Having a receptionist would not be practical.
Apparently the average hourly rate for a receptionist is almost $30 per hour, even if you got a junior it would be over $20.
One for each venue.
I’ll let you do the math.There would also be other unseen costs.
Most of the time the ladies have an overlap so someone is free to welcome customers.
Not many AMPs employ a receptionist I’m guessing because of the cost and probably difficulty in obtaining one.
Also and I’ve been told this numerous times, a receptionist sometimes gets asked to provide services by visiting clients, not what they are there for.
Actually these days not all businesses employ a receptionist/welcome person. Anyone tried a travel agent lately, “no appointment we’re too busy to talk to you”, yet you’re willing to spend thousands.
Running a business, any business is not easy.
I’m sure your comments/feedback are welcome but try to be kind. Unintentional as it may be your comments can hurt and/or cause stress for the ladies. They try their best to treat everyone fairly. I’ve been on the receiving end of negative comments and it’s unpleasant.
No, I don’t have any financial connection to any venue, maybe @LongHair or @AlwaysUp or @Lukey.
Have a good day.
Hey JackADTS! Thanks for tagging me in!
Do I have any financial interest in the business more like, would I like an interest in the business. The answer would be both no.
I have an amazing time punting with the lovely ladies, once the booking begins, they are there purely to satisfy me! Guilt free! Booking finishes, I walk out feeling completely rejuvenated and happy!
Outside the shop, would I like to date a WL, a huge no. I won't be their centre of attention and would not expect them to treat me that way.
Always happy to pay and extend by the hour. Amen.