Dude, the whole business is based on Boom Boom

Big boom atm.
Has become very popular, great for Fiona not so for those who prefer to drop in without a booking.
I avoid the area at certain times because traffic in the area can be horrendous, so I am for the quieter times of the day if there’s such a thing for Great Eastern Hwy but also times when it’s quieter at venue.
Tried the booking thing in the past a few times but doesn’t really work for me, no fault of Fiona’s.
Doesn’t always go to plan and it’s happened to me too many times it “sours the milk” so better off for me that I don’t book.
When Fiona was on this site regularly I managed to pre book a few times and that was okay.
So I try dropping in on days based on who’s rostered, there are days where it doesn’t matter who you get to see because from past experiences you know you will be looked after.
Recently there have been times where I got “too busy now” and the door closes not slammed but no “come back later at” someone will be available. Again not Fiona’s fault, they don’t have her people skills, not really knowing how to treat a client.
So more than once now, I’ve left a little disappointed and probably a bit annoyed more so from the attitude at the door.
I just give it a miss that day, no good if you’re feeling a bit moody.
The new premises is good with ample parking but the traffic along with the never ending roadworks can make the area one to avoid. Applecross is a bit far not to mention the freeway.
So, no boom.