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Overdue Changes To Sex Worker Laws In The Territory


Tania Admin

Darwin City and Waterfront Retailers Association committee member and restaurateur Jason Hanna said he supported the full decriminalisation of sex work.

“The most important thing to understand is that safety is paramount, and these women and men they deserve to be safe at all times,” he said. “They should never feel uncomfortable calling the police. “Occupational health and safety should come first.”

Mr Hanna said there were a lot of sex workers who lived in the NT, and contributed in a positive way to the economy.

“These workers they make their money and they spend their money here,” he said. “From an economic perspective, regulating the industry and changing tax could be a benefit.”

Mr Hanna said creating a ‘sex precinct’ where security guards could patrol would also help keep Territory sex workers safe from harm, and make sure families wanting to avoid the area could easily do so.

“Maybe we could have a bit of fun with it and call it ‘rub and tug alley’,” he said. “It’s important to understand that prohibition has never worked in any case. The industry isn’t going anywhere. We need to look after the workers.”

LEAH Potter hasn’t worked in the sex industry since 2002. But almost two decades later, she is still on the Territory sex worker register and unless changes are made, will be for the rest of her life.

“Now I’m an old grandmother with a soup kitchen, but I’m on a sex register for life,” she said. “It’s not fair, and it’s not necessary. Who is that keeping safe?”

The stigma of lifelong registration meant some sex workers chose to work outside the law, she said. If they were then assaulted by a client, those workers were reluctant to report it to police, she said. •

“If a client knows that you’re doing something illegal then they’re in the position of power,” she said.

Ms Potter employed 13 sex workers at Princess Escorts, the Darwin agency she owned in the ’90s. The laws, which haven’t been updated since, put those employees at risk, she said.

“If they come in and close those massage places down, those girls are still going to work, they will just work from unsafe places. “And if you kicked all the hookers out of this town, all that money which goes back into the economy would go too.”

She called for commonsense reform to bring the industry into the open. “This isn’t civil disobedience,” she said. “We’re not running around in anarchy wanting to get our vaginas out. We just want to work safely and have proper working conditions.

SEX work will be decriminalised in the Northern Territory. A discussion paper to be released Saturday by the Labor Government calling for input into how best to make the change has lifted the lid on our sex industry, detailing how the Territory’s confusing and outdated laws have pushed operations underground. Hamstrung by regulations which put their safety at risk.

Shae Demasi

VIP Companion
Legend Member
Thank you for your informative update Tania :)... now its surely time to tackel QLD!!!!

The link is broken, so taken down.

Aug 24, 2018 - 25 posts - ‎9 authors
Ok. the prostitute known as Chantelle James [ real name was published] charged with " Knowingly participating in the provision of prostitution and publishing an ....The link is broken, so taken down. ...

Discretion is certainly "not" QLD"s strong point..hmmmm????

The link is broken, so taken down.
Aug 24, 2018 - Melinda Lee Godfrey faced Townsville Magistrates Court charged ... services offered Chantelle James on an escort services website and an ...
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Tania Admin

Another article i found on the topic:

It's long been an open secret, tucked away in the alleyways of the tropical Northern Territory capital — red signs blazing day and night offering massages with a little something extra on the side.

Now, the veil has been lifted on the illicit industry, with the NT Government releasing a new discussion paper which reveals the extent of the illegal sexual activities operating in plain sight within the Darwin CBD.

"In the last two to three years, the Northern Territory, particularly in Darwin, has seen significant growth in the number of standalone massage parlours that, alongside their therapeutic massage services, provide erotic or sexual services," the discussion paper reads.

"Currently there are no licensed escort agencies, and any other business that provides sexual services are not operating in compliance with the Act.

"… Anecdotal evidence suggested that in a number of massage parlours, sexual services are offered at the end of the normal massage service."

Under the Territory's ageing sex industry laws, brothels remain illegal, despite a high demand for services from the region's largely transient workforce.

Key points:
  • The new paper could lead to the eventual decriminalisation of brothels within the Northern Territory
  • If it goes ahead, the shift would mean the region's illegal brothel industry would be stamped out, and legislated
  • Advocates from the sex industry have long supported the move, which is outlined in the paper.
For full article and source: