber goes and kill Tony Blair without injuring any other human being. This is type of suicide bombing will be justified'.

Former Chief Minister of West Bengal, Jyoti Basu said, 'The biggest terrorist in the world is George Bush'.

Noble prize winner for Peace, Betty Williams said, 'I would love to kill George Bush'.

Solution to terrorism

Politicians should be honest and just and should not do wrong things for the vote bank.
Innocent Indian citizens should not be instigated by the politicians and kill other human beings. Police should be upright and just and protect the innocent. They should not be ploy of the politicians. I know that there are times that they can be transferred. But if every policeman in India is honest, the new policemen who are transferred will also be honest. So what will the politicians do?

People should not take the law in their hand and kill other human being.

Mahatma Gandhi said, " If India has to improve it should be ruled by a dictator as honest and upright as Hadrat Umar (The Caliph of Islam). Dr. Joseph Adam Pearson said, 'People who worry that nuclear weaponry will one day fall in the hands of the Arabs, they fail to realize that the Islamic bomb has already been dropped, it fell the day Prophet MUHAMMED was born'.