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to thine own self be true



I thought I would start a new thread re be yourself. I read soixies post on her relationship and it occurs to me that married people often go for years with the worst sex lives yet have that façade of being happy.

I don’t know how it is for men except many are not getting the sex they want. I think they bed a virgin queen and want to wake up with the bi sexual fuck like a banchi who is Julie Andrews by day and sexy slut by night. Or kids and the daily grind wear people down and push them apart.

Women on the other hand feel like they become a hole in the mattress I don’t think my x would have minded if I were dead. I had as much life in me as a corps when I was married. A good indication is a litre of lube by the side of the bed.

Outwardly like sioxie we had the big house the good jobs the picture of perfect. We pretended we were attracted to each other we even kidded ourselves I think. I was never able to say no or I would get the big sulk all day long. I hated having a shower or he would be in there with me. He wanted me to blow him when I was breast feeding our child or even when I was on the loo he walked in and stuck his cock in my mouth.

I know women here were married to drunks or suffered abuse. Then when they are free of it they do go to extremes like soixie said. I have seen that effect on a lot of women that are at last free to explore their sexuality and they tend to go overboard and fuck anything that hits on them. I think it’s a validation of I am human again and guys want me. The swingers is a great place to explore your desires without feeling like you’re some kind of lesser woman for wanting to do that.

I think staying in an unhappy and miserable sexual relationship is soul destroying.

The women that go to swingers are to me the most open and honest and sexy beautiful women I have ever met. There is never any bitchy crap at all in swingers there is a sense of sisterhood and I think women that have the capacity to give generously of themselves are wonderful.

I admire the girls that can pleasure several men at one time. It fascinates me to watch them take on several men and see the total lustful delight on the men’s faces and on their own.

More power to the sexy goddess who shakes free of those fake unhappy relationships.
What do men think what to men do when they are in a miserable marriage?
Come on guys give us your points of view.
If there is one place we can understand each other better it has to be in a forum like this.

Honey blonde


Here we go...

Oh man, I'm right there with you honey.

I have been wanting to tell you guys something for a while and this seems like a moment for it... thanx for the opening, honey.

When I was 19 I fell utterly headlong in love with a man I met at uni. I wanted him so badly I destroyed all my friendships (which have never been repaired, and included some of the people I love most in the world) - except one, who refused to leave me - and broke off my engagement to another boy.

I moved in with the new man and for the first few months we had a lot of sex and assumed we were going to be happy forever. He was my first, so I didn't know much about sex or how it was supposed to feel, so I didn't realise that there was meant to be actual pleasure in it for me. Then there was a bit of a problem - his ex moved in with us, and though I pretended not to care and he assured me there was nothing left between them but friendship, I did care a lot and became increasingly clingy. I realise now that I never trusted him for a minute, because he never did anything with her - but I always worried that he would.

She moved out, and the relationship went on for another 2 years. We bought a flat together, got "engaged" (although he was never going to marry me) and acted like the world's most settled couple... but we hardly ever had sex. This was because about 8 months in, I found I couldn't stand it any more. I have since analysed myself to bits, trying to work out why, and my theory is this... I had sex with him, right from the start, because he wanted me to and I would have not been his "perfect woman" if I hadn't, and he would have dumped me. This means I was having sex against my will, right from my first time - a non-violent form of rape, for five years. Did I say five? Yes, he broke up with me after 3 years, but we continued to sleep together for two years, while I cried and screamed and begged him to take me back.

Sometime during this final 2 years, he insisted that our sex become non-exclusive. He wanted to swing. He wanted me to swing. I agreed - because I thought he might take me back if I did. He gave me a philosophy book written by swingers and I allowed myself to be swayed by the arguments. But I never slept with anyone else. He did. Although we were living apart he always told me when things were happening, and I hated it.

I finally managed to drag myself out, although it was one of the most painful decisions I've had to make, and the single friend I had left was there to take me to the movies and just be around so that I didn't have to face things on my own. Although this part of the story deserves to be told, this isn't the place for it and it's a long one.. but suffice it to say that about a year later, I married him.

And here I am again, after nearly 4 years of an exclusive, blissful marriage and a year together before that, just about to swing. My poor husband has had to deal with all the sexual problems left over from my horror story, and has patiently waited for me to like sex again. Trust has never been an issue between us and this decision to swing is made (not without some internal "woo-hoo"ing, I'm sure!) completely unselfishly on his part - he has never and will never try to make me do anything I don't want just for his own pleasure.

So I guess you could say this fits in with the thread and Honey made me see that I'm not the only person to make strange decisions in my love life.


I think staying in an unhappy and miserable sexual relationship is soul destroying.

Too true Honey!

I have been engaged 5x & married once...all engagements lasted only 3years...marriage 3months lol ;)...I WON"T settle for anything less now than an open honest sharing caring r/ship and if I cannot have that well I would rather nothing...

Your post hit home Honey on many diff subjects, I have been in abusive r/ships, and there are many forms of abuse and who wants to give it up to someone like that, I think I spent most of my time in them avoiding sex...just disgusts one when it gets like that...

I think by marrying my husband he thought it gave him permission to abuse me, hence why 3mths later I was walking....

I prob have alot more I would like to say on this, but time is running on me this morn....

yes Honey it would be more than interesting to hear it from the "other" sides view....like wat do u men think when us woman get like this...or do youse just not think at all....? (not 2b taken personally)


great posts

great posts

took a lot of gutts for you guys to go over that ground again



I'm with you ladies, why stay in a relationship that you resent having sex you hate, it may be hard to leave but from the sounds of it we all know its a hell of alot harder to stay. Know i know "having sex you hate" is something i'm sure we've all done for the sake of our past emotions to our partners or attempting to rescue the relationship, sex is simple, supposed to be intimate and lets face it, it's how most of my relationships started, what better way to try over than doin it... of course now i find myself a slice of reality and say that NEVER works, it just builds more resentment and anger because it's something we used to enjoy being twisted and turned into something we don't want.
I have since learnt to get out while the goings good and now am able to maintain friendships with ex's because it didn't end in hatred, just an understanding that things weren't working, sure sometimes it hurts but getting out is getting over it.
As for newly single sex craved women (meant in the nicest possible way) why the hell not, shouldn't we all do what makes us feel good, beautifull and as sexy as we all really are.? As long as it's not done to the detriment of others, who am i to judge..



I think I have been taking sex for granted recently. It seems that I want it all the time while she cools off periodically. If I don't get it then I get sulky. I recently took a decision to stop being so bloody selfish and the upshot is that she is starting to enjoy sex again!

This wasn't the aim but I guess that if you consider the other person then they will consider you.

PS. I hope this fits in with the thread!


you hit the nail on the head

sex is not supposed to be selfish its a giving act.

and men that sulk around because they cant get it makes me want to take some sharp sizzors to that thing.there were times I lay in bed and wished I could cut his cock of so he would perhaps treat me like a human being.
but that dick kept on raising its head and took over our whole life.

was was a walking hole.

you are a smart man
a lot of guys never realise why their wife just up and leaves
the women are telling them in body language in words in all kinds of ways but Mr Dick has no ears

I remeber a sex therapist saying that if a man could wait till the woman came and ask him for sex* and this could take months or if a man said lets play without full on sex let me do it for you, your not allowed to do a thing..this includes running the bath, getting a sitter for the kids cooking a meal and makeing sure the women is just not to frigin tied
then play time
no rush
no demands to get off
tactile tantric sex
good for you hon for thinking of your partners needs



Wow guys that was very deep and raw.....in all my travels with friends and family no-one has ever spoken so candidly about there scars as you both have..huge respect for u both and all the happiness in the world you both deserve................things ive encountered but always too embaressed to say to anyone...the blow job on the loo was the one that got me...everytime....he'd call my name werever he was.. was like a peice of meat.. 12 years of his sexual needs being 3 - 4 times a day...numb wasnt the word...disgusted it..hated it..he said i was weird cos i didnt want him as much as he did me...(he didnt want me..he wanted an IT)and that is why he had affairs because although i engaged in several sexual acts daily for 12 years it wasnt good enough becos i was a so called corpse..so he had that as an excuse to seduce every one of my friends and over a decade together only one friend remained true...although he was the dirty dog it was easier to blame the friends... to the point of violent outbursts, the funny thing being i wasnt jealous just outraged at there loyalty...something i could never understand from a woman..and to this day i hold the scars...and the sex thing...i was off it..i remember 3 days after our son had died, he was trying to get it again, his excuse was he needed to show me love!!!!
disgusting human being..
then the single life...sex with strangers was the objection, i was set free and my destiny was to use and abuse men the way i had been. and married men were my favourite, my way of dealing with my pain....thinks i feel ashamed off now...

funnily enough were are friends now, (we have 3 kids so its not there problem) but still trys to have sex when he gets the chance..and he has a nice young girlfriend...go figurrrrrrrre..
control freak or just freak

thank god for , my true man, patient and loving, thinks with his heart first then his dick, when its in that order he gets the pussy with pleasure!!!

its amazing how we go through things like this that we feel ashamed off even though we wernt to blame...

and sometimes even finding real happiness we still dont feel contentment..its as if we feel not good enough to have 'the good''the best''the real'

i would of prefered physical scars than the emotional ones i live with...

but destiny and fate i truely believe in and the path that lead to to were i am now was all for a reason..
im happy..finally and honestly


Thanks Honeyblonde,

Sex is so much more enjoyable when you know she wants to give it to you as well!

Conjugal rights be damned. It's both your right to say yes or no. It's just better when you both say yes ;)


To thy ownself be true
Or perhaps, to quote with rudimentary latin:
"Temet Nosce" ~ "Know Thyself".

First of all, more power to you, honeyblonde, for seeking to openly discuss what is obviously a painful issue not only for yourself but many others. It would seem your words have echoes in the lives of many, including my own. As you sought comment, this perspective is presented from an open and honest male.

For myself, two long term relationships have come and gone before marriage ever became a question. They both failed for their own reasons, yet would still consider myself on friendly terms with each. Neither ending was easy, losing that intimate trust, that connection of spirit. Yet with time the past has come to serve in shaping better understanding and communication on a level not possible between 'casual' friends.

Always being a loving, respectful partner, it is difficult for this one to grasp why a man would behave as badly as they have done. Being taught respect; for self, for others, for ones elders and to be a young gentleman in general may have had an influence.

Know yourself and set your mind, body and spirit free. Or as Madonna once said "...dont settle for second best, baby!"



I’ve been married for 10 years my biggest mistake is getting married too young 18 sex was great for both of us I work away for 2 weeks and 1 week on R & R so the week we had together was special we where open with one another and very honest and faithful

I would say being in a bad relationship isn’t worth the mental abuse it damagers you for life