Gold Member
About 12-24 months ago, there was on the Perth circuit, the most 'honest boss' I have ever known, their ads were 'Real Pic of Fuck for Free', I tried them out several times and they never lied, the girls were exactly as advertised!! - I haven't seen there ad lately, I assume due to Covid, but others have nicked their idea and now use this wording too, except they're still using it as a Switch n Bait tactic!! 
The original ads were very distinctive and had the mobile number placed sometimes diagonally across the photo to set them apart from the rest of the ads, the faces of the girls were hardly ever blurred out, has anyone seen them lately since Covid? - They had addresses in East Vic Park, East Perth, Rivervale, Innaloo and a few other areas. An absolute stand out girl was Anna or Anne, a gorgeous size 4-6 again girl that provided 'every service imaginable' which belied her innocent look and relatively young age, she was around 20-24. Jessica too was frigging gorgeous!!
Anyone know where this 'boss' now operates from??
The original ads were very distinctive and had the mobile number placed sometimes diagonally across the photo to set them apart from the rest of the ads, the faces of the girls were hardly ever blurred out, has anyone seen them lately since Covid? - They had addresses in East Vic Park, East Perth, Rivervale, Innaloo and a few other areas. An absolute stand out girl was Anna or Anne, a gorgeous size 4-6 again girl that provided 'every service imaginable' which belied her innocent look and relatively young age, she was around 20-24. Jessica too was frigging gorgeous!!
Anyone know where this 'boss' now operates from??