anybody out there suffer any sleep problems? getting to sleep solid nights sleep like 6/7 hours straight without waking..have any problems how do you overcome them ?
I never had sleep issues until my wife left me and since then I've been lucky to get more than 5 hours a night. My problem is that I've spent most of my life sleeping with someone else so occasionally ill book a nice w/l for the night just to get some sleep - I bet that sounds strange to some! The other thing that works is huge amounts of exercise, so if I run for two hours or surf all day then I can usually sleep better. I guess in your case it may depend on what's causing your sleep issues?
All my life i suffered sleep problems. At one stage for a couple of years i was sleeping maybe 5 hours and waking up often. Used to take sleeping tablets etc etc. Always tired
For the last 18months or so, i just exercise hard for about an hour in the late arvo / evening and im sleeping at least 7 hours and usually straight through. Im usually asleep straight away