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Racial discrimination from sex workers.


Silver Member
Studying threads on this forum has brought to my attention to the fact that some punters are experiencing racial discrimination from sex workers.

Speaking to working ladies overall the years as well as having seen private escort profiles I have seen and heard how some working ladies only accept business from causasian clients. Or they specify certain ethnicities they do not wish to see. Most typically Indians and asians.

I would like to open up a discussion on this thread and invite punters, sex workers, as well as receptionists to give their point of view on this topic.

To start of with I would like to direct a question to a couple of forum members based on threads I have come across where they voiced about this. Of course they are not obliged to answer.

Honestman and Sunyun, do you feel that you have ever been treated differently from sex workers that has given you a negative experience?


5 Star General
Foundation Member
i don't see a problem with ladies being a little picky on who they want to have sex with even when you offer money for the privilege.the lady needs to be comfortable and feel safe @ all times , so that she can give her best service to the client ( VFM ) the lady does need return business to continue
some punters are violent , drunk and or drugged , why would anyone want to associate with them , i for 1 would not .


Foundation Member
could be many reasons - past experiences could be one
I would much prefer a WL wanting to see me than seeing me anyway

Ive see some WL specify no disabilitys and some others see it a as real priveledge to assist someone with a disability


Silver Member
i don't see a problem with ladies being a little picky on who they want to have sex with even when you offer money for the privilege.the lady needs to be comfortable and feel safe @ all times , so that she can give her best service to the client ( VFM ) the lady does need return business to continue
some punters are violent , drunk and or drugged , why would anyone want to associate with them , i for 1 would not .

Thanks John

I agree with you 100% in that all parties need to be comfortable and have the right to consent or not.

This discussion is opened to give an opportunity for everyone to express a point of view so we are all better informed of if or how much racial differences influence these decisions. Especially on whether the points you made in your final sentence has anything to do with this topic.




Silver Member
could be many reasons - past experiences could be one
I would much prefer a WL wanting to see me than seeing me anyway

Ive see some WL specify no disabilitys and some others see it a as real priveledge to assist someone with a disability

Thanks Bushseeker

I agree that a booking is best when both parties want to be there.


5 Star General
Foundation Member
more to ad " the lady is always in control especially when she lets you think you are ". i am not into ladies who feel they need to push me around ( a mutual feeling )because that is never going to happen, unless we are happy with it . in play only never out of the playroom .


Gold Member
Some WL will not show direct discrimination, as money is important to them. But, the
descrimination will be evident during the service. That is giving a crappy service.


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy, there are many forms of racial discrimination from sex workers, but, in fairness, the whole industry is wormed with discrimination within and from outside sources.

Back to topic;- Age, disabilities, race and yes I agree with Razor;- financial. Any of these factors will be in play when you are going for a punt, you may be judging the W/L but she is judging you at the same time.
As a mature male, the best trick, is always get yourself cleaned, and put on some great threads, its amazing how attitudes change very quickly.
Finally a small note about race;- I used to have a regular Chinese w/l, I realized very quickly, as well she told me, she never had a punt with Chinese guys. She told me she gets plenty request, but, she feared her Chinese community would find out, hence no Chinese guys.


Silver Member
Ahoy, there are many forms of racial discrimination from sex workers, but, in fairness, the whole industry is wormed with discrimination within and from outside sources.

Back to topic;- Age, disabilities, race and yes I agree with Razor;- financial. Any of these factors will be in play when you are going for a punt, you may be judging the W/L but she is judging you at the same time.
As a mature male, the best trick, is always get yourself cleaned, and put on some great threads, its amazing how attitudes change very quickly.
Finally a small note about race;- I used to have a regular Chinese w/l, I realized very quickly, as well she told me, she never had a punt with Chinese guys. She told me she gets plenty request, but, she feared her Chinese community would find out, hence no Chinese guys.

That is a valid reason Happy Pirate.

