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Sticks & Stones But Mary-Anne & Serena survive...

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Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Talking Turkey Moderator
Hi everyone had 10 weeks off the computer and feel great for it.Found the forum was taking away my life so had a good break.
Love to catch up with every one and promise to reply to personal messages.
Have a great week end I certainly am.

The following was the 4th reply but when I edited the answers I lost the lot because of my bloody password or security wall problem at home.Luckily I saved it and not one word of Pukka reply has been changed.This post will be of interest to regular forum guests but is a old story and not even sure I shouldn't have just deleted it taken me three bloody hours to write two blinking posts and put the story back in order.

This post was posted the other day in response to Maryanne's comeback on the forum, to which I deleted it as the author has had nothing to do with the club for months, has been banned as a trouble maker for writing posts like this against what is mentioned in the rules of the Forum. I spoke to Maryanne about it and she has asked me to repost it. The person was Pukka under another one of his disguises as LadyMuck, so if anyone wants to get this personal, at least have the decency to say who you really are!!!! Here is the post.
This post has also been edited by Mary-Anne Kenworthy so the answers are in order hopefully.

By LadyMuck (alias Pukka - who enjoyed himself each time he came to the club)

It's a shame that in that period of time, an evaluation of where this business is going didn't cross your mind. With all the problems with LP's and the underhand way the staff and customers have been treated it is no wonder that Club Oz has made a revivial. A couple of points that you have neglected to mention.

1. LP's was run for a while without MA interference, but is now back under the wing. Why? Because it was an unmitagated disaster previously.

Answer by Mary-Anne Kenworthy

LP's was created by me for me and for all woman as our playground for gentlemen that wish to pleasure woman.I bought an exsisting club and it became my property and I have always said to enjoy its pleasures embrace our dream and be our guest but don't try to to tell us what do that is my right, especially as we had to learn through experimentation a whole new industry.Lp's is a adventurous adult playground not a swingers club.Monkeys swing we party.Its also been a wonderful adventure and highly sucessful if you take what I've learnt, with lots of teething problems but we've bought Pleasure to a thousand people in less than a year out of three thousand.
How many people have you bought Pleasure to Pukka

2. Why have so many staff and guests been banned? We all know why! They dared to stand up against you, the only response you have is the cowardly one, the one that shows the mantle of how the working lady industry is run, by fear and threat.

Answer by Mary-Anne Kenworthy
How many guests and Staff been banned I think 9 to date out of over 2600 forum members the first 5 by advice and I posted to them all why with my name on it then yourself because of some silly power struggle and then one of our special ladies because she needed some space and on advice from someone that really cared for her, and then just recently 12 people were banned because whilst in NZ someone was given administration and while learning how to use it they stuffed up, even all our computers and Danny who built the club were banned but when it came to my attention we have turned them all back on.

3. LP's is over priced, and despite the major clientele being single guys, you have not learnt what all other swingers clubs have high prices drive the guys away, and the females go elsewhere too. I am a regular at Club Oz, and the atmosphere is superior and the theme of the club is Swinging, not socialising, ****ing not procrastinating.

Answer by Mary-Anne Kenworthy
Well then why are you worrying about what we are doing.Do you support two footy teams as well.We are not a swingersclub we are a adventurous adult club.LP's is right for some people and Club Oz is right for others so why do you think you have the the right to tell me what to charge surely I have the right to judge the worth of my guests and if you want me to be blunt I value my guests worth as more than some and wished to get rid of the Lurkers and whinges and my door price has certainly solved most of that.Only myself and the new boss of Lp's will have any say in the door charge.
His nasty insult to Serena
How long this post stays up before the Web Nazi you employ shuts it down and deletes it is will be intereresting. But as the forum is so rarely communicated on, it is a wonder it still exists. The truth is out there, and yet MA you will quash it for fear that everyone knows the ruthlessness you possess.
Answer by Mary-Anne Kenworthy
Ruthlessness or righteous maybe you meant.I vaguely remember you Pukka and Serena and I have discussed it and neither remember you coming across as a nasty character,if I insulted you somehow it was not with a mean intention and it is possible you have been set up because some of the wording is remarkably similar to a adversary.

