
Gold Member
Hi girls,
Occasionally thrush prevents me from working. I get it from going in the shared spas and from if I let a guy to finger me. Another girl told me that large ansell condoms give her thrush.

I want to know if there is anything else to be aware of. Sorry it's a gross topic but This is genuinely affecting my work.

Any advice for preventing it or anything you have noticed that makes it worse please share cheers Viv


Gold Member
Where possible avoid using soap to wash the vaginal area. Soap and deodorants can act as an irritant Soap substitutes can be used such as Sorbolene Avoid using antiseptics, douches or perfumed sprays in the vaginal area. Also try to avoid using perfumed toilet papers and menstrual products.Perfumed products and the chemicals in them can act as an irritant.

Try and avoid wearing tight fitting pants and synthetic underwear. Cotton or none at all is best Cotton clothing and underwear decreases humidity in the vaginal area and this in turns helps prevent yeast from thriving and thrush occurring.

Sometimes a trigger to thrush can be the laundry detergent a person uses. If thrush is reoccurring try changing the laundry detergent and do not use fabric softeners

Reducing sugar and alcohol intake is meant to decrease the chances of getting thrush. Avoid sugar and refined carbohydrates where possible because in excess both suppress the immune system which can make a person susceptible to infection

Lack of sleep may also impair the immune system and this in turn may make you susceptible to thrush.

Anxiety, stress and tension can cause the body to release stress hormones from the adrenal glands. These stress hormones, are called corticosteroids. Corticosteroids suppress certain cells in the immune system leaving a person more susceptible to infection.

monique mielle

There are some tips that is always good to know about " Trush " :

* If you keep getting thrush, try swapping the
type of lube you’re using to a silicone lube or
just try swapping brands.

* Also avoid the excess use of liquid soap after several times .

* Thrush can develop if you are pregnant, wear tight clothing with no ventilation, are taking antibiotics, have uncontrolled diabetes or use soaps and detergent products to wash with. It can be passed on by sex with someone who has thrush, but is not considered an STI as it can develop without having had sex. Men can get Thrush, causing irritation, itch and redness at the bell end of the penis (glans) and the foreskin, or a discharge like cottage cheese around the foreskin. Thrush can be treated with cream, pessaries or tablets for women and usually with a cream or tablet for men. It is possible to mistake the symptoms of an STI for Thrush, so it should be properly checked and treated.

canesten cream.jpg
Canesten cream is always a good option for trush treatment .


Diamond Member
ACI-JEL works too. I am not sure if still available.
It stopped any outbreaks I had.

One time one of my male staff was worried he had a serious VD. To settle him down I let him show me and the bright red balls was only thrush. I sent him to the chemist and in a few days he was all good again.

The only problem was he was worried his girlfriend would think he was playing up. Yes he was. Also I am not sure how he convinced his girlfriend use it to stop it keep coming back.

Tania Admin

You may also have a slight allergy to Latex. Try the Skyn's condoms and see how you go. Also eat plenty of Greek Natural Yoghurt. I really hope this helps. Nothing worse than being itchy and/or sore.


Reception and Bartender in the ACT
Gold Member
Thrush can literally be caused by anything and if left can lead to UTIs and Kidney Infections which sucks but I can suggest Vagisil they've got a few products regarding feminine hygiene products as well as a lubricant that helps with ph balance.


Reception and Bartender in the ACT
Gold Member
Also proper Cranberry juice (unsweetened and not cordial) helps relieve the horror that is thrush
They also suggest salt baths and Ural is always a handy helper regarding lady parts


Gold Member
Thankyou for the suggestions I had not thought twice about laundry detergent I am defiantly going to be changing some things! I appreciate people replying to this as it has affected my work.


Forum & Administrator
Legend Member
Drink lot's of water to flush out your system and certainly what was said before about using soap etc in your vaginal area. Warm water will do as the vagina produces a natural film to keep itself protected. Soap is known to dry out the natural protection fluid and makes the vagina more unprotected to any kind of bacteria.


Whatever happened to FREE love?
Legend Member
If all else fails, get the man from U.N.C.L.E. on the case...



Legend Member
Poor ol thrush why do the girls dislike you so?
Then again why do they let you near their naughty bits?

Amanda Secrets

Diamond Member
Lots of great ideas here, on a natural level using natural yoghurt internally before bed and also during day (use a tampon to keep internal and save mess ) actually assists too! You can leave at room temp first lol When washing or bathing add a few drops of lavender and T tree oil to your bath water or sponge, dilute in water first if adding to a sponge ( use good therapeutic quality only ladies! helpful tip :- essential oils are photosensitive so avoid cheap oils in clear glass packaging! and only go for quality oils in dark bottles ) will assist. Try going on a cleanse also for 10 days avoiding yeast products - bread, alcohol ( tough I know!!) mushrooms any thing with a yeast content. Foods that will assist this include having a glass of warm water each morning with a couple of tablespoons of organic apple cider vinegar and drinking ( it will say cold pressed and distilled in barrels on the label - usually nice and cheap to buy also!) Great for bathing with also- exceptionally good for the complexion as well :) Canestan will work - its a fix not a preventative, usually is short term assistanc but if you can control it naturally by addressing diet and the underlying cause its much better for you :)


I know the feeling, I can only use one type of condom and lub otherwise I get thrush. Sooooo annoying.


Perth Escorts
Gold Member
Talk to your doctor especially if you get thrush often. There are also vitamins you can buy at the pharmacist that can help prevent thrush.


Perth Escorts
Gold Member
There are also probiotics you can buy for downstairs... they help to even the balance of bacteria.