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Sheer Terror of Whats Happening


Gold Member
Have you ever been with someone and all seems pleasant and jovial and your enjoying a highly erotic time with some one and then something changes that makes you feel uncomfortable with what is going to happen next.

Like get the hell out of there, but your morbid curiosity keeps you motionless, Trusting that the person means no harm.
Tho the sheer look of fear in your eyes belies the fact that you your in a situation that is out of your control and its scaring the fuck out of you.

Miss Minsen


Legend Member
I have been in a car with a bloke who was driving much faster than I was comfortable with - then the bitumen ended and the gravel started, and he didn't slow down.

You go through stages.

First you are terrified that the vehicle will roll and you'll all be killed.

Then you reach a calm stage, where you KNOW you're going to die, so you can relax and accept it.

Next you begin to feel the terror again - will they ever find our bodies ?

Then suddenly, two hours later, it's all over. He pulls up and says, "Mate I'm buggered, can you drive for a bit ?"

Three hours later, the terror is back - 'if I let him take over the wheel again, I am going to die, but if I continue to drive with my eyes closed, then I will die anyway'.

I stopped. He drove. Rolled the Cruiser. I spent three days in hospital - observation. Bloody tough vehicles those Toyotas.

Am I off topic ?


Gold Member
I have been in a car with a bloke who was driving much faster than I was comfortable with - then the bitumen ended and the gravel started, and he didn't slow down.

You go through stages.

First you are terrified that the vehicle will roll and you'll all be killed.

Then you reach a calm stage, where you KNOW you're going to die, so you can relax and accept it.

Next you begin to feel the terror again - will they ever find our bodies ?

Then suddenly, two hours later, it's all over. He pulls up and says, "Mate I'm buggered, can you drive for a bit ?"

Three hours later, the terror is back - 'if I let him take over the wheel again, I am going to die, but if I continue to drive with my eyes closed, then I will die anyway'.

I stopped. He drove. Rolled the Cruiser. I spent three days in hospital - observation. Bloody tough vehicles those Toyotas.

Am I off topic ?

Na not really. But I guess you've learnt your lesson.
You know what they say about men and multi tasking.
Giving head while they are driving is asking for trouble :p


I swear to God I had something for this...
Silver Member
Veering slightly away from the original thrust of the topic, but along the same lines...

Back in my university days I participated in a number of engineering student pub crawls. Being engineering, the course was essentially a sausage fest, so you had to do what you had to do to keep entertained...of course, if we could manage to organise said pub crawl on the night that the girls studying nursing were organising an event out on the town, then that was a win. One of our lecturers even offered on a number of occasions to drive the mini-bus to take us from pub to pub (what a champ)! Although by about the third pub, he'd caved in and started drinking himself, and the bus was abandoned to be collected the next day...one time with a parking ticket attached...

Anyway, on one of these occasions I'd been a bit crook the week before, and managed to pick up a stomach bug that had laid me up for a few days. I was just getting clear of the anti-biotics though, so I thought what the hell, lets go for it.

About three pubs in, I was feeling off. Not good drunk, just off. I went to the toilets and vomited up my guts. After that, I felt good enough to continue on, but still not right. By the fifth pub, the crawl had started to split up, people went their separate ways, some of us went off to the clubs (hunting nursing students), and I was at a place on the intoxication chart that I'd never visited before. The combination of the anti-biotics and beer had made everything in my body just feel like static. I knew I was doing things, but it really wasn't registering with me. It's very hard to explain.

Anyway, one of my mates and I headed off from the clubs back to one of the pubs. We had another pint there, then wandered back out into the street in search of some of our other classmates. About 50m from the pub we were approached from behind by a group of about 4 guys. One of them said something to my mate, and then two of them started beating the absolute shit out of him.

I was paralyzed by my heightened intoxicated state. I could not move. I felt like a sack of swollen beer, anchored to the ground. I finally managed to stagger towards what was going on in some ham-fisted attempt to intervene, but the other two guys grabbed me by the arms and dragged me back. Curiously, they didn't start laying in to me. I had that awful helpless feeling that they were going to kill him, and I couldn't do anything. I wanted to scream out, but I was that blotto that i couldn't yell out anything that was comprehensible.