Gabriella Reis

Silver Member
Hi Custer..
IMO, what I judge when a punter come to see me its his hygiene and politeness standard …. It doesn't matter age, nationality… But how clean a punter is…

But at most of the case I've had problems w some race about hygiene… A punter who doesn't want to have a shower before a session, or pretending that he had just letting the water running and get a few drops of water on his head…..

How polite a punter treat me is very important too, and I don't want to be discriminative but theres some race who treats a women worst than a dog and Ive had some of those guys coming to see me too… Its very uncomfortable to us too…

Hope u have a good punter.. XX


Silver Member
Hi Custer..
IMO, what I judge when a punter come to see me its his hygiene and politeness standard …. It doesn't matter age, nationality… But how clean a punter is…

But at most of the case I've had problems w some race about hygiene… A punter who doesn't want to have a shower before a session, or pretending that he had just letting the water running and get a few drops of water on his head…..

How polite a punter treat me is very important too, and I don't want to be discriminative but theres some race who treats a women worst than a dog and Ive had some of those guys coming to see me too… Its very uncomfortable to us too…

Hope u have a good punter.. XX

Thank you Gabriella.


Legend Member
Hi Custer..
IMO, what I judge when a punter come to see me its his hygiene and politeness standard …. It doesn't matter age, nationality… But how clean a punter is…

But at most of the case I've had problems w some race about hygiene… A punter who doesn't want to have a shower before a session, or pretending that he had just letting the water running and get a few drops of water on his head…..

How polite a punter treat me is very important too, and I don't want to be discriminative but theres some race who treats a women worst than a dog and Ive had some of those guys coming to see me too… Its very uncomfortable to us too…

Hope u have a good punter.. XX

I'm with you on that one Gabriella, I've seen first hand how some guys treat ladies just in the lounge before they even get to the room - then I've heard some horror stories about lack of respect and well ... when it comes to personal hygiene there was a huge thread on here last year created by a lady called "Stinky Bums" ... I'm sure I don't need to add to that.

However one group I hear which strikes fear into the hearts of many ladies is the Irish. Apparently not world wide just the ones in Perth. They hear an Irish accent and avoid them if they can. Apparently they are disrespectful, have a fixation with bottoms when they are told no and always want to sneak the condom off. I've heard them a number of times drunk and insulting ladies and even me once when I was in the lounge. So in my view, a lady has every right to discriminate if she feels concerned.

It's really not that difficult to be clean and respectful then you'll probably have a great time, but there's no telling some people.


Legend Member
Studying threads on this forum has brought to my attention to the fact that some punters are experiencing racial discrimination from sex workers.

Speaking to working ladies overall the years as well as having seen private escort profiles I have seen and heard how some working ladies only accept business from causasian clients. Or they specify certain ethnicities they do not wish to see. Most typically Indians and asians.

I would like to open up a discussion on this thread and invite punters, sex workers, as well as receptionists to give their point of view on this topic.

To start of with I would like to direct a question to a couple of forum members based on threads I have come across where they voiced about this. Of course they are not obliged to answer.

Honestman and Sunyun, do you feel that you have ever been treated differently from sex workers that has given you a negative experience?

Hi All,

Well, although I was born in WA, and lived most of my life in Perth (with a year in China, and a year in the US), I had an Indian great grand mother, so I am brown skinned.

Having been born and bred in WA, I speak like an Aussi, so on the phone, I have experienced no discrimination.

In the seven years since I have been punting (nine years since my divorce), I have experienced only one incident when the lady opened the door, looked at me, before I could even say 'Hello', she said that she was unwell and unable to accommodate me - even though she had been OK to direct me up to her room, and had buzzed me up through the security door.

I assume this was because of my skin colour. I just turned around and walked away, even though it meant that I missed out on a punt that trip - no time to find another when you only have the one and a half hours spare from other commitments.

