It doesn't matter how many times I keep feeding people, they just don't seem to get it and then they get upset when they think they've learnt something new that they find repulsive. The truth of the matter is, I told them in my very first blog. :laughing4 I told them "exactly" what I thought about Belle and her television series. I was so committed, I even held a private meeting.
If you watch the rolling movie carefully, there was a time when Belle was hungry and she would sometimes selectively say...
"I'm so hungry, if I had a pizza, I could smash it with my teeth. Feed me, Seymour, feed me! I'm a maker."
Sadly, it really does appear that some people are so dumb, and so blind, that it doesn't matter how often you position the truth right in front of their eye's, they just don't get it. Hence, the old cliche...
"The hardest things to see in life, are those that are right in front of you."
But the thing that strikes me as odd about Belle, is she never did and never will confirm or deny the truth about her script. Not as her screen name anyway. She said she would only do that privately among certain friends. She said she would leave that up to the audience and others, to research for themselves. That's what she was really all about, because she understood the real power of social media and programs developed in q with tel e vision. Besides, she had nothing to loose and everything to gain and she knew that the more nervous she could make her viewers, the more she...
Well... I don't want to spoil the plot, so I guess you'll just to have to keep watching her movie.
If you don't have a copy, you can get one at this location. I hope you can work it out, it's a little vague. Oh and one other thing, when you get there, you'll need to quote the numbers 1402.