After what seemed like an eternity, the 4 guys upped and ran off. About 30 seconds later, a cop car pulled up. My mate was pretty badly beaten around the face, and they got him off to hospital (thankfully just a broken nose, black eyes, and bad bruising around the chest and stomach). The cops questioned me about what happened, but in my state they may as well have asked me to explain quantum mechanics using Plasticine - I couldn't offer them anything useful. The guys had probably nicked off into another pub and were going to be difficult to track down.

I don't think they ever caught the guys who did it, and my mate never really gave me a full story as to why he thought it happened. I'm sure there was more to it than a random attack, but i didn't push the issue with him.

Anti-biotics and pub crawls don't mix, even if there are sexy student nurses at stake.


Legend Member
You rolled Cruiser? How's he going to pay for the rest of his holiday You Rotter !!!

He rolled it !

I just survived it ! Just !

That was almost 20 years ago, still as clear as a bell - the world spinning around me in slow motion, then the jolt at the end !

But I think I still prefer nature's accidents (I am calling him a force of nature), to the bile of men.

Miss Minsen started this thread with : 'Have you ever been with someone and all seems pleasant and jovial and your enjoying a highly erotic time with some one and then something changes that makes you feel uncomfortable with what is going to happen next.'

At least in the world of desert heat, idiot drivers and scrub that will kill you for just wondering off the track a few hundred metres, you know what you are facing.

In Miss Minsen's world, you never know what that 'normal' person is going to turn out to be. Trust the wrong person and things could turn much more ugly than being stuck on the track with two ripped tyres and a long walk back.

Give me the desert any day.

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Legend Member
As to accidents Sunyun I have a inkling as to how you felt I was passenger in a car when the driver thought it would be fun to gun it at the crown of a rise on a gravel road
Great fun must have been airborne 10 metres but the road curved so as he turned into the corner the passenger side lifted Surprising how slow that happens seemed to take forever
I must have had a big lunch as the car never reached tipping point
We came back down. Spun around I.to the grass and then the driver just couldn't stop laughing
Not my scariest moment but definitely memorable

Winter W.

Gold Member
I have been in a car with a bloke who was driving much faster than I was comfortable with - then the bitumen ended and the gravel started, and he didn't slow down.

You go through stages.

First you are terrified that the vehicle will roll and you'll all be killed.

Then you reach a calm stage, where you KNOW you're going to die, so you can relax and accept it.

Next you begin to feel the terror again - will they ever find our bodies ?

Then suddenly, two hours later, it's all over. He pulls up and says, "Mate I'm buggered, can you drive for a bit ?"

Three hours later, the terror is back - 'if I let him take over the wheel again, I am going to die, but if I continue to drive with my eyes closed, then I will die anyway'.

I stopped. He drove. Rolled the Cruiser. I spent three days in hospital - observation. Bloody tough vehicles those Toyotas.

Am I off topic ?
Oh boy that was funny sounds like stuff i say, off topic but related....by the thinnest thread!


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy I do agree..............the same can be said about males as well.

Ps;- Mz Elle Bee, I have been editing your post, hence your images are full size. You can do the same, if you wish to, just hit the edit button, then the more options button, and next to your picture there are two option button;- just hit full size. All the best in your endeavors, I will not touch your latest post.
Cheers and Pass the Rum

quite extrodinary feeling Mr Happy...
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Legend Member
Ah i guess those can be titillatingly stimulating...your quite a kink...miss Buzzy
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:)Thank you Happy Pirate...i didn't know
Ahoy I do agree..............the same can be said about males as well.

Ps;- Mz Elle Bee, I have been editing your post, hence your images are full size. You can do the same, if you wish to, just hit the edit button, then the more options button, and next to your picture there are two option button;- just hit full size. All the best in your endeavors, I will not touch your latest post.
Cheers and Pass the Rum