Mitchell ACT | Wanderlust Gentleman's Club | 0481 211 255



Contact - 02 6242 9996
- 32 Grimwade St, Mitchell ACT 2911

The Gentleman's Club that Canberra has been needing. Seductive and Sophisticated, Wanderlust has only the best selection of Exotic Dancers in the A.C.T. Wanderlust Gentlemen's Club elite team of Exotic Dancers are here to entertain you four nights a week. Some of our Dancers have been ranked among the best Dancers in the Country! And ALL of them are waiting to show you exactly why they're the best. Let our sexy lingerie waitresses take your order from your VIP booth - or make your way over to the sexy staff who are waiting to serve you your favorite iced drink from behind our fully licensed bar. Non-stop entertainment all night on the stage with a tipping area for when you see the girl you want to get close to. Private Lap Room where you can get up close and intimate with your favorite girl and watch her move under the beam of the seduction room. All those curves in all the right places.
Our stage features a shower that is an entertaining delight! We will get him wet on a whole new level this show is one of the best most entertaining shows you will see in Canberra.

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