• Lots of naked NEW Members on the forum plz add an AVATAR we are adding them if you don't if you don't like change them.




Eugh Winter Whiteness!!

The only problem with night shifts is the lack of sunlight and the whiteness that comes with it. I LOVE tan, not as much as a Jersey Shore bird, but near enough. Something about being tanned and bronze makes me feel so much better about myself, I'm sure most ladies agree??

The Solarium does my head in, I'm far to impatient, the beach is out of the picture and spray tans tend to make me look like an aweful ommpa Loompa with tiger stripes. . .

I was suggested Melanotan-2 by another lady last week and began my research into it... One stand-out side effect - Excessive Randiness (this is listed as negative side effect!!) As well as "mild nausea and a "stretching and yawning complex" that correlated with spontaneous penile erections" (I'm safe there).

So armed with my credit card I ordered myself a few bottles and waited somewhat impatiently for them to arrive, 2-5 working days is such a long wait! They arrived and I'm ready to begin my journey with Melanotan-2.

Perhaps I will put up some Before/After shots soon. And will keep you all updated on my spontaneous erections and excessive randiness.

Has anyone else used this product before or have thoughts on it?


Foundation Member
Only one:

Please check with your G.P. and/or research the product with the Cancer Council.

The Australian love affair with tanning has given us the highest incidence of skin cancer in the world and some tanning products have been shown to produce similar sinister changes without sunlight. Just make sure the one you are using has been tested by competent Australian medical authorities and proven (as far as possible) to be safe.


Legend Member
Yes when they add -2 to the end of the product Probably means the original was a failure so here is the new and improved version two
Second are chemists willing to stock it Or is it only available on-line


With a name like melanotan is that another name for melanoma?


Legend Member
Long as its not melatonin Dont want Jazzmine falling asleep driving to work

Tania Admin

Sounds awesome Jazz, let me know how it goes.. I like my tanned look to and I don't like fake tan. And before everyone starts on about cancer, we need to expose our skin to the sun for our vitamin D and to also help build immunity. A very pale person does not look healthy to me.


Are you starting to feel randy yet Jazzmine?

Hmmm... I've not noticed any extra randiness, well no more than normal. I can only imagine when it kicks in! Still haven't had any spontaneous erections either BUMMER!


Legend Member
Hmmm... I've not noticed any extra randiness, well no more than normal. I can only imagine when it kicks in! Still haven't had any spontaneous erections either BUMMER!

That ponytail in your avatar will look strange sticking straight up in there air when you do get this spontaneous hard on


Legend Member
If the UV index is under 5 it is safe to go outside and get sunlight. Heard it on the news.

So you mean you dont look like jazz from aladin? :(


If the UV index is under 5 it is safe to go outside and get sunlight. Heard it on the news.

So you mean you dont look like jazz from aladin? :(

No sadly I don't look anything like her. My tanned skin has faded and I've peroxided my hair a little too much :) Maybe I will recreate myself as Princess Jasmine :sign13:


I WAS TAKING IT,it made me even more hornier but loss of appetite


More Hornier?! Hmmm, could be dangerous stuff in the wrong hands then,,eg, mine lol Last thing my drive needs is a boost lol

Perhaps I will get you some as an engagement gift, this way you'll be ultra frisky on your consummation night as well as tanned. Two birds, one stone.


As it is i am a nympho i had to get off the stuff.My escort budget sky rocketed



Tan has arrived, first dosage today. The 'Mild Nausea' seems to be true. I felt as though I could spew in my handbag on the train today (unsure whether that's due to the Melanotan or because I went for a massive run before work, for the first time in yonks!?)

Was quite a simple process, although sourcing Bact Water is a little harder than I expected!!! Three pharmacies and they all came up with nothing.

Six days to go on the 'loading stage' and I should be starting to notice some colouration!!! YAY


I have been thinking about trying it out !!!! but the sicking feeling puts me off, how bad is it???


I have been thinking about trying it out !!!! but the sicking feeling puts me off, how bad is it???

It's got nothing on morning sickness, I'd much prefer taking this then ever having that feeling again!! I'm not feeling nauseous at all now, only the first day. Remember ...​

x Beauty is Pain x


hahahaha ive never had morning sickness either lol but i may just give it a try ........


the tanner not morning sickness LMAO

Get yourself a daughter, seems they make for great morning sickness :(:(
Yes, try it out, we can be the receptionists that everyone envies cause of our luscious tans and gorgeous heels!


Get yourself a daughter, seems they make for great morning sickness :(:(
Yes, try it out, we can be the receptionists that everyone envies cause of our luscious tans and gorgeous heels!

Hahahahaha so true wanna go to sexpo and pick up some new heels they have an amazing range!!!!


I want to know when it is on so i can start saving my pennies lol !!!!!!!


Legend Member
Get yourself a daughter, seems they make for great morning sickness :(:(
Yes, try it out, we can be the receptionists that everyone envies cause of our luscious tans and gorgeous heels!

shudders of images of the two shire girls


Sexpo? its not really exciting, not alot of naked girls unless u pay, not alot of sex.....unless u pay, not alot really better just to go to a sex shop


Sexpo? its not really exciting, not alot of naked girls unless u pay, not alot of sex.....unless u pay, not alot really better just to go to a sex shop

So nothing to get excited about then :( :( Ohhh they make it look like such fun!


Foundation Member
I want to know when it is on so i can start saving my pennies lol !!!!!!!

Don't waste your time or money on Sexpo.

Just a lot of stalls selling stuff you can buy cheaper from any halfway decent(?) sex shop and possibly some over-the -hill Yankee porn "star" popping up occasionally to sign a few autographs. The wowsers have made sure that any entertainment is kept to around Noddy and Big-Ears level so no strippers or anything else worth the cost of admission.

Now how different could it be?

How about a Langtrees stall with the ladies giving out discount coupons with a chance to win a free blowie every hour...........dream on............