In the US, they don't care, they just want your dollars, and in Shanghai, they were a little surprised to see me after hearing me on the phone. They assumed that all Aussies were white skinned. But once they got over that first glimpse, they were OK.

I had one funny experience when, after the action was over, she asked me where I came from. When I replied 'Ou Jou' (OZ), she said, 'But where were you born ?', and when I replied, 'Attadale Hospital', she asked, 'So is that in India ?'

I replied, No, nearer Fremantle than Perth.', and she than asked, 'So is that near north or south India ?' Some impressions are hard to break !

In Perth, I have only had the one bad experience. All the other ladies have been just wonderful.

I treat the ladies with respect, and they give me wonderful service in return - win win.

Part of it is about who you choose. I notice that there is a French lady on a different website who states Caucasian clients only - so I would never consider calling her.

Her choice. There are lots of other lovely ladies around.

I don't normally talk about skin colour because I am an Australian. Skin colour only becomes an issue when someone wants to make it an issue, and I assume that they have had a bad experience with someone with dark skin. That's tough, but not my problem.

I assume that it also means that they have never had a bad experience with any Caucasian punter !

But you get that !



Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Ahhhh what a hot topic.....loving it.
In my case I do give every punter a fair chance. As mentioned before....hygiene is a big one and so is respect. I really don't care if clients are green, blue, brown, yellow or pink as long as the basics are covered. One bad experience with a blue one doesn't put me off all blue ones. Idiots come in all kind of shapes and colours.
variety is the spice of life........bring it on.....


Gold Member
Honestman and Sunyun, do you feel that you have ever been treated differently from sex workers that has given you a negative experience?

Well, here goes my thoughts.

To be quite honest with you in the most truthful of all accounts; as you would have witnessed so much ordeal derived from the threads I written; and that the effect still lingers to this day: absolutely. Without a second pulse needed for me to say that. If anyone really wishes to discuss further, I'm open to continue this as a (physical) meeting conversation as an one-one debate/ invitation over a cup of tea / coffee....and maybe with a piece of paper.

I am less than 30 years old, neither fat or bald, works out four days a week intensively in the gym (even though I appear to everyone only as someone who "subtly" works out) adopt a wholegrain diet & fitness lifestyle close to five years as I'm writing this, and as of last year; been sticking on a financial budget yet still have time and courtesy to buy groceries for the homeless - rejections do occur to anyone, no matter EVEN the most respectful of all mannerism. Believe it or not, I even get rejected by Asian W/Ls.

Rejections are not easy to describe. You could refer to the word rejection as though it is a predicament only at a "surface" level; that it is assumably something that can be "improved" upon by simply leaving things on the victim's end and "let it be". Well, nothing is further away from the truth.

Now, to make my response easier to digest I'm going to write this as accordingly to four sections:

1. Extra food for thought / reference - SAAFE.INFO
2. My thoughts on racial selection/s
3. "Direct" case (mine) of racial rejection
4. Conclusion / where to take from here

Another thread / forum food for thought - SAAFE.INFO

There is a thread; that I also would like to share (time and time again) - from another forum that is not entirely based on customers/punters market/perspective, but based entirely from workers and for workers only perspective - SAAFE.INFO. The thread which discusses upon rationalities of this subject has attracted well to 3 pages worth of reading material. Custer, this will be a GOOD EXTRA worth of information.

That link is here:

My thoughts on racial selection/s

Racial selection is not a crime.

Everyone has a choice, a right, an undoubtedly inner-law to protect their own sense of values & belief systems. If you look at what I do outside of worklife (that includes something for the ladies) you will immediately realise that I am defiant and protective of what I do. And the same goes for everybody; whether it be their way of passion, or an acquired sense or list of personal properties they wish to protect.

Yet, they rarely admit it.

