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Singaporean WLs



...and i mean the ones in Singapore not the sg ones in aus. I guess the ones in sg are more of the freelancer types.

anyone of u guys have tried to hook up with a sg freelancer in the streets of geylang? a couple of mates and i have tried to while drunk ( we were just actually looking for 2 lesbians tbh) but failed. so have anyone of u guys tried sg girls and how fun/how much was it?


Foundation Member
My memory of Geylang is that its more geared for local consumption.

Have you tried the different bars in Orchard Towers? Lots of different bars in the same building and they tend to specialise by nationality. ie some bars with Thai girls, some with phillipino some with Indonesian etc etc.


Foundation Member
What is the legal position on prostitution in Singapore??

That is one place where you do not want to run foul of the law.


Foundation Member
What is the legal position on prostitution in Singapore??

That is one place where you do not want to run foul of the law.

Don't be a worry wart, Singapore is not as squeeky clean as it is made out to be. I lived there for 3 years and there are opportunities everywhere ranging from Desker road for the Indian workers that is so sleezy it looks like it's come direct from the back streets of mumbai right through to high end escorts. also, just pop over the causeway to johor baru malaysia or a short ferry ride to batam indonesia and you are in chicken farm heaven

In fact, what's on offer there makes Perth look like an infants school.

Singapore is still part of Asia and does exactly the same as anywhere else in SE Asia. You just need to know where to look.

I'm not exactly sure on the legal situation but the Geyland brothel area covers streets so it is right in the public eye and means prostitution must, at the very least, be tolerated.


Horny Bugger
Gold Member
I would live to live in Singapore and not just for the working ladies. It really is a beautiful place. I was only there for a week but I remember taking a wrong turn in a shopping centre once and ending up in what m sure now was a brothel. It would be interesting to hear that it was illegal as it is so open and in your face there if you are on the look out for it.


my frens who live there told me that it is actually illegal but only by paper. cos when we were there, there were police patrolling the area but they were only there if someone made a huge scene. besides that, i think the police didn really mind the prostitution if everything was kept under a certain threshold and no scenes were caused.

my frens went on to say that if it was really made illegal, it wud cause a major civil unrest as prostitution was a major business in sg as well. so it was better to jus let them be and make sure that everything is safe and in order


I used to live in Singapore. The brothels in geylang are legal but most of the ladies who walk the streets around that area aren't.

Madam Jacqui

Madam @ Langtrees
Legend Member
Over the years Singapore has changed sooo much from what i use to remember when i lived there. Left Singapore early 80s and need a visit soon xxxxx :)


Foundation Member
Anyone have an update on the legal situation of the sex industry in Singapore? So much of Asian has gone through social and political upheavals that, while I am sure prostitution still flourishes, I would not know what is legal and what is not any more.

As I said earlier, Singapore is not somewhere where you want to get on the wrong side of the law.


Bronze Member
My understanding is Geylang is legal, all other places it's illegal. However even though it's illegal in other areas it is very common and rules not enforced.


Gold Member
Not sure about any of it to be honest but I’ve had some great times at the ‘4 floors of whores’!!


Bronze Member
I'll been to Orchard Towers before... But was just a quick walk around.. Next time, I'll be enjoying myself a bit more 😉.. Actually, a lot more