Scarlet Road - WL and the disabled


Jo Langtrees


Scarlet Road, although it's a few years old now. It is still definitely relevant today. For a long time disabled adults and sex didn't really go together. But work like Scarlet Road and Rachel Wotton have been trying to remove the stigma.

What I would love to hear is if any gorgeous WL specialize in this.
Are there special things to be taken into consideration other than the clients medical condition?
Are there any forum members who can shine some light on this?
Comments or thoughts on this subject from other forum members?

And if you haven't watched the movie, (I hope the trailer is attached :)). Watch the trailer. And the full version of the movie is cheap to download. Or search the SBS archives. It's worth a watch.
Also, for a good read try:
(P.S I don't work for Amazon).

Credit to for the trailer
SBS, paradigm Pictures, Screen NSW, Australian Government.
Amazon- Where all the best books are. ;)