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Sex & Love

Angela "R"

Langtrees Digital
Legend Member
Love is an emotion of personal attachment and strong affection. A love could be a strong feel towards a person, object or to his or her goal only if one values them greatly, deeply and is committed to it.
Sex is a physical activity between two opposite genders. Sex is an act for getting sexual pleasure and for reproduction purpose.


Team Leader
Legend Member
Love and sex are personally very separate for me. Sex is something any two consenting adults can engage in and have electric energy. But love takes work, time, flexibility and trust. The sex I have with my partner will never be the same as the sex I have professionally even though I am doing all the things the same.
so very true. I totally agree with @Stacey Heart. She has explained it so well. When you make love to your partner or loved ones, it needs time, trust and flexibility but the urge you get when you are attracted to someone is totally different 😍

No idea what to do

Legend Member
Agree You girls are on the right track here.

My Regular WL get's the romance love and undivided attention when I see her,
We spend quality time cuddling talking and sometimes just sleeping together for a few hour's

Other WL girls simply get fucked with no emotion, It's a pleasure fuck, that's all

Yes I am thoughtful and respectful Frenchman when it comes to true affection.

🥰The Frenchman 🌹