Long term regulars - what's the longest?



I went to see a lady that I have been seeing for quite a while, and while there I realised that "quite a while" in this case was over 15 years! I still have a good time with her, and occasionally have been to help her with problems around the house, without payment either way.

So I was wondering if this is unusual? What's the longest you've been a regular, either as punter or WL?


Legend Member
I saw a lady at Lisa's Retreat (when did that close?) until June 2011 when she retired.

She was my favourite all time WL. :la::la::la:

She started at Lisa's after she finished her degree and found that WL paid better, so was in her early 20s when starting in the business.

Farm Boy

I saw a lady at Lisa's Retreat (when did that close?) until June 2011 when she retired.

She was my favourite all time WL. :la::la::la:

She started at Lisa's after she finished her degree and found that WL paid better, so was in her early 20s when starting in the business.

Care to name this lady Demon ( Lisa's working name)


Legend Member
Care to name this lady Demon ( Lisa's working name)

As she is not working now, and she told me some personal details, I don't wish to name her here.

But she must have been in her 40s when she retired. Her body and enthusiasm and service was better than most WLs in their 20s. If I had not seen her before I would have guessed early to mid 30s (i.e. 10 years younger than she was).


Are there any special perks for regulars??

I would be seeing a w/l a week if I had the money :(


Gold Member
Are there any special perks for regulars??

I would be seeing a w/l a week if I had the money :(

One RnT place I visited in Tokyo had a frequent usage card, like the ones Gloria Jeans has for their coffees. Visit X number of times, get the next one free.


what you see is wat you get and alot more
Diamond Member
One of my regs I have been seeing for almost 11 yrs now. :)
I think you would be one of the stand out Ladies in the industry Amy and still look very very attractive.
You must have a very worldly opinion about Men, another that comes to mind would be Miranda, though you both come from S.A yous both do a lot of travelling, so yous must of seen many places in our country and i guess overseas.
How long do you think you will continue in the industry? You sure could write a very interesting book in my opinion.


Six months doesn't sound like a long time, but I miss my special lady already:(


I went to see a lady that I have been seeing for quite a while, and while there I realised that "quite a while" in this case was over 15 years! I still have a good time with her, and occasionally have been to help her with problems around the house, without payment either way.

So I was wondering if this is unusual? What's the longest you've been a regular, either as punter or WL?

I used to see ANA at bodytouch then bodyheat, haven't been there for ages,always really nice, just R&T, Actually I first saw ANA about 14 years ago, pre-enhancement.