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Private Girls V's Agency Girls - Is there a preference?


Silver Member
To all you punters out there...

Do you have a preference for private girls over agency girls or vice versa? And if so why? Just curious....... ;)
I thought price maybe a factor but i see alot of private girls advertising the same prices as agencies so that cant be the only thing!


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy;- Price is always a factor, but, for me I have never made a decision on "Private or agency", I made my decision on personality and service, when I find a W/L that I connect with and the service is good, I tend to visit her on a regular basis. Eventually there will be an issue or I get bored......that when I move onwards.


Silver Member
Ok so whats the first thing that would make you try a new escort?


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy;- New escort? I would look closely at her personality and if we have a connection. With international girls it is not the lack of English and I can read their personalities a lot more clearly, however some can be shy and it may take you some time to read them.

I agree with Madison, agency are safer for both clients and the girls. Some Privates girls have been attacked and victimized, no matter what city or country town, it happens everywhere.

Ok so whats the first thing that would make you try a new escort?

Phil Pimper

Ahoy;- Price is always a factor, but, for me I have never made a decision on "Private or agency", I made my decision on personality and service, when I find a W/L that I connect with and the service is good, I tend to visit her on a regular basis. Eventually there will be an issue or I get bored......that when I move onwards.

I totally concur.


Legend Member
If after a usual range of treats then I tend to stick with a known lady where we both connect.

If I want a change I look for variety, treats offered, different nationality (experience the world in my own backyard! ), all wrapped in a convincing sales pitch. A text or call soon sort the interested and interesting from the run of the mill


Foundation Member
a well selected private girl will nearly always provide a much better service at a far cheaper rate


Foundation Member
also while alot of the private girls while they advertise high know thier dreaming. its often easy to get extra time for thier advertised rate.


Whatever happened to FREE love?
Legend Member
Ok so whats the first thing that would make you try a new escort?

A combination of price (usually no more than $350/hr for WLs or $200/hr for MLs) and photos/description in the ad. Whether or not an agency is involved is not a factor in my decision, though I don't know that I've seen any ladies who do work through one. It is often a punt in the truest sense of the word, some pay off, others don't. The ones that work out, I see again, the others I don't (obviously).

In this way, I have built up a small stable of regular PMLs and PWLs each of whom tour every month or two on average, along with a few ladies in massage parlours and brothels.


Legend Member
I have not had good experiences with parlors - I am not young and good looking, so the girls don't come flocking to me, and then there is the whole thing of asking, 'do you do DFK ?', etc.

Find someone you like, and they may not be on next time - I have booked, but when I got there, she was with someone else - and the thought of waiting in a room full of strangers who all know why I am there is off-putting, and when she is free, she comes out a bit out of breath, .......

With privates, I can check out her services on the web. I can make a booking, and turn up at the door with no one else knowing who I am seeing or why I am there.

But then there is always that moment of truth.

She may cancel at the last moment (seems to happen often !), or she may have lied about her age, size, etc, and have fake pics.

But then, I can just walk.

Her service may be crap, but then so may the service of a parlor girl.

When I find a good private, I tend to see only her as long as she is still working, and not busy when I email.

I like to see the same few girls regularly and build a bit of a relationship so that they know me and can relax with me and I can relax with them.

All in all, I prefer privates.



Foundation Member
Overall I have had better experiences with Privates but when things don't work out the experience is generally much worse than you would get at an agency.


Whatever happened to FREE love?
Legend Member
I should add that all the privateers I've seen have been reliable in general... until last month when I was stood up by a touring PWL for reasons unknown. But that's still a very small failure rate.


The higher priced "elite" privates are generally more reliable than the bargain basement ones - price vs quality?


Bronze Member
I prefer private girls as I'd prefer all the money go to them rather than an agency that just deals with a phone and computer and gets half of the money!

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
Johonno if I just dealt with the phones and the computer life would be cruisey, there is a lot more involved than that and very large overheads take 10% GST. Do you think private girls pay GST?

John The John

Silver Member
I'm finding that truly private girls are becoming a rare commodity these days. More often the 'non agency' girls seem to be part of some sort of loose affiliation with each other, sharing costs like rental and receptionist, etc.

I've generally had a pretty bad run with the few agencies I've used over the years. Mostly as per posts above, different girl, girls working too hard and therefore exhausted and a generally 'spermy' atmosphere which, although I fully understand the nature of reality here, just doesn't work for me mentally.

I've followed a couple of girls through their private places, then on through to visit them working at legit shops - the experience has always been far far better in the private setting.

John The John

Silver Member
I have not had good experiences with parlors - I am not young and good looking, so the girls don't come flocking to me, and then there is the whole thing of asking, 'do you do DFK ?', etc.

Yeah, I'm much the same. No longer young and whilst I do my best and try to look after myself, physically and hygiene wise, etc, etc, yeah, I'm not usually swamped :) Its all fine, I understand and I'm good with it, I try to push the balance in my favour here with girls I try and like by tipping ridiculously haha, that usually works out well for second and subsequent visits :)

The thing with parlours I really dislike is that you can't believe basically anything that they say. They might as well say nothing at all insofar as transferral of information goes. Its all about getting you in the door.

I used to ask direct questions that required yes or no answers, such as "is Sunny working"? This type of thing - but inevitably, the answer is yes, and if you ask for specific extras that answer is always 'yes' as well - you turn up and all the girls are different, the extras are off the table, etc ,etc.

