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My Bali mate


Gold Member
Do any of you have one of those friends who just can't keep out of the shit?...I've got a pommie mate in Bali and every time I see him and that's every second day he has a new story that a normal person just wouldn't believe.So I'll tell you a couple and you tell me if you believe ( all stories are 100% true)

1. One night he went to a brothel in Sanur but was unhappy with the service, so he told the girl she was shit and wasn't going to pay. As the got to the door she screamed rape then the security guys ran in....it cost him $500A to get out of there with his teeth.

2. On another visit to a WL he contracted Gonnorhea which he passed on to his wife. So he got the antibiotics to fix himself up and an extra course that he put in his wife's food to clear her up too.

3. He took his Balinese girlfriend to a villa for the weekend and spent up big, but when the bill arrived he found out the prices were in U.S. Dollars not A$ like he thought so the weekend cost him about $3000A.

The stories go on and on, anyone else know someone like this?
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