Any W/Ls by all means - are of course free to state that they are protective, & defiant of their preferences as so too driven by their own sense of values & belief systems - but the most important question is - how do you admit this openly & "nicely"? Racial preferences coming from W/Ls, as far as I consider it so long as it's within a respectful INDIRECT environment - is not a crime. Note the word "indirect" here.

In this life, we all have rejected as well has been rejected, or refused no matter in what form or in what context or paradigms in society. Some have been refused more than what they reject, and/or vice versa. What really important is that everybody needs to know HOW in the correct, respectful and humane way of saying "NO" as it's given to the victim / recipient; in this case - the client.

Again, the word "INDIRECT" here to me; is slightly more tolerable to hear and to feel, than if it is "DIRECTLY" at me.To cut straight to the chase - it would be more painful for me to receive those response DIRECTLY at ME; as in in front of me, in front of my eyes, at my ears, behind my ears, meeting me, and then telling me straight up front without me knowing before hand.

Now for any W/Ls; no matter if she is a striking clone of Laura Lee, Destiny Dixon, Samantha Shane, Charity Hodghes, Amanda Rae, etc - if she respectfully and humbly write a line of her profile somewhere that she apologises (lowering herself first) to not see certain ethnicities, then that is a discreet, polite, and respectfully INDIRECT way of saying NO. And that; while sure is still painful enough for anyone, including myself to witness in text form, but still more bearable than me seeing her reaction to my eyes, and ears in the flesh.

"Direct" case (mine) of racial rejection

I still would not ever forget one night on the March 2013, upon checking in an establishment I never been before (Club 316), and; despite in that moment that I have encountered a beautiful German blonde, and when the time comes for a social act of handshake came in (as in any sort of FIRST HAND OF CLIENT>W/L interaction), she jerked my hand off away. Her eyes squinted away with disgust.

So much so, I made a full step away; and so did she.

The receptionist was there, in close vicinity. I left the place in bitter spirits. That night as disastrous as it was; ended fairly and amicably at Casey's when I decided to make a booking through with Tahlia. Although the experience I felt was somewhat anxious and wasn't 100% met - as soon as I told her what happened. She truly was shocked. Hand on her mouth kind of shocked.

Now that; my friends (ladies, if at all :() - is one such example of a DIRECT rejection.

The worst of all cases, was happened most recently. December 31st. Everyone supposedly on holiday mood. But when I stepped to Casey's. I get palm faced by being rejected by four ladies all at once over something that I didn't even intend to hurt in the first place. Even wrote a full length letter to the upper management and still to this day; without reply.

Imagine that; an establishment who had taken care of me consistently in the past without predjudice, now slammed me away without remorse. My gift of chocolates; which were meant to be given to them as an end of year gift of thanks - are still with me. Neatly wrapped.

Conclusion / where to go from here

Here in Australia, what are some of the most common subtle cues in any multi-cultural social environment; especially within the any workplace that is deemed "social" or "sociable"? Ladies & the men flirt, joke, swears with an F word in every third sentence, brushes each other's shoulders, you name it.

I've been through three creative agencies as a hardworking, full time employee and I've observed this over and thinking well ok, as long as I can be as polite as well as casual I could I should be fine right? After all, I've been living in oz (first arrived in Canberra) then in Perth for 15 years, surely there's something that everyone can relate to me better if I can introduce myself openly just as others would be used to? right?

Well, unfortunately and sadly, not the case here. There are times where I am being treated coldly in plain sight. Even a time (I still remembered) - May/June 2013 Langtrees. As I said hello to one group of ladies to another, an elusive yet attractive brunette lady in her white dress turns her back at me as I casually approached a "hello" to her. I was being ignored, in plain sight to everyone else's. Even for a few seconds, you can feel the awkwardness within those moment as you stick out like a dickhead.

So let us recap - it's important that all W/Ls LOWER themselves in humility first by apologising through INDIRECT means of communication; should they wish to state their ethnicity preferences.

