Just wondering whats going to happen to our fake current affairs shows
They have no wikipedia for research
Will we get real reporting or is that just wishful thinking?
I'm just having a mental image of all these school kids simultaneously shouting "noooooo" as their homework is due tomorrow...
They gave a few days notice, so people could get their homework done early.
I support Wikipedia in this fight against the forces of evil (US Congress and other like-minded governments - which includes Australian govt).
There is a good article/interview by a Curtin University professor on this at:
Wikipedia blackout | SOPA | PIPA
but essentially the argument is about giving a few people control over the content of the internet.
I do love a dose of irony every now and then!
"he's a dick".
I know... on the plus side we aim for a bit of transparency here, so if I go silly and let the power go to my head, people will see it and say "he's a dick".
essentially the argument is about giving a few people control over the content of the internet.
I'm sure you've heard / read whats happening with megaupload in recent days? We'll end up like north Korea
...read whats happening with megaupload in recent days?
No, I haven't. I've been out of the loop on most things. *goes to google...*
...you don't have to be just distributing it either....