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Reason for Longer Lockdown... Second wave prediction

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As you all know the worlds knowledge of covid-19 is still new, in how the virus reacts to a human body & the recovery stages it requires. There are people out there that has recovered but their immunity and self recovery still aren't 100% after 1 month. And now Australia as a whole is entering our colder flu season which will lower our bodies immunity to be susceptible to the covid-19. Even if Australia as a whole combats this virus to extinction, the threat isn't over yet.

There is 1 case in china where a man who has been positive covid-19 for 2 months and counting. Recovered with no symptoms but became a slient carrier for the virus. There are cases of people who once recovered from the virus, started to become positive again after a long period after as the news said up to 70 days after. Even tho the cases so far have been in small numbers, it doesn't change the fact that these people become positive & become silent carriers of the virus without even realising it because they feel and show no symptoms.

So when Australia ceases the lockdown after believing they have eradicated the virus. It'll be a countdown from the first batch of covid-19 patients 1-2 months after starting to become positive again, in our dreaded flu season all it really takes is a few and next thing you know a explosion bloom of 200ish people infected just by those few. Those that stay positive to the virus will have to be in full isolation till the vaccine is ready.

That people is when everyone is lead into a false sense of calm before the eye of storm, and will suddenly be hit by the second wave so don't be too eager yet to have this lockdown lifted yet. Cause like every storm we need to ride it out till it is really over.

Here's an article for you to read if you have time.
Link is broken so has been taken down

Also on a side note to peak your interest... Did you know there's a news about the spread of covid-19 in China that says Shanghai & Beijing have no reports of the infection, which are nearby wushan but the surrounding cities do?

Shanghai & Beijing has chinas top leaders and the rich, there's also no reports of any military generals contracting the virus also. But in all parts of the world the virus has spread evenly throughout the world.

Makes you wonder doesn't it, if china covered up the virus at the start just to infect the world to boast their economy. Thinking Shanghai & Beijing was still operating during the outbreak still and now. The only country that won't be suffering a recession in the world is the one that started it... China. Curious isn't it why they haven't suffered the same fate as the rest of the world. Curious.

And if you think they wouldn't do that to their citizens think again, in the world of the powerful... people who are below them are considered peasants. And not worth thinking twice about, state economy vs 1-2 million peasants. The hash truth.

Look at North Korea how that dictator treats his citizens without a second thought.
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This report will probably be up for a day or 2 on what's new. Hope more people will be keyed into the problem we really face.

This is only the beginning...

Night Owl Ciao

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
This particular post & link may be of interest to you if you're not too busy to check it out @Trishaxxx2

Tania Admin

As per Mary-Anne's request, which appears on the top of the screen. Covid19 posts will no longer be allowed on our Forum.
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