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Misconceptions about sex


Diamond Member
I thought it might be fun (and even educational) to do a list of popular misconceptions about sex. Things you might have been told about sex at some stage in your life that were just plain wrong. I will start.

1. Eggs come out of a chicken's butthole. Everyone I knew believed this when I was little. Probably it was a mixture of parents not wanting to explain about vaginas, and the fact that the eggs sometimes had shit on them. But then some kids transferred that 'knowledge' to babies as well. I remember having a long argument with a girl in my class who believed this—she thought I was totally insane.

2. You can't get pregnant standing up. I heard this one from a boy when I was a teenager. I just laughed. I kind of think it was probably just part of a devious plan to con me into having sex with him rather than something he seriously believed. Still maybe he had learnt about gravity and not much else.

3. The best cure for an STI is to have sex with a virgin. This one is a combination of really stupid and pure evil. (I've only ever read about this one. But I find it really shocking.)

4. Once you are inside them, all women want you to immediately go at them non-stop and rapid-fire like a pile-driver. I think this must come from porn. But seriously, speaking purely for myself, if I wanted that I would take a speed boat ride over rough surf. Sure, things are likely to be more frenetic just before orgasm, but it sometimes seems the guy has one gear, which involves trying to snap his spine and crack my pelvis in the mistaken belief that I will be impressed with the amount of sweat he can generate. It's OK to slow down a bit and enjoy the ride.
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John Smithl

Legend Member
I thought it might be fun (and even educational) to do a list of popular misconceptions about sex. Things you might have been told about sex at some stage in your life that were just plain wrong. I will start.

1. Eggs come out of a chicken's butthole. Everyone I knew believed this when I was little. Probably it was a mixture of parents not wanting to explain about vaginas, and the fact that the eggs sometimes had shit on them. But then some kids transferred that 'knowledge' to babies as well. I remember having a long argument with a girl in my class who believed this—she thought I was totally insane.

2. You can't get pregnant standing up. I heard this one from a boy when I was a teenager. I just laughed. I kind of think it was probably just part of a devious plan to con me into having sex with him rather than something he seriously believed. Still maybe he had learnt about gravity and not much else.

3. The best cure for an STI is to have sex with a virgin. This one is a combination of really stupid and pure evil. (I've only ever read about this one. But I find it really shocking.)

4. Once you are inside them, all women want you to immediately go at them non-stop and rapid-fire like a pile-driver. I think this must come from porn. But seriously, speaking purely for myself, if I wanted that I would take a speed boat ride over rough surf. Sure, things are likely to be more frenetic just before orgasm, but it sometimes seems the guy has one gear, which involves trying to snap his spine and crack my pelvis in the mistaken belief that I will be impressed with the amount of sweat he can generate. It's OK to slow down a bit and enjoy the ride.
Great thread, and good points 👍

#3 I haven't heard the passing STI's onto virgin's one; that is nasty!

#4 Anticipation and connected variation is the way to go. Always better with mutual tender heartspace involved, which can be a challenge having this level of rapport in a 1 hour session


Legend Member
MYTH: The clitoris is just a teeny-tiny nub.
TRUTH: There’s more to the clit than meets the eye. That external nub or “bean,” called the glans, is just one small part of the greater clitoral network, most of which is internal.

The clitoris, depicted in full above, is more than just the small bean or glans clitoris most are familiar with.

The clitoris, depicted in full above, is more than just the small bean or "glans clitoris" most are familiar with.

No idea what to do

Legend Member
Interesting, Learn all the time.
How do I get my lips on all of it if it's an inside job?

I love the lips and the Nub, But I especially enjoy it when I can put my tongue into the tunnel of love.

:excited: The Frenchman👅


Diamond Member
1. Eggs come out of a chicken's butthole. Everyone I knew believed this when I was little. Probably it was a mixture of parents not wanting to explain about vaginas, and the fact that the eggs sometimes had shit on them.

Just ducked in to correct this. Talk about misconceptions! Turns out that chickens just have the one hole for everything: google 'cloaca'. Sorry bout that.


Legend Member
Just ducked in to correct this. Talk about misconceptions! Turns out that chickens just have the one hole for everything: google 'cloaca'. Sorry bout that.
Thanks for clearing that one up Plumage :)