Otherwise, you made someone who's all vividly bright happy and confident gentleman (before) and then (now) suddenly for the next booking he sheepishly ask you this question; all of a sudden in a somewhat unassuming expression: "I understand that you abide by your own rules, but do you accept asian clients?" Now imagine if you only saw him from afar before, but now; all of a sudden - he asks this question.
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Well, here goes my thoughts.

To be quite honest with you in the most truthful of all accounts; as you would have witnessed so much ordeal derived from the threads I written; and that the effect still lingers to this day: absolutely. Without a second pulse needed for me to say that. If anyone really wishes to discuss further, I'm open to continue this as a (physical) meeting conversation as an one-one debate/ invitation over a cup of tea / coffee....and maybe with a piece of paper.

I am less than 30 years old, neither fat or bald, works out four days a week intensively in the gym (even though I appear to everyone only as someone who "subtly" works out) adopt a wholegrain diet & fitness lifestyle close to five years as I'm writing this, and as of last year; been sticking on a financial budget yet still have time and courtesy to buy groceries for the homeless - rejections do occur to anyone, no matter EVEN the most respectful of all mannerism. Believe it or not, I even get rejected by Asian W/Ls.

Rejections are not easy to describe. You could refer to the word rejection as though it is a predicament only at a "surface" level; that it is assumably something that can be "improved" upon by simply leaving things on the victim's end and "let it be". Well, nothing is further away from the truth.

Now, to make my response easier to digest I'm going to write this as accordingly to four sections:

1. Extra food for thought / reference - SAAFE.INFO
2. My thoughts on racial selection/s
3. "Direct" case (mine) of racial rejection
4. Conclusion / where to take from here

Another thread / forum food for thought - SAAFE.INFO

There is a thread; that I also would like to share (time and time again) - from another forum that is not entirely based on customers/punters market/perspective, but based entirely from workers and for workers only perspective - SAAFE.INFO. The thread which discusses upon rationalities of this subject has attracted well to 3 pages worth of reading material. Custer, this will be a GOOD EXTRA worth of information.

That link is here:

My thoughts on racial selection/s

Racial selection is not a crime.

Everyone has a choice, a right, an undoubtedly inner-law to protect their own sense of values & belief systems. If you look at what I do outside of worklife (that includes something for the ladies) you will immediately realise that I am defiant and protective of what I do. And the same goes for everybody; whether it be their way of passion, or an acquired sense or list of personal properties they wish to protect.

Yet, they rarely admit it.

Any W/Ls by all means - are of course free to state that they are protective, & defiant of their preferences as so too driven by their own sense of values & belief systems - but the most important question is - how do you admit this openly & "nicely"? Racial preferences coming from W/Ls, as far as I consider it so long as it's within a respectful INDIRECT environment - is not a crime. Note the word "indirect" here.

In this life, we all have rejected as well has been rejected, or refused no matter in what form or in what context or paradigms in society. Some have been refused more than what they reject, and/or vice versa. What really important is that everybody needs to know HOW in the correct, respectful and humane way of saying "NO" as it's given to the victim / recipient; in this case - the client.

Again, the word "INDIRECT" here to me; is slightly more tolerable to hear and to feel, than if it is "DIRECTLY" at me.To cut straight to the chase - it would be more painful for me to receive those response DIRECTLY at ME; as in in front of me, in front of my eyes, at my ears, behind my ears, meeting me, and then telling me straight up front without me knowing before hand.

Now for any W/Ls; no matter if she is a striking clone of Laura Lee, Destiny Dixon, Samantha Shane, Charity Hodghes, Amanda Rae, etc - if she respectfully and humbly write a line of her profile somewhere that she apologises (lowering herself first) to not see certain ethnicities, then that is a discreet, polite, and respectfully INDIRECT way of saying NO. And that; while sure is still painful enough for anyone, including myself to witness in text form, but still more bearable than me seeing her reaction to my eyes, and ears in the flesh.

