Sex and Age - Does It Matter? - Talkin Sex Episode - 12


Langtrees Digital Chat Team
Legend Member
Talkin Sex Episode - 12 - Sex and Age - Does It Matter?

Today's Narrator - Judy Novak
Host of the Show - Bob Maumill - Radio Personality
Panel Members - Mary-Anne Kenworthy, Charmine Saunders and Kate Orr Clinical Psychologist share their views and understanding about sex among Senior Citizens and its urge as you age.
We cannot of course forget about Trev and very sexy Brigitte adding in their bits and pieces.


Take a look at this interesting episode -

Sally Sexting

Sexting Queen - Fun & Flirty
Legend Member
I’d love for you to take a moment to consider this; it's truly an interesting topic. Changing partners can bring about a lot of change and uncertainty. If you find yourself in this situation, it's natural to wonder how you can regain your confidence. Remember, it's okay to feel this way. Also, think about where you feel most empowered and comfortable—finding that space can be a great way to rebuild your self-assurance.😍