The magic word "Extra"!


Terces Erif

I was quite a happy guy after paying visit to few AMPs before I came to know about this word "extra" in this forum. As a very new explorer to this establishments I was truly excited to get a nude body massage followed by hand relief. But that word in too many threads made me think that I might have missed something more exclusive more special more intimate more erotic.:banghead: Mystery lies in that word is very intriguing. I think I do deserve "extra" as I'm ready to pay for it ;). But wondering, what should be the best way to approach for it? By saying extra, what am I supposed to expect.:)

Ginger Spice

Here Comes Trouble
Legend Member
You should probably start with asking if the lady offers extra's, if she says yes ask her what they are. Then of course what she charges for them.


Legend Member
If she asked if you want happy ending ask her what's on offer and how much
It would cost most whisper it like no one is suppose to know what they are doing most times if you want to pay for it you get what ever you want $

Terces Erif

You should probably start with asking if the lady offers extra's, if she says yes ask her what they are. Then of course what she charges for them.
Thanks Ginger Spice :). It sounds pretty straight forward! I was worrying a little about approaching cause I just don't want to offend anyone and spoil the environment and good conversations. It's good if queries are taken that professionally, I don't have anything weird in my mind though.....:)

Terces Erif

If she asked if you want happy ending ask her what's on offer and how much
It would cost most whisper it like no one is suppose to know what they are doing most times if you want to pay for it you get what ever you want $

Thanks Obbie. I have started getting some insight :).