"Direct" case (mine) of racial rejection

I still would not ever forget one night on the March 2013, upon checking in an establishment I never been before (Club 316), and; despite in that moment that I have encountered a beautiful German blonde, and when the time comes for a social act of handshake came in (as in any sort of FIRST HAND OF CLIENT>W/L interaction), she jerked my hand off away. Her eyes squinted away with disgust.

So much so, I made a full step away; and so did she.

The receptionist was there, in close vicinity. I left the place in bitter spirits. That night as disastrous as it was; ended fairly and amicably at Casey's when I decided to make a booking through with Tahlia. Although the experience I felt was somewhat anxious and wasn't 100% met - as soon as I told her what happened. She truly was shocked. Hand on her mouth kind of shocked.

Now that; my friends (ladies, if at all :() - is one such example of a DIRECT rejection.

The worst of all cases, was happened most recently. December 31st. Everyone supposedly on holiday mood. But when I stepped to Casey's. I get palm faced by being rejected by four ladies all at once over something that I didn't even intend to hurt in the first place. Even wrote a full length letter to the upper management and still to this day; without reply.

Imagine that; an establishment who had taken care of me consistently in the past without predjudice, now slammed me away without remorse. My gift of chocolates; which were meant to be given to them as an end of year gift of thanks - are still with me. Neatly wrapped.

Conclusion / where to go from here

Here in Australia, what are some of the most common subtle cues in any multi-cultural social environment; especially within the any workplace that is deemed "social" or "sociable"? Ladies & the men flirt, joke, swears with an F word in every third sentence, brushes each other's shoulders, you name it.

I've been through three creative agencies as a hardworking, full time employee and I've observed this over and thinking well ok, as long as I can be as polite as well as casual I could I should be fine right? After all, I've been living in oz (first arrived in Canberra) then in Perth for 15 years, surely there's something that everyone can relate to me better if I can introduce myself openly just as others would be used to? right?

Well, unfortunately and sadly, not the case here. There are times where I am being treated coldly in plain sight. Even a time (I still remembered) - May/June 2013 Langtrees. As I said hello to one group of ladies to another, an elusive yet attractive brunette lady in her white dress turns her back at me as I casually approached a "hello" to her. I was being ignored, in plain sight to everyone else's. Even for a few seconds, you can feel the awkwardness within those moment as you stick out like a dickhead.

So let us recap - it's important that all W/Ls LOWER themselves in humility first by apologising through INDIRECT means of communication; should they wish to state their ethnicity preferences.

Otherwise, you made someone who's all vividly bright happy and confident gentleman (before) and then (now) suddenly for the next booking he sheepishly ask you this question; all of a sudden in a somewhat unassuming expression: "I understand that you abide by your own rules, but do you accept asian clients?" Now imagine if you only saw him from afar before, but now; all of a sudden - he asks this question.

I'm sure this is a topic close to your heart Honestman .... but jeez ... you lost me about a third of the way through ...

Miss Holly

For me this isn't an issue of race, but of culture. Each and every culture views sex and the treatment of women differently, so it's inevitable that there will be differences in the ways that punters enjoy sex and treat working girls.

It's dangerous to paint everybody as the same, however I think it's important to recognise that stereotypes arise after trends have formed -- they're not simply invented overnight. From my experience it's true that certain cultures have different ideas about what standard of hygiene is acceptable; some fetishise anal sex; some are reserved; some think it's sexy to lick a woman from head to toe to navel to armpit to inner-ear; and some respect "no," while it doesn't seem to be in others' vocabularies. A friend of mine once said, "if I spent time with 10 German Shepherds and 8 of them bit me, could you blame me for being wary of them?" (Not that I mean to compare punters with animals, haha.)