Nowadays I ask leading questions ... "who is working" and "what extras are available".

Find someone you like, and they may not be on next time - I have booked, but when I got there, she was with someone else - and the thought of waiting in a room full of strangers who all know why I am there is off-putting, and when she is free, she comes out a bit out of breath, .......

Yeah its a somewhat weird thing eh? We all know why we're there, We all know that popular shops (or privates) are going to provide the girls with 6-8-10+ customers a day, yet I still remember thinking 'ugh..' a while back when the girl I booked was running late due to an outcall. She arrived looking flustered and tired.

When I find a good private, I tend to see only her as long as she is still working, and not busy when I email.

I like to see the same few girls regularly and build a bit of a relationship so that they know me and can relax with me and I can relax with them.

Yes, definitely this. I too search out 3-4-5 girls that I really like and try to follow them as they move about, I've rarely found a private girl who stays put for more than a few months at a time.

I'd actually be happy enough with just 1 or 2, but its a constantly evolving landscape out there, girls moving on, going on holidays, or just being busy, etc, etc.


Legend Member
Seeing as I rarely have a car when in Perth The LT's Casey's of this world win As they are always in the same place Hate the I will tell you the address when your nearby And having to have the discussion sitting next to the taxi driver

Though if a fave regular is free I will see her

Miss Monique

Adelaide's original Plus Size Delight
Legend Member
Hate the I will tell you the address when your nearby And having to have the discussion sitting next to the taxi driver

This is an very interesting comment and something I have not thought about. I now do this give the street name and the gentleman msg me when in street for house number. This is because I have been working from home and private when you give out your address and have many no show's etc ladies need to keep safe and privacy is important plus stops the walk inns. From experience men who prefer private ladies like that it's discreet no one else here, prices are lower less extra charges with private ladies. Agency have several ladies to choose from and high end jobs men prefer to use an agency this is what I have found. I agree that it's harder to find a true private lady many share a house and pass them self off as private. Rental prices are high so us who cater for the everyday blue collar worker more hours need to be worked to cover cost. Private ladies don't have to be firm clock watchers no fear of receptionist telling you time to leave. In defense for agency's these are not cheap business to run and they have the cost of reception etc and have the joyful job of dealing with the headaches that come with many of the WL in the industry that alone is worth gold. As a private lady I rather have lower pricing that's affordable to most men and be busy every day.


Whatever happened to FREE love?
Legend Member
I'm not too fussed by that protocol (being given the building address or hotel, and having to call or text for the unit or room number upon arrival), but I do wonder how effective it is with determined time-wasters or worse. E.g. if I were that way inclined, I could claim to be outside your block of flats or hotel or in your street, get the exact location and not show up... at least not when you were expecting me. However, I suppose some rudimentary security measure is better than none.


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
Brothel or parlor ladies, then if you dont like one there are others..


Foundation Member
I'm not too fussed by that protocol (being given the building address or hotel, and having to call or text for the unit or room number upon arrival), but I do wonder how effective it is with determined time-wasters or worse. E.g. if I were that way inclined, I could claim to be outside your block of flats or hotel or in your street, get the exact location and not show up... at least not when you were expecting me. However, I suppose some rudimentary security measure is better than none.
They are called Addy Hunters much like the pic hunters.
Measures you take are
- After they should be driving call them listen for sounds of driving. ask them which intersection are they
- From the point they call after they arive eg shop ask them what is next door/accross the road
- Hotels etc that have balcony you see them drive in to the carpark before getting room number eg City Waters and the Great Eastern Motor Lodge. Where a friend of mine stayed sometimes. she would direct them into the carpark of her choosing


Whatever happened to FREE love?
Legend Member
No PWL I've seen has ever gone to that extent, but some good tips there.

Miss Monique

Adelaide's original Plus Size Delight
Legend Member
Very valid point XLNC there is no full proof screening process as a WL you just have to weed out the time wasters from the genuine clients. For me I live close to a corner so use corner of such and such street and can see from my windows and have another house in the street so they can check for me if someone is in the street. I had someone msg half hour before booking time saying they in street and asking for house number I politely cancelled the booking due to feeling uncomfortable with someone sitting in my street for half hour. I had another appointment so was not able to see them before the scheduled time. I have not heard of Addy hunters before I'm sorry but for the life of me why would someones life be so boring to do this what is there to gain. I do not get some of the behavior and blown away how often no show's try to make bookings again. Saving numbers such a no shows time wasters or unusual behavior is imperative for any worker. I have had 2 people, lost count how many times they have tried to get address without making a booking, constant phone calls even resorted with telling them I will report police if they continue to ring/harassing phone calls. I'm sure they get some enjoyment at me telling them off lol

Agency's I would not say are safer for WL. Both times I have had issues have been while working for an agency and very few in SA have any security on site. They may be safer for the men less likely to be scammed etc but their is the risk of the place being raided by police and most brothel address are known venues so less discretion being seen coming and going.


New Members
Definitely prefer private girls
Ladies run there own business and as in all business repeat customers are valuable,
It's also good to talk to the girls before meeting, you can get a feel for her attitude and friendliness


Gold Member
It is so hard to find true private. The ad on BP says private but in my experience often they are agency.
I would prefer private every time as I am definitely not a WBTYM (Wham Bam Thank You Ma'am) but look for dinner dates. Privates are often casual as well just advertising when they need some money and you can develop a better relationship. When you book with an agency the girl in the photo NEVER turns up!