Unfortunately I dated quite a few messed up people before I met my awesome husband.
One guy a couple of years ago reminded me of Terrence and Phill from South Park (looks and mouth wise), very much a control freak, overly jealous (to the point at the end I was told to wear jeans and a t-shirt when we went out and was not allowed anywhere near a dance floor in case someone looked at me) and became violent and knocked me out one night (End of relationship). He didn't like any of my friends and he was only nice when I was feeling down, but if I was happy the insults would fly. And he was always on about conspiracy theories, about anything. Definitely a looper.
And then there were a couple of guys who wanted to move in with me after only a couple of dates. One guy found out the town I lived in and google earthed my house (I never let anyone know where I lived until I had know them a while) and found my house due to a specific type gazebo that I had in the back ground of a photo. My house being the only one in town with that type of gazebo. We went on one date and all he did was talk about his ex wife, then couldn't understand why I wasn't interested. A couple of days later I was out with a friend and I started getting messages saying, why are you out? and named the place where I was. Then I got message after message, literally about 60 messages in the space of 2 hours, starting from 5am, telling me I had to give him another chance. This is when he disclosed knowing where my house was and how he had found it. It was really creepy. The messages kept coming for days and then he went on about being all depressed and I got calls from his friends saying he had not shown up at work and had left his phones, they were sure he was with me. I have no doubt he was watching me with some of the messages I received. I spoke to a couple of friends in the police force and the harassment stopped. Needless to say I was freaked out.
There were a few more oddballs, but they were harmless and didn't scare me.