I have to agree with most of what's already been said. Nobody should fall victim to discrimination provided that they're clean and respectful, but it is the lady's choice overall.
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Miss Holly

And for the record, this is the first time in almost 18 months (of being in the industry) that I've heard of Asian men being discriminated against. If anything, I've found that they have the best reputation amongst sex workers. (If I'm to be candid: respectful, gentle, impeccably hygienic.)

Sorry to hear about your negative experience HonestMan. x


Foundation Member
[quote="Miss Holly, post: 242728, some think it's sexy to lick a woman from head to toe to navel to armpit to inner-ear; [/quote]

maybe your 'different"

but im yet to meet a lady who doesnt really and i men really
enjoy this


Legend Member
I'm sure this is a topic close to your heart Honestman .... but jeez ... you lost me about a third of the way through ...

Well done that's a third more than me. I see the name and just skip that post now, its not being racist or anything else its just so hard to read and comprehend what is actually being said. Maybe , just maybe if the poster also talks in real life like this , this may be the reason why he has been turned away before. Hopefully this post about said person and similarity to a novel by Leo Tolstoy wont get deleted its just an observation not being nasty


Legend Member
As a white punter I am able to go to most ladies without rejection Because as others before me have said I am always clean polite and hopefully respectful

But on the other foot We are a great travelling nation And we and by we I am speaking of white Australians We go abroad and automatically expect that every working girl from Afghanistan to Zimbawe to welcome us in Yet here when someone of a different background gets knocked back here we often say Oh but so an so race are ......
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Legend Member
Negative experience doesn't discriminate. Everyone bound to catch some in their lifetime.Racial discrimination probably does. If we're all naked, all i see are boobs and premium clam. I moana, she moana, as long as both parties can moana like lisa. It doesn't matter.


Foundation Member
As a mature male, the best trick, is always get yourself cleaned, and put on some great threads, its amazing how attitudes change very quickly.
agree here im not sure how many WL prefer to see 25 yo studs with chisseled abs
but Im a great believer if you put some effort in your more than likely to get it back

course it doesnt always work but some ladys are just duds

as i always say if nothing else greeting a lady at the front door when im freshly showered nice pants, dress shirt, decnt watch and dress shoes and ive got a neat and tidy place

- makes me feel good


Gold Member
Well done that's a third more than me. I see the name and just skip that post now, its not being racist or anything else its just so hard to read and comprehend what is actually being said. Maybe , just maybe if the poster also talks in real life like this , this may be the reason why he has been turned away before. Hopefully this post about said person and similarity to a novel by Leo Tolstoy wont get deleted its just an observation not being nasty

Very well, if I seem to annoy, I do apologise.

Which part of my post anyone else do not understand?

Racial selection is not a crime in or of itself; as long as the W/L stated her ethnicity preferences in indirect means of communication. The best way for that is simply done in writing it down sincerely.

Is that clear enough?

Unfortunately, some forum members (which I respectfully assume older than me) here are ignorant enough to judge me straight by my own nickname. Perhaps these people haven't experienced any sort of racism throughout their lifetime; or refused to be given service by being different. Well, more power to them.


And to Ms Holly, my sincerest thanks. Not many W/Ls would give out such thoughts.
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5 Star General
Foundation Member
i,m not sure if anyone realises that the working ladies come under the health act of each state , which means that they are responsible for their health.


Legend Member
i,m not sure if anyone realises that the working ladies come under the health act of each state , which means that they are responsible for their health.

John Lou could you clear something for a thick country lad ?
They? are the lady herself or the department that is responsible? I assume the lady but. It was just the wording


5 Star General
Foundation Member
John Lou could you clear something for a thick country lad ?
They? are the lady herself or the department that is responsible? I assume the lady but. It was just the wording
yes the lady is responsible for her health . you might say that the ladies are covered by the state compensation insurance ( workers comp ) as they do pay taxes , i would like to see the ladies get a claim . :) :) that would be a 1st :)


Silver Member
Some of the most mileage rich punters on here are what some of the comments posted consider ethnicities that are discriminated against. Why is that?