For many years, far too many of what anyone would consider "erotic" photography is simply that - various "technical" angles on how many would perceive it simply as tittliating. Somewhere between a free wanking material or just something simply "nice" to look at.
Since this thread is "non-porn" I thought I could put in something "different" here.
For those who are in the creative department
(...and a follower of a few exceptional tech house record labels!!!) meet the works of
Sacha Dean Biyan / Eccentris. Many of his works go beyond just pretty compositions, but many of them imply something, or somehow...somewhere between the lines of controversy and luxury

First stumbled his name when I got Dessous Recordings' Eccentris / Skin Is In years ago..... If I have a spare room as a gallery I'd buy his prints to be honest.
Enjoy your eyes, while you still can
