In Midland I have tried a few:
- Chinese massage in Centrepoint SC. The owner is legit and tries to run a legit shop but I have had HJ's from a few of the girls. Standard massage pricing.
- Smile Thai Massage (Opposite the town hall clock). I found them to be strictly legit. Think the price was ~ $75 hr but good massage.
- Khim thai Massage (On GEH between Centrepoint and Midland Gate) Strictly legit ask you to keep your undies on. Excellent massage $80 hr
- Chinese Therapeutic Massage and Accupuncture (On GEH between Centrepoint and Midland Gate) Most girls legit but I have had good luck with Shu san. Price is $70 hr and they take health fund rebates.
- W ink Massage - havent been there but plenty of reviews on the forums here.
- Midland Oriental Massage - Just up from W ink Massage on GEH. Standard prices my experience there was crap but that was a long time ago been some good reviews since then. Some girls there go all the way.... but I dont know who.
- Sunflower - was opposite the new Quest Hotel but closed a few months back. When it was going it was dodgy as fuck.
- Tea tree massage (on the Crescent, just up from the new Quest hotel) the place looks dodgy from the outside but looks legit when you enter....but the girls get around in high heels and skimpy dresses. Crap massage, crap HJ, crap titties...but that was 3 years ago so could be good now. This a guaranteed dodgy place with health fund rebates.
- New Thai place opposite Quest - haven't been there yet so no idea. Standard Thai prices which are typically $10-15 mire than Chinese massage prices.
- Amy Massage (on the crescent opposite Midland Gate) - tried my best with Amy but she is legit as is the whole shop. Good massages, standard prices and has health fund rebates. She is my go to for a legit massage.
- Chinese Therapeutic Massage and Accupuncture (they have two shops in midland, second one near the post office in Midland Gate) - I saw Shu san there when I tried for an appointment but they could not fit me in. My guess is the shop is legit but shu san is worth a go. She is probably 40, size 12.
- Crescent Springs massage (on the Crescent near the Hogs breath) Strictly legit, ask to keep undies on but roll with it if you take them off. Plenty of dudes there be sure to ask for a chick or you will get a dude. Standard prices.
- there are a few massage places inside Midland Gate but I have never tried any of them.
- then there is Maureens and a few others I have never tried them either.
I might have missed one or two not sure.