
Gold Member
Familiarity begets understanding. So on at least some level, maybe it's a good thing. There is no rational reason why engaging in sex work or employing the services of a sex worker should be a thing detrimental to the reputation of a person.

Of course, take the as being the views of someone who does not work in the industry not engages the services of a working lady.


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Talking Turkey Moderator
Defiantly agree with her. But god why is mainstream society so obsessed with these stories.

Because printing news stories about Tony Abbott and co are some what mundane, and there are no world conflicts, no terror acts.... So lets talk about sex...

Kylie Middleton

Gold Member
I think it's something people are becoming more accepting of and they genuinely want to learn about it. I say talk about it as much as possible and maybe one day it will be just another acceptable job that people might choose to do.


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Talking Turkey Moderator
I think it's something people are becoming more accepting of and they genuinely want to learn about it. I say talk about it as much as possible and maybe one day it will be just another acceptable job that people might choose to do.

You are dreaming there, it will never occur its been like that for decades and will be that way long after you are put into a box yourself... for some reason it will never be accepted as loads of countries still see it as slavery towards women, men's dominance over a woman, and still see the fact that cash in exchange for sex traps women and few nations in Europe are making it illegal to purchase these services and are now convicting clients of such a crime, We all know the EU want the red windows in Holland be closed and be closed for good.

But while they are women selling sex men will buy and vice versa, there is no silver bullet here..


Diamond Member
Haha if its more acceptable then more girls will do it = more compition = less money
But perhaps some consumers currently put off by the idea would take up the service leaving prices about the same.

If not, then great news for the long suffering punter lol! ;)
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Some Village lost an Idiot!
Talking Turkey Moderator
But perhaps some consumers currently put off by the idea would take up the service leaving prices about the same.

If not, then great news for the long suffering punt lol! ;)

Hmmmm well thats what happens when things become more mainstream right..

Zara Daniels

Gold Member
Haha if its more acceptable then more girls will do it = more compition = less money
I do agree with this- everyone loves the taboo of sex, so why not keep a few secrets to keep the taboo there? In saying that i do wonder if it wasnt increasingly talked about over the years if the safety and hygiene and basic working conditions would be the same as they were say 50years ago?


Forum & Administrator
Legend Member
Sex sells........always has and always will. On one hand I wish Kelly would be right.........the more people talk about it the more "normal" (what ever that might be) it gets. (but then you look at T.Abbott and how he handles the same sex marriage approach........that doesn't leave much hope for the industry). On the other hand I am really and truly over all those block buster revelations of "sex workers".........boring.


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Talking Turkey Moderator
Sex sells........always has and always will. On one hand I wish Kelly would be right.........the more people talk about it the more "normal" (what ever that might be) it gets. (but then you look at T.Abbott and how he handles the same sex marriage approach........that doesn't leave much hope for the industry). On the other hand I am really and truly over all those block buster revelations of "sex workers".........boring.

Let gays and lesbians marry, there is more important issues to deal with, and two women in wedding dresses well I could go to lesbian weddings for forever...

The issue is : The world sees a woman that needs saving from what, herself right.. wrong she doesn't need saving from anyone other than the pimps that force and co-coerce girls into the industry like promising girls from eastern europe with promises of good jobs in holland for example then sell them into sex take their passports and they never repay the debt save the girls from those scum, arrest and jail those that do that also, but a girl that wishes to work as a WL in say Perth let her do so its her body her life now isn't it the only thing that she is saving is cash I hope..


Whatever happened to FREE love?
Legend Member
Maybe classy places like Langtrees and Wink should hold an annual Open Day, where people (non-punters) are invited to come in and have a look around, chat to the ladies and management, see that they are basically just normal people satisfying a universal and fundamental human need, doing what comes naturally, listen to some anecdotes, hear what the industry's really like directly from the horse's mouth instead of through the media filter, and hopefully come away with a more realistic and balanced perspective on it all.


