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The entitled generation


Legend Member
I know many on this site are gen Y and will tell me off But....

Who feels we have a generation of young people who feel they have a sense of entitlement I know there are many hard working and genuine Gen Y's yet as a general rule they appear to want life served on a plattter

For example A friend works for a small business in Geraldton and they have a new chum on the payroll
As the newest His Morning job is to get the morning tea snacks for the blokes in his section Vanilla slice or a pie from the shop etc
He bluntly told his direct boss he did not and would not do such a thing as it was to use his words it was "Beneath him" I will add he is 18. And he was also upset when he was not allowed to knock off a hour early on a very quiet Friday Yet the oldies who had 20yrs of loyal service behind them could. It was unfair

So is it just me or is this sense of entitlement now becoming an everyday occurance and dont get me started on work ethic


If it was me I'd say get you own f'n tea snacks, vanilla slice or a pie.


Mate I see this every day in students who want to be spoon-fed, and when you don't give them the answer or the specific information they want.. .they cry foul...

And they all want my level of knowledge and experience right now.. and moan that they will never be able to do what I do...

My favourite moment was being told because I've been out of uni for a while now and doing my job, that I didn't know what I was doing and they knew better as they were training now and more up to date etc...


Legend Member
My favourite moment was being told because I've been out of uni for a while now and doing my job, that I didn't know what I was doing and they knew better as they were training now and more up to date etc...

What? Life skills and experience dont count ?


In my limited experience of the workforce is that the plebs who had been there the longest were by far the laziest... and got away with it.


Wiink. I'll Do the Rest
Gold Member
I'm Gen X and supervise (and mentor) several Gen Y professionals at one of the world's biggest corporations. It's somewhat true that the Gen Y people I work with - especially the girls - act as if they are entitled to the same perks and privileges that most don't get for 20 years. But ...

a) They really are very good. They are extremely well educated and well trained, they know their stuff, and their ability to use technology is better than anyone else's.

b) They have a global perspective that older generations struggle to understand.

c) They have no patience with people who aren't as capable as they are. So, if you want to get their attention and teach them something, the first thing you have to do is beat them in every aspect of their job. You have to be more up to date, more tech savvy, more competitive.

d) There are too many of them. Gen Y is bigger than the Baby Boomers, so you have to learn to play by their rules to some extent.

I like the pressure they put me under. It makes me work harder, try more, and keeps me from getting soft.

So yes, they act entitled. But their attitude keeps us from acting that way and keeps us sharper than we might otherwise be.


My favourite moment was being told because I've been out of uni for a while now and doing my job, that I didn't know what I was doing and they knew better as they were training now and more up to date etc...

What? Life skills and experience dont count ?

No apparently not, because my training was old now and they had the "current" training...


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy, I will agree with all SAO26.2 and ThatGuy Posted. There one more small fact that is very different, Ture GenY is a large group and True they are highly trained, but, been highly trained actually dose not mean they are smarter or can handle a work place, a lot off them crumble under the pressure, and finally GenY is not loyal at all, they are only loyal to themselves and their own needs. They will jump from one job to another within months you would be very lucky if one stays for 3 years and they consider us;- GenX as old and non competitive
Cheers lads and Pass the Rum


Legend Member
my dealings have not been with those who have been spoken of as highly trained etc Just young blokes or sheilas who left school as soon as possible And only working as juniors in a spare parts business sweeping floors etc or working maccas etc
yet still the I am entitled scenario shows through


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy Bro H2, Yes it will, through the City and Country kids, welcome to GenY our future leaders LOL


In my working life I found both the older and the younger workers to be as incompetent as one another.


Gold Member
For example A friend works for a small business in Geraldton and they have a new chum on the payroll
As the newest His Morning job is to get the morning tea snacks for the blokes in his section Vanilla slice or a pie from the shop etc
He bluntly told his direct boss he did not and would not do such a thing as it was to use his words it was "Beneath him" I will add he is 18. And he was also upset when he was not allowed to knock off a hour early on a very quiet Friday Yet the oldies who had 20yrs of loyal service behind them could. It was unfair

Haha! Sounds like a wanker.
As Louie CK says - He thinks he's too interesting a person to have a shitty job,

To answer your question though - Nah. I don't think so. Plenty of entitled baby boomers as well.


