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TBC - Daily Roster . 0405 091 273 Myaree - ✅

Samuel Bellamy

Silver Member
Well. the good Cardinal paid a visit to TBC on the long weekend, hoping to revist the halycon days of TBC. Alas not to be, no towel in the toilet to wash your hands, place looking old & stale. Sky was on duty, reasonable looking nice lithe bod, but that was all. Totally not interested, uncommunative, no hint of tease, but everything on offer. Being a generous fellow I allowed her to give me a HJ, even though not an ounce of tease was fortcoming during the massage, applied during what was a reasonable massage. The HJ was delivered without any real enthusiam. In the bygone days the door to this shop would have been closing & opening constantly, but not this Sunday. Oh, how I yearn for the likes of Mandie, Shirley, Queena, Lola, Monica & Blondie amongst others!!

Yes, I also of late visited Sky, a pirates error, never to be repeated!!


Bronze Member
Hi there, where can I see this weeks/next week's roster for tbc?
Thankyou 🙏

Also I went to Tbc before, maybe almost a year ago and saw Jenny, would also like to know if she still works in Perth, thankyou 🙏