Legend Member
Maybe classy places like Langtrees and Wink should hold an annual Open Day, where people (non-punters) are invited to come in and have a look around, chat to the ladies and management, see that they are basically just normal people satisfying a universal and fundamental human need, doing what comes naturally, listen to some anecdotes, hear what the industry's really like directly from the horse's mouth instead of through the media filter, and hopefully come away with a more realistic and balanced perspective on it all.
You have an open day and the majority of guests would be religious nuts and do gooders trying to save the poor down trodden and drug addicted alcohol abusing girls And in real life the addicts are normal young men and women they see in the streets and and they'd have no damn idea
And only a handful of people genuinely interested would come through the doors


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Talking Turkey Moderator
You have an open day and the majority of guests would be religious nuts and do gooders trying to save the poor down trodden and drug addicted alcohol abusing girls And in real life the addicts are normal young men and women they see in the streets and and they'd have no damn idea
And only a handful of people genuinely interested would come through the doors

You got better chance of seeing Middle Eastern peace...... all what it is is control over women and women's right to do what ever she likes with her body, let he just do that. Working ladies are hated and alienated by religion just another mechanism to control women, BUT hey priests, bishops etc etc do more harm than any WL ever will, but the clergy hide behind robes and closed doors and no one can judge them or even try to ban the church....

Its a woman's body instead of saving her how about talk to her and understand her maybe she may say I love sex and freedom so this gives me both things, or I can become a sex worked just as much as you can become a plumber so leave me be, you may learn a thing a too about life, some of the best conversations and times in my life have been with WL's away from parlors and fully clothed..

Jade Layne

There needs to be more girls promoting the positives of the industry.
I have so much fun, I personally love sex and this job gives me not only money but freedom to be who I want to be. And I've made so many lovely friends who feel exactly the same as I do!


Gold Member
One of the comments in the article really echoes my agreement:

"Sex workers probably provide greater value to society than greedy, over-rated CEOs." *


This industry exists to remind everyone one thing and one thing only - the need for internal, humane fullfilment for every body.

Now that; to me - is a basic service to humanity in addition to food and shelter (watch The Session; true story btw).

In comparison to those "up-above" - greed and control over how many humans (workers, employees, citizens / nations) one can slave away day in, day out, by whatever means necessary (power - ponzi, plutocracy, etc).

I'd say it's good to keep publishing these articles around more often. At the end of the day - we all live in finite existence; some more gratuitously lucky to have found, believed and established in permanent relationships (monogamy), whilst others have "woken up" to reality and said - it's my money and it's my life and I'll take control of it.

Also about the open day idea - I'm definitely for it. Bring on the feminazis and zealots, because ironically they don't realise they're entitled for these services too.

* with the rare exception of course - philantrophists.

Zara Daniels

Gold Member
One of the comments in the article really echoes my agreement:

"Sex workers probably provide greater value to society than greedy, over-rated CEOs." *


This industry exists to remind everyone one thing and one thing only - the need for internal, humane fullfilment for every body.

Now that; to me - is a basic service to humanity in addition to food and shelter (watch The Session; true story btw).

In comparison to those "up-above" - greed and control over how many humans (workers, employees, citizens / nations) one can slave away day in, day out, by whatever means necessary (power - ponzi, plutocracy, etc).

I'd say it's good to keep publishing these articles around more often. At the end of the day - we all live in finite existence; some more gratuitously lucky to have found, believed and established in permanent relationships (monogamy), whilst others have "woken up" to reality and said - it's my money and it's my life and I'll take control of it.

Also about the open day idea - I'm definitely for it. Bring on the feminazis and zealots, because ironically they don't realise they're entitled for these services too.

* with the rare exception of course - philantrophists.


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Kylie Middleton

Gold Member
I honestly feel that the worst thing about my job is not being able to tell my friends and family about what I do, especially when everyone is swapping work stories. My partner is also terrified that if anyone found out, he would be blamed for forcing me into this, which he would never do. The more acceptable an industry is, the more regulations are put in place to look after the interests of those who work in it, so it's definitely in my interests to promote it as far as I can without losing people from my life.


