Secret diary of a call girl - tv series


Gold Member
Curious to know what people think of this show and how it relates to the industry and the people in it.

I found it to be very insightful and accurate in many ways, especially the with the girls I have come across. More real than the streotype the general public believe.

Any thoughts.

Sean 39

Awesome show and have watched it for yrs,and she is smoking hot for the record.i would have to say it was pretty close to the truth except for the ' poetic licence'.
her real name is Billie Piper( and is married in real life and not really a W/l,lol, damm!) and her stage name is 'Belle',mmmmmmmmm I think one of the girls we/i all no maybe based on the show,but hey i could be wrong,ha ha..

Elise Emerald Kitten

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Sean 39

It doesn't matter how many times I keep feeding people, they just don't seem to get it and then they get upset when they think they've learnt something new that they find repulsive. The truth of the matter is, I told them in my very first blog. :laughing4 I told them "exactly" what I thought about Belle and her television series. I was so committed, I even held a private meeting.

If you watch the rolling movie carefully, there was a time when Belle was hungry and she would sometimes selectively say...

"I'm so hungry, if I had a pizza, I could smash it with my teeth. Feed me, Seymour, feed me! I'm a maker."

Sadly, it really does appear that some people are so dumb, and so blind, that it doesn't matter how often you position the truth right in front of their eye's, they just don't get it. Hence, the old cliche...

"The hardest things to see in life, are those that are right in front of you."

But the thing that strikes me as odd about Belle, is she never did and never will confirm or deny the truth about her script. Not as her screen name anyway. She said she would only do that privately among certain friends. She said she would leave that up to the audience and others, to research for themselves. That's what she was really all about, because she understood the real power of social media and programs developed in q with tel e vision. Besides, she had nothing to loose and everything to gain and she knew that the more nervous she could make her viewers, the more she...

Well... I don't want to spoil the plot, so I guess you'll just to have to keep watching her movie.

If you don't have a copy, you can get one at this location. I hope you can work it out, it's a little vague. Oh and one other thing, when you get there, you'll need to quote the numbers 1402.


far out,u seem to be right into the show!(to say the least,lol)u have just taken this post to a whole new level,u win!lol...i dont think i got THAT much out of it,lol..each to there own...


Legend Member
Did any of the ladies here watch the Aussie made show Satisfaction and
how was that viewed by "the industry"

Elise Emerald Kitten

Did any of the ladies here watch the Aussie made show Satisfaction and
how was that viewed by "the industry"

Hi Holford,

Yes you're right. That type of language is most uncalled for. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.
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Gold Member
Well interesting response to a TV show, not sure about any movie, in that I wanted to raise discussion on a view of a person in the industry which for once goes beyond the stereotype, that this show provides. I thought the way it handled relationships and love was interesting.

Dont think swearing, off topic is appropriate, as what you are referring has nothing to do with this TV series. Looks like this forum is not a place for discussions and views.


Legend Member
Hi Holford
I had seen trailers for A secret life of a call girl on Fox recently.I caught a few
episodes on-line. It does make a change having a show that tries to put a human
side to the girls And how they balance their lives


What's with the language Emerald K? I'm not prudish but a bit uncalled for I reckon.


Hi guys thought i would put my views or 2 lol
Seen both satisfaction & secret diary and Must admit even though they have glammed it up a bit with Billy Piper that is more or less how it is in the UK Bit more undercover.. escort wise anyway.
You guys dont realise how easy & lucky you have it here in Australia more open ,more acceptable ,more choice.
Im sure the english guys would agree with me here. its quite tough for the ladies the massage places are under the guise of saunas and very ilegal its not a walk in the park .

Elise Emerald Kitten

Well interesting response to a TV show, not sure about any movie, in that I wanted to raise discussion on a view of a person in the industry which for once goes beyond the stereotype, that this show provides. I thought the way it handled relationships and love was interesting.

Dont think swearing, off topic is appropriate, as what you are referring has nothing to do with this TV series. Looks like this forum is not a place for discussions and views.

Yes you're right. That type of language is most uncalled for. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.

Elise Emerald Kitten

What's with the language Emerald K? I'm not prudish but a bit uncalled for I reckon.

Yes you're right. That type of language is most uncalled for. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.


Gold Member
Interesting article from London in the run up to the Olympics.

Ok guys, I know Brooke is not as pretty as Billie Piper, but she is still attractive (mid-thirties now). She attracted the ire of the UK feminist movement for daring to suggest she actually enjoyed having sex with her clients! Because of course we all know that escorts are hapless victims of the evil male-dominated society.

I lived in London for several years and the laws on sex work are antiquated simply because there are no votes for politicians in changing them. Everything is left to the discretion of the police which means nothing is done most of the time, but when the rest of the world is tuning in they decide to have a clampdown.


Live, Love & Believe
Legend Member
Really Australia for the most part is exceptionally advanced
as we do have laws that protect the average working lady:
as it happens our different states have their own set of rules
- but mostly, all WLs can work and pay their taxes, and get loans
just like regular people here in our great Aussie land!!!


I think it is very accurate, especially for the private girls!! big fan!!


Secret Diary of a Call Girl provides a fabulous insight into the mind of an escort, particularly a Private Working Lady. When watching the first series there were so many episodes where Belle's internal monologue mirrors mine. I would be sitting there with friends enthusiastically squealing "Yes, yes. That's right"

The Australian series Satisfaction was fun to start with. The normality of the Girl's lives outside of work was very refreshing. In comparison to the normal drugs, hard done by, pimped out stories the media often portrays. Though I do wonder if some of the activities which went on in the brothel would actually ever happen. The brothel adventures seemed a little to fictional to believe. The second series unfortunately lost me when it all became to "soap opera" like.