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Let's not forget that we created Gen Y the way they are. that doesn't make it any better but kids are not born with the sense of entitlement. They are the product of parents who do everything, pay for everything and let them get away with everything. Schools are going in the same direction.......no competition allowed (all kids are talented .........??????) nobody fails (ahhhhh ok???????) and no kid is allowed to scratch a knee in the school yard (straight away a claim about health and safety)........hang on........reality check please. Everybody born before 1985 might have been lucky to grow up like a 'normal' kid with consequences for actions, with bad marks (because we are not all talented), failures and scratched knees. Oh Yeah

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
I agree.....Kids now have all information of all types from almost all sources at the touch of a finger or a swipe of a screen.

But lets start from when they are small and cute. They really are all talented and intelligent. They are pure potentiality at that point. Then often before our eyes they get to the age where boundaries, restrictions, etiquette's, and ethics are required to live life.

And we as Gen X and above ( I missed out by a month from being a Gen X :( ) are actually caught up in our own stuff i life. Or we give anything to protect them resulting in restricting them for the sake of protecting them.

Going back to my first sentence. When they want to see, hear, or know something they can....... Yet they may not have the capacity to yet see if it is appropriate, correct, or good for them. And there is little restricting them from almost anything.

There comes a point where their ability to access boundless information goes beyond our capacity to even keep up let alone regulate them.

And there develops the habits of a lack if delayed gratification. And also being bombarded with data, media, and telecommunicational info, which first becomes an unquenchable habit. And then most of it just becoming involuntary, they will have little capacity left to absorb guidance, or philosophy. Especially if it requires real human contact to learn or if they are restricted to reading one thing at a time.

In my experience, this is now as yesterday was then. There was never a golden era. Gen Y are here, and they are the way they are and collectively they are unlikely to change. So retaining old world values I will. Yet I will adopt theirs and be as proficient if not more for the sake of myself and those in direct contact with me.

Otherwise.......I will be a wind up analogue watch in a digital age. And it will be me that plays the whinging fool.


H2, did your mum ever tell you that you had it better than her?

I reckon every generation whinges about those who are older and those who are younger.

Col's right, I work alongside people of all ages and races and it seems people are either hardworkers or they are not.

The least competent, laziest bloke i work with is 51. Second laziest is 18 and the hardest worker is a 20yo girl.

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
H2, did your mum ever tell you that you had it better than her?

I reckon every generation whinges about those who are older and those who are younger.

Col's right, I work alongside people of all ages and races and it seems people are either hardworkers or they are not.

The least competent, laziest bloke i work with is 51. Second laziest is 18 and the hardest worker is a 20yo girl.

Goes to the show the DIAMONDS and the ROUGH exist in all facets of humanity.

Langtrees VIP Perth 3

Diamond Member
Rochelle you hit the nail right on the head. We have created this generation.
We are the generation that never suffered war, depression or massive life changing events. We worked hard to give our kids everything.
So many of us forget to give time to teach the more important things in life like compassion,empathy,hard work,commitment and a sense of humility.
I am a big believer that you can give kids all the toys and gadgets in the world but it is time and moments that they will remember. x


Legend Member
I'd say this 18yr old is being bullied for his age and his newness to the business.


Sif being told to do the morning tea run is bullying!

He should STFU and do it and take the extra 10 min breal like everyone else does.


Can't those old f##kers get off their arse and get their own vanilla slice.


Legend Member
Sorry but we cant start our working lives in middle management You staart at the bottom and Work your way up An unfortunately S*** jobs are part of the process
I mean you just know in 12mnths time said 18 yr old now 19yr old will be giving his morning tea order to the New Chum


Legend Member
On the positive side, at least he won't be standing around scratching his balls. lol...


Older doesn't necessarily mean better does it.

I'm a disruptive influence in most of the workforces I've been in. Doesn't take long for me to run rings around the boss.


Gold Member
I've been in countless meetings where a young lady (gen y-er) brings in tea/coffee and the baby boomers in the room almost never say thanks.
So in my experience - Baby boomers = The Thankless Generation.


Wiink. I'll Do the Rest
Gold Member
Baby Boomers. Let's start with their defining moment, Woodstock. Most of the ones who went didn't have a ticket. They just showed up, partied for several days, and left a huge mess for someone else to clean up. It's been pretty much the same ever since.


Yep, and lets not forget how good life was for the parents of baby boomers born in the 30's.

Post war the economy was strong, technology was on the rise, crime low and they ultimately had a better life than the previous generation who suffered war and serious depression.