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Talking Turkey Moderator
I honestly feel that the worst thing about my job is not being able to tell my friends and family about what I do, especially when everyone is swapping work stories. My partner is also terrified that if anyone found out, he would be blamed for forcing me into this, which he would never do. The more acceptable an industry is, the more regulations are put in place to look after the interests of those who work in it, so it's definitely in my interests to promote it as far as I can without losing people from my life.

It will never be accepted sorry to burst your bubble its been never accepted in the past 2000 years and it still wont be even after your dead. The world can not grasp the concept of a woman selling her vagina for men's enjoyment and selling her soul to men daily, no matter how many news items there are out there its sad I will admit but that's the way it is...

If you want to look how far female rights have come look at whats coming out of Donald Trumps mouth of late and even our Premier in WA about Women, now if those educated men are like that what about the masses...

Sorry to say this but it wont ever be anything else than what it is, young guys say she is just a "ho" look at rap music for example, and how they sing about hookers, so thats what you are up against. Also people see a girl dressed in a certain way, she dresses like a "whore" or Ho again....

Sorry to say this but thats how society sees this game. sad really.


Whatever happened to FREE love?
Legend Member
I agree, it's not about to change anytime soon, but I don't know about the 'selling her soul to men daily' part, Phoebe. Do any WLs here think in those terms?


Diamond Member
I honestly feel that the worst thing about my job is not being able to tell my friends and family about what I do, especially when everyone is swapping work stories. My partner is also terrified that if anyone found out, he would be blamed for forcing me into this, which he would never do. The more acceptable an industry is, the more regulations are put in place to look after the interests of those who work in it, so it's definitely in my interests to promote it as far as I can without losing people from my life.
As a matter of interest, what do you tell people that you do?


Gold Member
I agree, it's not about to change anytime soon, but I don't know about the 'selling her soul to men daily' part, Phoebe. Do any WLs here think in those terms?
There is a proverb in Chinese culture, Each time a working Lady sleeps with a client, a part of her soul is destroyed or corrupted.
Until there is nothing left but a hollow shell full of anger and suffering!!!

But our, and past society will always use escorts and working ladies, but never will be socially accecpted.

That is why many ladies work in different cities and names.
Across all economic levels, working ladies sadly will not be treated as equals or truly respected.

Ask any pervert who negotiates to a Thai girl over $5 AU .....
Seriously. Have more respect!!!


Gold Member
It wasn't until 1997 that concensual male homosexual sex was decriminalised in all states and territories of Australia. Now it seems a majority of the population advocate for the prospect of gay marriage. As an aside, was lesbian sex ever a criminal offence? There's not much info online. Google gives me this in every variation I have tried...
Google said:
Showing results for lesbian sex criminals australia
No results found for lesbian sex criminalisation australia

But I digress. 1911 was the year Women were finally able to fully participate in Australian Democracy in all it's states and territories. And, given it's a fucking long time, only 99 years had to pass until a Female became Prime Minister.

So given sex work has been around about as long as human civilisation has... I can only guess it's not long now until it's fully decriminalised and the participants respected. Call me an optimist, but I believe people are basically good and decent. And they can't be morally prejudiced fuck-wits forever. Excusez mon français.
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Asian Nicky

Gold Member


Diamond Member
It wasn't until 1997 that concensual male homosexual sex was decriminalised in all states and territories of Australia. Now it seems a majority of the population advocate for the prospect of gay marriage. As an aside, was lesbian sex ever a criminal offence? There's not much info online. Google gives me this in every variation I have tried...
I believe so. Laws tended to criminalise things in rather euphemistic language such as 'carnal knowledge against the order of nature' and the like. This at the time would have been interpreted to include female homosexuality.

I think the difference was that it was rarely if ever prosecuted. The reason being that prosecutions for homosexual crimes were usually political in order to disgrace or silence a particular person and women were not much engaged in public and political life.