Where is the sexiest place on a woman's body to have a tattoo????? I totally love tats but even more so if they r placed well. Would love to hear from u lads and get the guys perspective?:wav::wav:
A full sleeve or something like that on a lady, not so much. But a few tatts here and there are crazy hot.
I love tats that go up the body side. Especially on Asian women. They look hot!i think all tattoos are sexy on women. A nice chest piece or one that goes up along the side of the body.. HOT HOT HOT!!
You wouldn't daub paint over a Michelangelo statue so why permanently mark one of the most beautiful "sculptures" on Earth?
Where is the sexiest place on a woman's body to have a tattoo????? I totally love tats but even more so if they r placed well. Would love to hear from u lads and get the guys perspective?:wav::wav:
Personally, I would like to shoot any tattooist who defaces female skin with ink. You wouldn't daub paint over a Michelangelo statue so why permanently mark one of the most beautiful "sculptures" on Earth?
I'm with you svengali. Faced with that I'd spin on my heels and out of the door. Save my money for an unmarked bod!!!