Wow. Thanks for that. I didn't realise that the only people who abused solvents and drank alcohol were street-walking prostitutes. I will now consider myself educated. NOT!!!!!!
Sounds like pure snobbery to me. Nimby-ism.
Whoa, lady!
Sounds like the tiger struck a nerve there??
In his defence let me point out that he was quoting from the Town C.E.O who is a typical purse-lipped wowser, not offering his own opinion.
However, for once Giorgi was pretty close to the truth (novel experience for him, believe me)
The problem in Highgate was less about the girls and more about the kind of kerb-crawling scumbags who trawled around the area looking for them.
How would you like having carloads of boozed up yobs crawling around your area at all hours of the night with stereos booming fit to wake the dead and raucous voices yelling obscenities?
How would you like to be a young, or not so young lady walking home from work or a night out and having a car pull up alongside you with the driver propositioning you for sex?
How would you like finding used condoms and syringes (yes, some of them are junkies) tossed over your fence for your kids/pets to find?
How would you like to be running a business, particularly a bar or restaurant, in an area with a not entirely undeserved reputation as a "bad place to be at night" ?
At the height of the problem workers cleaning up around the primary school even found a "nest" under one of the older buildings with an old mattress surrounded by a litter of empty goon bags, condoms and syringes. A rung or two below Langtrees, eh?
The Police were finally stirred into action and I have to say they were damned efficient about it. They walked the streets handing out business cards with a mobile 'phone number to all residents and business owners with instructions to call that number if they saw a streetwalker or kerb-crawler. When called, they usually responded within half an hour and moved the offender on. Later, they ran stings using Police women dressed appropriately to target the clients and a couple of dozen were busted with the bonus of having their names and addresses published in the "West" The "name and shame" treatment was the final nail in the coffin. No cusomers, no girls.
That was all a few years ago but the matter is still a touchy one with the locals and streetwalkers or kerb-crawlers operate around Highgate/North Perth at their peril.