Hi everyone had 10 weeks off the computer and feel great for it.Found the forum was taking away my life so had a good break.
Love to catch up with every one and promise to reply to personal messages.
Have a great week end I certainly am.
The following was the 4th reply but when I edited the answers I lost the lot because of my bloody password or security wall problem at home.Luckily I saved it and not one word of Pukka reply has been changed.This post will be of interest to regular forum guests but is a old story and not even sure I shouldn't have just deleted it taken me three bloody hours to write two blinking posts and put the story back in order.
This post was posted the other day in response to Maryanne's comeback on the forum, to which I deleted it as the author has had nothing to do with the club for months, has been banned as a trouble maker for writing posts like this against what is mentioned in the rules of the Forum. I spoke to Maryanne about it and she has asked me to repost it. The person was Pukka under another one of his disguises as LadyMuck, so if anyone wants to get this personal, at least have the decency to say who you really are!!!! Here is the post.
This post has also been edited by Mary-Anne Kenworthy so the answers are in order hopefully.
By LadyMuck (alias Pukka - who enjoyed himself each time he came to the club)
It's a shame that in that period of time, an evaluation of where this business is going didn't cross your mind. With all the problems with LP's and the underhand way the staff and customers have been treated it is no wonder that Club Oz has made a revivial. A couple of points that you have neglected to mention.
1. LP's was run for a while without MA interference, but is now back under the wing. Why? Because it was an unmitagated disaster previously.
Answer by Mary-Anne Kenworthy
LP's was created by me for me and for all woman as our playground for gentlemen that wish to pleasure woman.I bought an exsisting club and it became my property and I have always said to enjoy its pleasures embrace our dream and be our guest but don't try to to tell us what do that is my right, especially as we had to learn through experimentation a whole new industry.Lp's is a adventurous adult playground not a swingers club.Monkeys swing we party.Its also been a wonderful adventure and highly sucessful if you take what I've learnt, with lots of teething problems but we've bought Pleasure to a thousand people in less than a year out of three thousand.
How many people have you bought Pleasure to Pukka
2. Why have so many staff and guests been banned? We all know why! They dared to stand up against you, the only response you have is the cowardly one, the one that shows the mantle of how the working lady industry is run, by fear and threat.
Answer by Mary-Anne Kenworthy
How many guests and Staff been banned I think 9 to date out of over 2600 forum members the first 5 by advice and I posted to them all why with my name on it then yourself because of some silly power struggle and then one of our special ladies because she needed some space and on advice from someone that really cared for her, and then just recently 12 people were banned because whilst in NZ someone was given administration and while learning how to use it they stuffed up, even all our computers and Danny who built the club were banned but when it came to my attention we have turned them all back on.
3. LP's is over priced, and despite the major clientele being single guys, you have not learnt what all other swingers clubs have high prices drive the guys away, and the females go elsewhere too. I am a regular at Club Oz, and the atmosphere is superior and the theme of the club is Swinging, not socialising, ****ing not procrastinating.
Answer by Mary-Anne Kenworthy
Well then why are you worrying about what we are doing.Do you support two footy teams as well.We are not a swingersclub we are a adventurous adult club.LP's is right for some people and Club Oz is right for others so why do you think you have the the right to tell me what to charge surely I have the right to judge the worth of my guests and if you want me to be blunt I value my guests worth as more than some and wished to get rid of the Lurkers and whinges and my door price has certainly solved most of that.Only myself and the new boss of Lp's will have any say in the door charge.
His nasty insult to Serena
How long this post stays up before the Web Nazi you employ shuts it down and deletes it is will be intereresting. But as the forum is so rarely communicated on, it is a wonder it still exists. The truth is out there, and yet MA you will quash it for fear that everyone knows the ruthlessness you possess.
Answer by Mary-Anne Kenworthy
Ruthlessness or righteous maybe you meant.I vaguely remember you Pukka and Serena and I have discussed it and neither remember you coming across as a nasty character,if I insulted you somehow it was not with a mean intention and it is possible you have been set up because some of the wording is remarkably similar to a adversary.
Answer by Mary-Anne Kenworthy
The following comments have been answered in my later post to Serena.
Thank You Pukka now piss off and these posts will stay public unless you ring and apologise to Serena and she will change or add 20 words to them.
But the post will never be deleted only softened.When you go public with something have the courage like Serena said to do it in your own name because from experience it will bite you in the bum and thanks for rejuvenating the forum in less than 24 hours.P.S we will only allow replies to this post for 7 days .
His parting compliments to me answered in a later post to Serena
You can't take the working girl out of a workking girl, and you'd have to be uneducated and unattractive in the first place to get into it, and the wearing of a maids uniform is not going to change the perception of 'Mutton dressed as Lamb'.
