I was going to animate the image with the Langtrees delivery cyclist riding vigorously over a bumpy road. As he hits a bump sex aids bounce out of the box onto the road. An elderly couple stands on the side of the road waiting to cross with a shocked look on there face as a dildo lands in front of them on the road. Times have changed...
During these crazy times of lockdown, there has been an increase in home delivery. Unfortunately, a lot of businesses have had to temporarily shut their doors. However, it's not all doom and gloom. Business needs to be creative and find new ways, services and products to keep their head above water. And to keep their workers employed.
I noticed on Locanto that allot of escorts selling their own sexy cam videos, lingerie, sex aids, xxx magazines and so on... So the idea was to create a new service and products that are COVID-19 safe. The Range of home delivery products could be "Mystery Sex Kit", "Fantasy Sex Kit", "BDSM Kit", a Premium VIP sex kit with a blow-up doll, personalised sexy voice message and a personalised sex video.
Imagine the media attention and brand awareness it would create with Langtrees home delivery cyclist with sex kits on there back roaming the streets of Perth 24/7.