? Spinal injury.
Dear Huma,
I would suggest that "Puka's" advice is sound the Non-Steroidal anti-inflamatory is a very effective treatment taken judicially and as stated only take N.S.A.s after food and DO NOT use alcohol with these medications(less than 1 standard drink can cause you to be over 0.05 blood alcohol).
Definitely fill in an injury report, this type of injury could come back to haunt you in years to come.
Hot bath, with a cupful of Magnesium sulphate in the bath-water 20-30 minutes after the NSA soak as long as you can.
Take enough Mag.Sulphate (Epsom salts) to just cover a 5cent piece in a glass of warm water, if you excede this quantity it could cause diarhoea, the Magnesium ion is required for muscle relaxation. take this shortly before sleep.
Give serious consideration to consulting a Shiatsu Therapist, Manipulative Physiotherapist, Osteopath or Chiropractor.
What you have described sounds like a spinal misalignment, with associated soft tissue injury. the treatments described thus far are for the soft tissue injuries and may not fix the underlying spinal injury.
Certainly, if you are one of the 80% that acupuncture works for, then acupuncture sedation treatment would be most beneficial.
Do seek proper treatment a.s.a.p., and REPORT it. If I was there I could probably relieve most of the symptoms in an hour or so, But I'm not, it could be more serious if not treated properly.
As a Shiatsu Therapist/acupuncturist/retired ambulace officer, I do have some knowledge to base My recomendations on.
Post script: Be very cautious with paracetamol(panadol)it causes liver damage, if there is pre-existing liver damage 10grams in one 24 hour period could be fatal(20 tabs)but it could take days to die slowly,poisoned by the bodies own toxins as the liver shuts down.