Love to catch up with every one and promise to reply to personal messages.
Have a great week end I certainly am.
The following was the 4th reply but when I edited the answers I lost the lot because of my bloody password or security wall problem at home.Luckily I saved it and not one word of Pukka reply has been changed.This post will be of interest to regular forum guests but is a old story and not even sure I shouldn't have just deleted it taken me three bloody hours to write two blinking posts and put the story back in order.
This post was posted the other day in response to Maryanne's comeback on the forum, to which I deleted it as the author has had nothing to do with the club for months, has been banned as a trouble maker for writing posts like this against what is mentioned in the rules of the Forum. I spoke to Maryanne about it and she has asked me to repost it. The person was Pukka under another one of his disguises as LadyMuck, so if anyone wants to get this personal, at least have the decency to say who you really are!!!! Here is the post.
This post has also been edited by Mary-Anne Kenworthy so the answers are in order hopefully.
By LadyMuck (alias Pukka - who enjoyed himself each time he came to the club)
It's a shame that in that period of time, an evaluation of where this business is going didn't cross your mind. With all the problems with LP's and the underhand way the staff and customers have been treated it is no wonder that Club Oz has made a revivial. A couple of points that you have neglected to mention.
1. LP's was run for a while without MA interference, but is now back under the wing. Why? Because it was an unmitagated disaster previously.
Answer by Mary-Anne Kenworthy
LP's was created by me for me and for all woman as our playground for gentlemen that wish to pleasure woman.I bought an exsisting club and it became my property and I have always said to enjoy its pleasures embrace our dream and be our guest but don't try to to tell us what do that is my right, especially as we had to learn through experimentation a whole new industry.Lp's is a adventurous adult playground not a swingers club.Monkeys swing we party.Its also been a wonderful adventure and highly sucessful if you take what I've learnt, with lots of teething problems but we've bought Pleasure to a thousand people in less than a year out of three thousand.
How many people have you bought Pleasure to Pukka
2. Why have so many staff and guests been banned? We all know why! They dared to stand up against you, the only response you have is the cowardly one, the one that shows the mantle of how the working lady industry is run, by fear and threat.
Answer by Mary-Anne Kenworthy
How many guests and Staff been banned I think 9 to date out of over 2600 forum members the first 5 by advice and I posted to them all why with my name on it then yourself because of some silly power struggle and then one of our special ladies because she needed some space and on advice from someone that really cared for her, and then just recently 12 people were banned because whilst in NZ someone was given administration and while learning how to use it they stuffed up, even all our computers and Danny who built the club were banned but when it came to my attention we have turned them all back on.
3. LP's is over priced, and despite the major clientele being single guys, you have not learnt what all other swingers clubs have high prices drive the guys away, and the females go elsewhere too. I am a regular at Club Oz, and the atmosphere is superior and the theme of the club is Swinging, not socialising, ****ing not procrastinating.
Answer by Mary-Anne Kenworthy
Well then why are you worrying about what we are doing.Do you support two footy teams as well.We are not a swingersclub we are a adventurous adult club.LP's is right for some people and Club Oz is right for others so why do you think you have the the right to tell me what to charge surely I have the right to judge the worth of my guests and if you want me to be blunt I value my guests worth as more than some and wished to get rid of the Lurkers and whinges and my door price has certainly solved most of that.Only myself and the new boss of Lp's will have any say in the door charge.
His nasty insult to Serena
How long this post stays up before the Web Nazi you employ shuts it down and deletes it is will be intereresting. But as the forum is so rarely communicated on, it is a wonder it still exists. The truth is out there, and yet MA you will quash it for fear that everyone knows the ruthlessness you possess.
Answer by Mary-Anne Kenworthy
Ruthlessness or righteous maybe you meant.I vaguely remember you Pukka and Serena and I have discussed it and neither remember you coming across as a nasty character,if I insulted you somehow it was not with a mean intention and it is possible you have been set up because some of the wording is remarkably similar to a adversary.
Answer by Mary-Anne Kenworthy
The following comments have been answered in my later post to Serena.
Thank You Pukka now piss off and these posts will stay public unless you ring and apologise to Serena and she will change or add 20 words to them.
But the post will never be deleted only softened.When you go public with something have the courage like Serena said to do it in your own name because from experience it will bite you in the bum and thanks for rejuvenating the forum in less than 24 hours.P.S we will only allow replies to this post for 7 days .
His parting compliments to me answered in a later post to Serena
You can't take the working girl out of a workking girl, and you'd have to be uneducated and unattractive in the first place to get into it, and the wearing of a maids uniform is not going to change the perception of 'Mutton dressed as Lamb'.
Last edited by a moderator: