Mitchell | Langtrees Canberra See our Roster ✅

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Talking Turkey Moderator
Canbera are going to update this page today, they also have a sub forum for adding all new girls etc. Langtrees Canberra is leased and will be shortly owned by my defacto nephew Aaron. He is a good operator but does need a kick in the butt from Aunty sometimes. He has suppoerted me since he was 10 years of age, he was helping me learn how to use a computer as was a frind of my daughter and his dad was a driver for us for a couple of years.
Aaron is our largest paying agency so far and the first to use our full roster, he keeps it updated really well. He also use his link as the main link to send all his enquiries, so true 100 Club and he will be guaranteed a invite to my Dirk Hartog hilday village in 2026 with 25 other supporters of &