Answer by Mary-Anne Kenworthy
The following comments have been answered in my later post to Serena.
Thank You Pukka now piss off and these posts will stay public unless you ring and apologise to Serena and she will change or add 20 words to them.
But the post will never be deleted only softened.When you go public with something have the courage like Serena said to do it in your own name because from experience it will bite you in the bum and thanks for rejuvenating the forum in less than 24 hours.P.S we will only allow replies to this post for 7 days .

His parting compliments to me answered in a later post to Serena
You can't take the working girl out of a workking girl, and you'd have to be uneducated and unattractive in the first place to get into it, and the wearing of a maids uniform is not going to change the perception of 'Mutton dressed as Lamb'.
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maryanne said:
Hi everyone had 10 weeks off the computer and feel great for it.Found the forum was taking away my life so had a good break.
Love to catch up with every one and promise to reply to personal messages.
Have a great week end I certaqinly am.

Welcome Back maryanne :)

A break from the computer can be good LOL shame I cannot do it LOL


Welcome Back

It's good to see you are back Maryanne :headbang:

We hope you did read our message thanking you for the opportunity at Midland.
We were dissappointed that you didn't make it to the opening, we went all out to impress you. :wav:

Thanks once again, we appreciate it very much.
xx Maxeen


Foundation Member
We're glad you're back Maryanne and we'll have to catch up soon. I hope LP's went well on the weekend.

It was a great weekend small crowds but wonderful people.Friday was fast and furious and Sat was quiet and intimate with lots of horny sights.
P.S The male stripper was simply wonderful Chris I think it was.What a body inviting him back next week with Mistress Marnie, she has a fantansy to tie him up so all the ladies can molest his body at their leisure for two hours at least.
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Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Talking Turkey Moderator
Girls sorry about the opening but had to at LP's only me and merv to host the party.
Love to come down one evening with Warren and meet your lovely ladies, promise no spying and get the crownies on ice.

Mary Anne PA

reposting a post by a banned member

This post was posted the other day in response to Maryanne's comeback on the forum, to which I deleted it as the author has had nothing to do with the club for months, has been banned as a trouble maker for writing posts like this against what is mentioned in the rules of the Forum. I spoke to Maryanne about it and she has asked me to repost it. The person was Pukka under another one of his disguises as LadyMuck, so if anyone wants to get this personal, at least have the decency to say who you really are!!!! Here is the post.

By LadyMuck (alias Pukka - who enjoyed himself each time he came to the club)

It's a shame that in that period of time, an evaluation of where this business is going didn't cross your mind. With all the problems with LP's and the underhand way the staff and customers have been treated it is no wonder that Club Oz has made a revivial. A couple of points that you have neglected to mention.

1. LP's was run for a while without MA interference, but is now back under the wing. Why? Because it was an unmitagated disaster previously.

2. Why have so many staff and guests been banned? We all know why! They dared to stand up against you, the only response you have is the cowardly one, the one that shows the mantle of how the working lady industry is run, by fear and threat.

3. LP's is over priced, and despite the major clientele being single guys, you have not learnt what all other swingers clubs have high prices drive the guys away, and the females go elsewhere too. I am a regular at Club Oz, and the atmosphere is superior and the theme of the club is Swinging, not socialising, ****ing not procrastinating.

How long this post stays up before the Web Nazi you employ shuts it down and deletes it is will be intereresting. But as the forum is so rarely communicated on, it is a wonder it still exists. The truth is out there, and yet MA you will quash it for fear that everyone knows the ruthlessness you possess.

You can't take the working girl out of a workking girl, and you'd have to be uneducated and unattractive in the first place to get into it, and the wearing of a maids uniform is not going to change the perception of 'Mutton dressed as Lamb'.




Well I've read it> I dont believe it!!! It's a shame really I suppose! maybe a supply dummies is needed! He must surely have run out by now! :drunken_s What a load of :puke: Thanks for puting it back up Serena,


Foundation Member
I would just like to say in response to Pukka that as a staff member I have never been treated unfairly. It's a shame that someone like this has to be so nasty. If you Pukka want to go to Club Oz, well then go, but I've always enjoyed myself at LP's. Also socialising is part of getting to know people and then the rest can happen. It won't always happen the first time you attend a Swingers Party, after all it takes time to get to know someone before taking the next step.

I'm sorry that you're such a bitter person, but you shouldn't blame other people or call them names. I have always found MA to be a good person and all those associated with LP's.


Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Talking Turkey Moderator
Dearest Serena
Thank you for your delightful intro to Pukka’s Post.How coincidental that he uses Lady Muck. I was called it years ago when I first started The Agency Escorts at Midland.
My mother nicknamed me originally Madam Muck as a child to help me keep my feet planted on the ground. When I arrived in Perth Sue taught me the ropes and gave me the oppurnity to earn the Madam title and nicknamed me Lady Muck. I don’t think I was meant to turn it to an adventure.
Looking back 20 years later what fun the good old days were and how much living and learning I’ve done since then, and I often wonder if I deserve all the heart and love I’ve been given and all the special moments I’ve had but deliciously selfish enough to love them all and myself as well.
They say the path to true happiness is self discovery and to discover yourself you have to learn to like yourself first then love yourself and I truly do and through that have found the true gift of being alive. They say it is all in the air around you and every breath you ever take .so learn to breathe and you learn to live.
Love is in the air…..
How joyful our creator must of been in giving every living thing the air and then the ability to learn and adapt, and the strength to wear a thousand names and beliefs and make every one of then true and necessary within its time without ever showing his image because they all are.
Enough of my rambling and what I really want to say is thank you for the strength to repost his post especially after his Nasty Slur to my Amazon Protector.
In the world of B&D only the true evil that is only 3% worship the Nazi fantasy.
Another of those silly things that stick in my head that I’ve learnt on my journey is that only 3% of all people are evil and 97% of all people are good and you were right to want to delete this post but we have 97% chance by putting it up that it will do us and others some good and increase our strength of self.
As to the compliment to me about” the working girl” I’m proud to have been a working girl and even had the cheek to be proud to except the Working Girl of the year title (which I added “of the world” to the title)
I’m proud too that our Amazon Protector who has never worked stands up to protect us all with equal lust & justice.
I think the final words to the speech was after I stuck it wings and all up my own governments rectum to solve the legislation issue I would then use it on the world governments, is it wrong to want to make a difference and right a wrong.
I ‘vee had a little win, they can’t administer the unjust law at least, but at the pace my government goes I wonder when we will get our wrongs righted. West Australians are leaders in nearly all the moral law issues yet all our sister states except South Australia and Tasmania have changed their laws. We’ve had three or four attempts and still not close enough to getting it right. Beverley’s 15,000-word submission is just about the best solution with a win win for all.

Last but not least
Mutton dressed as lamb but very tasty mutton if I do say so myself, when you have the perfect outfit it only adds to the magic of the experience.
Good Night Serena.
P.S “You must borrow it one day its magical maybe our new years eve party"
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melly bear

Welcome back MA.....it hasn't been the same around here without you and Serena ...... you must be due for a back scratch by now huh?



Foundation Member
my piece!

Maryanne its great to c u back on the forum we have missed your input! Your unique wit and take on life is always stimulating........ :angel1:

as for the comments by pukka well i would like to respond in much as the same vein as suzie, having been a member of the club since the beginning and being a staff member on and off durin this period all i can say is i love the place. The club has for the most part been run according to the principles set down by MA and the purpose as she has stated was to make it a ladies playground. That is what attracted me to go there in the first place and continue going. Some of pukkas comments are ludicrous but i am glad u let his comments stay in place just to show that u give everyone a fair and equal say without censure. The main point pukka seems to miss is that it is as much a social venue as a " swinging "venue. Not all people go up there to get laid first or even second time. Some like myself and waxenboy love the atmosphere and the people. It is MY choice what i (and others want to do) while we are there if we want to sit and socialise pukka who are u to judge us?

Mary Anne PA

I personally don't understand why someone needs to waste so much energy on something that is obviously personal to him, considering how he did enjoy himself at the club as per pics previously posted but that is neither here nor there.

My purpose on here is to make sure things run smoothly, people are looked after, questions answered, help anybody that needs help and obviously to promote the club as yes this is an advertising board as well so people know what's going on and coming up.

I've never liked politics being brought into things that don;t need it, we are a business as such and are professional enough to want to keep things here dealt in professional ways even though it is the internet. Therefor I don't want to bother with innuisms, attacks, negatism etc, I like to leave that for people who have little else to do but that.

We attract people that like our sort of Club and want to visit us, we don't attack other clubs or people to bring them down, it's not our business to do that and everyone has the right to make a living.

There are restaurants out there that are more expensive then others and everyone has the right to choose where they want to go or pick which one they want to visit, same as adult clubs without trying to run them down all the time.
The choice is in all of ourselves to do what we have to do, but do it we must without trying to hurt others in the process, because we are only here for a short time, so just live it and enjoy it as we all face our maker at some stage.

So I will keep on being the "web nazi" and the amazon protector so we can run this forum as it's meant to be. Anyone that doesn't like it, then don't visit it, but everyone is welcome, but treat others as you would want to be treated yourself.

I look at all the things happening over in America at the moment and think 'my God, how would we cope with something like that here' and yet we have time to run around being mean and spiteful at times. Life has more meaning than that, so just live it and be happy.


Message To pukka/ladymuck

In response to your comments re working girls: :ky: :la: :laughing1
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Can i have my two bobs worth.

Have watered this way down & no names.
Well things are starting to fall into place.
over the last three months had a lot of crap
that has come my way,
and for the life of me didn't know why-?
Funny P/Ms-then the Forum going down
going on to my PC been hacked and wiped out
for some thing I said in two of my posts on the forum
to a friend of mine.
All i ask is please-please do it One more time.
Now as for LPs I go up there for the fun and meet friends
so what is wrong with that--meet new ones each time I go there
-- Even had a Date with The good looking pussycat that owned the place
before the s--t hit the fan,- Now from this old billygoat that pussy-cat
sure can purrrrrrrrrrrrrr--Then to attack someone thats just looking after a friend is hitting below the belt,-shame on you young fella.
And as for the nasty slurring of the working girls -where would
we be with out them. we all work in different ways
someone need to get their head above there belly,
Me Im the lucky one to be made the first life member of outskirts retreat,
And Proud of it --even with the slurs-that i get sometimes.
To have Two Blonde Madam,s and with me in the middle looking to out for me
Eat ya heart out guys.lol.
So all il say to you two girls-the Madam and the Amazon hold your heads
Way up High and be proud of who you are -We Are. :eek:ccasion1
With me what you see is what you get-and if ya dont like -stiff,

ps.Suzie,you still owe me that massage-wink.lol.

Mary Anne PA

cowboys and indians

There are many soldiers in an army , caporals , sargents captains and the like. But there can only be one five star general.To many cooks spoil the broth. Every person has a job in any organization if that person is a weak link he or she must be moved. And lets face it if you do not remove the mould from a slab of cheese the whole lot will go(excluding blue vein}.
The right way always prevails it is the way of the universe.


'Only Got One Thing To Say.......


--- :wav: ---


Last One, I Promise ! :icon_prof Well said Hilly,Climax,Sioxie,Serena :icon_salu .I like my steaks Just the way you do them.Cannot think of a better place to spend a couple of nights a week ,with very nice people. :love4: you ALL.


you forget-?


Not like you to forget-?
are you tired my sweet-pea,
good night Babe----
WITH A SMILE-- :hello: .



:dontknow: :icon_scra
............OH! ---WITH A SMILE---
HA HA :angel1:
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Yep-ya got it.


But I have to be careful you see at my age
if I have to big a smile might crack my face
then will need a bucket of super glue to fix it .
:headbang: ---hilly--- :headbang:

Spice Me

Hey big boss MA welcome back sunshine,

yeah I too need a duck-out and chill out, know how you feel...

And WoW...did I miss the bun-fight.. :violent1: :violent5:

but I'm a lover :love76: and not a flighter....lol.. I only run for tight pussy and free beer....

So next breakfast do, we will expect you to grace us MA....

luv ya all

Spice Me

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Talking Turkey Moderator
Spice Me ,,, fighting with your lover is the best game.Steve the Deve came home with Risk the war game just the other day.After he taught me how to play and he was choking all my armies, I swopped the whole lot of the table so he couldn't win,.
What a spanking I got and how much fun....far better to love thy ememy than waste time in this world.lol

Spice Me

now that not a Game...

you got to get Doctor Ruths Sex Game, we had it back in South Africa.... thats real war fair at times.... battle of the sexes....:D

but customs would not let me bring it in here :( said it was "dirty" :D

as for Risk....mmm MaryAnn... what would you risk in a battle of wit and mind???? , with a littl swet thrown in for fun... :-X

Enjoy the board games and floor games susnhine

Spice Me

ps it was FLIGHT and not FIGHT I typed...lol.. or did you miss the Froid in me...lol
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