Current world population, 2011 guesstimate according to Google: 6,973,738,433
10% of total population that is smart: 697,373,843
50% which is the gender of choice (assuming hetero): 348,686,921
Subtract 5% which isn't interested is 17,434,346 leaving 331,252,575
Subtract 2.5% baggage-loaded which is 8,281,314 leaving 322,971,261 potential partners - greater than the entire population of Australia.
If we change the math slightly: start with the population of Australia, remove 90% non-smart people, remove 50% non-preferred gender people, remove 5% not-interested-in-my-gender people, assume 2.5% are
without baggage, angry ex's, incompatible religion or whatever - then that leaves us with 26,861 people who might be considered a "perfect" partner.
[22,620,600 x .1 = 2,262,060; 2,262,060 / 2 = 1,131,030; 1,131,030 - (1,131,030 x 0.05) = 1,074,479; 1,074,479 x 0.025 = 26,861]
I like those odds. And you can use "Baby, you're one in twenty six thousand" instead of "Baby, you're one in a million" as a pick-up line. And if they don't believe you, you can show them the math.