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SA Selling sex in the city: Adelaide's illegal prostitution industry


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Prostitution is illegal in Adelaide, but that doesn’t stop more than 1000 sex workers operating in secret in what is called the world’s oldest occupation. Sharon Jennings has been involved in the sex industry for just over 10 years. She was introduced to the illegal trade while studying a degree at an Adelaide university. “It was something that intrigued me, rather than it being a need to go out and find money,” Ms Jennings said. She worked casually in a brothel for six months before setting up privately. Although her practice was illegal, Ms Jennings’ business was registered with an ABN. She paid taxes and “ran it like clockwork”. After seven years as a sex worker she was introduced to the Sex Industry Network (SIN), a support network for people in the business, and now manages the organisation. “We are supported wholeheartedly by SA Health and by the government in general but obviously we are still operating in a criminalised environment and that is our major stumbling block.” Busting sex work industry stereotypes

In her time in the sex industry, Ms Jennings has seen just about every stereotype about the industry debunked. The image of a drug-addicted woman standing on a street corner, too scared to report an assault to the police in case she gets arrested, is not reality. In Ms Jennings' experience, drug use is no more prevalent among sex workers than it is in the rest of the community. “The biggest drug of choice amongst sex workers is tobacco," she said. Organisations such as SIN work to ensure sex workers feel safe to report crimes against them to the police. “All sex workers, just like anybody else in society, have a right to report crimes that are committed against them.” Though there is a small percentage of street-based sex workers, the majority operate out of houses in South Australia. Sex work and social media, Message boards, blogs, Facebook pages and Twitter have become the new medium for sex workers in Adelaide to peddle their wares. “The amount of private sex workers has skyrocketed,” Ms Jennings said. “When I first went private and I advertised on the net. The website I used at the time had three pages of adverts (36 individual ads) ... there are now over 300 ads just in South Australia on that website.” Ms Jennings said as new technology evolves, sex workers are very quick to use it. A quick scan of tweets promoting services in Adelaide reveals many of the workers have found ways around South Australia's advertising laws. A newcomer to the industry Dominique has been working full-time as a sex worker for eight months. As she talked about her life before entering the industry, she said she was not a promiscuous teenager and grew up in a fairly normal family. “I was 18 or 19 before I lost my virginity, so I wasn’t particularly sexually active as a teen.” Through her recent involvement in the fetish community, with an interest in BDSM, she met several sex workers. “I wanted to earn a bit more money at the time, so I went to try out at a place where I knew one of the people worked.” Dominique decided not to enter the industry after her first attempt. Commitments in her personal life took priority. Once the commitments had passed, Dominique left her job and began full-time sex work. She sees the work she does as an important service for the community. “For a lot of people, it might be their only outlet to have physical contact or any kind of intimate relations.” She is hesitant to tell her friends about her work and has not considered talking to her parents about what she does. “I would like to be able to talk about it openly with everybody, but unfortunately there are a lot of people that have a bit of catching up to do, and the laws do as well.” Dominique said the sex workers she now mixes with come from differing backgrounds. They range from previous checkout operators, office workers and managers to those who have only ever worked in the industry. A busy day for her would be two to three clients, with a standard booking of 30 minutes. Dominique sees her sex work as a normal job, but believes she could easily walk away from the industry if her circumstances changed. “If I met somebody and they weren’t happy with me doing the work, I’d be just as happy doing a different job,” Dominique said. Third time lucky to decriminalise sex work in South Australia?

Two attempts to pass legislation to decriminalise sex work in South Australia have been made in past years. The last bill, in 2012, was defeated by one vote. Member for Ashford and Labor MP, Steph Key, is about to introduce her third draft for the legislation changes to parliament. If passed, SIN manager Sharon Jennings believes that liberation will be delivered for sex workers in the form of regulated working conditions. “Every single benefit a person who works usually has, a sex worker does not have in South Australia.” She also hopes that the stigma associated with being a sex worker will lessen. “It’s a step in the right direction,” Ms Jennings said.