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lonely or just alone

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Mary Anne PA

I once again could not sleep last night cavewomen was snorring , and her breath was just outa this world, it must have been that jungle rat i killed and cooked for her.

I went to my favourite tree and climbed to the very top. Started contemplating about how the big cat fish in the river were no longer that big. How the young girls in the village looked too young . i thought i must be getting old i saw my reflection in the river that morning and wisps of grey were starting to show on my head, that gaping whole where i once had a tooth was pounding i knocked it out with a large rock at the same time i soon would not have any teeth at all.
I had made a comment to a youngish women that day in the village and the reply was "you must be a lonely old man". On reflection i did not think i was lonely i had many freinds and aquaitences.But perhaps she should have said you were alone not lonely.
Many of us choose to be alone to stand alone although we no many people we choose to be aloof to hold back , perhaps beucause we do not no any other way. Or perhaps we are misinterpreted Some of us are very shy people we hold back we do not give all in fear of being hurt or let down. It is a safety net.
My self i choose to be alone cos i like it like that . I find it very easy to understand all types of people i have a fair bit of perception .Some of my best mates in the village do not really understand me although they think they do.
What i suppose i am trying to say is that we have perceptions of life and people and we can all be so far off the mark . Yes there are many lonely people out there there have been times in my life when i have been very very lonely but at this stage of my life i am alone.

I am alone , and choose to be alone through choice.

I hope the cat fish get bigger.


Very interesting post CaveMan, I know exactly what you are saying...

Go to the far side of the river where nobody else goes, the fish will be bigger there...

Mary Anne PA

Mandy you are an ideas women ,as i speak i am building a dugout to go to the other side. I hope the fish are bigger and better, more so sweeter.
There are a few large caves in my village left, if you ever have the need i am sure that the big chief will lend you one for a short holiday it is in the land that time forgot......sorry no computers.

Spice Me

Fish not to catch fellow caveman...

fish to enjoy the thrill of the day....
some days we alone among the crowds and others we are comfotable alone....

You walk your den with big strides and soon you will see a set of footprints besides yours, matching you pace...

Keep the head high, Cromagnum Brother

Spice Me



Do you know meaning of the word
How can you guys be alone
or is it only in your heads.
To be alone is to wake up to
a empty bed each morning and if you
want to talk to someone look in the mirror
and see if you get a answer
when you look across the table all you
see is a list of work to do .
You start going down the list till it
gets to dark to work come in and start cooking tea
redo list for the next day clean up feed the dog
then stagger to bed and try to sleep--Up at 5-00
repeat the day not sure what day it is sometimes.
try doing that for a mouth and see if you feel alone.

Mary Anne PA

hilly said:
Do you know meaning of the word
How can you guys be alone
or is it only in your heads.
To be alone is to wake up to
a empty bed each morning and if you
want to talk to someone look in the mirror
and see if you get a answer
when you look across the table all you
see is a list of work to do .
You start going down the list till it
gets to dark to work come in and start cooking tea
redo list for the next day clean up feed the dog
then stagger to bed and try to sleep--Up at 5-00
repeat the day not sure what day it is sometimes.
try doing that for a mouth and see if you feel alone.

Many many of us have had trials and tribulations in our life some of us choose to share it with the world some of us choose to keep it under our hats. Some people share it as a release for sympathy or for many reasons. There is a very big difference to being lonley and to choose to be alone.

We learn from the past but we must dwell on the future.

O my goodness what a spectacle another volcanoe is erupting and i am here to see it, life is good grasp it by both hands.


We ( you're family ) are no longer ALLOWING you to be alone Hilly babe!:BangHead:

We will just keep busting stuff - so ya' have to keep coming in to fix it. We will work you to exhaustion so ya' crash in YOUR room, after you've had your dinner with us.
You're the only one with life membership babe, ya' won't have time to feel lonely - OR ELSE!:nono: :whip2:

XX :angel1:
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on we go

Cheeky angel this one is as she Bum butts me in the door
And as we go from room to room looking at things we need to do
You with pen and paper-Me with a scratch of my sliver gray head
Looks like this is the next one -Babe- what a state
even down to the busted bed--so down with me bag of tools
for they will be busy soon to make it a room with a view
you better blunt-en the tips of your whip and leave
a little meat on me bones-lol-:evil5: thats a evil you got.
there,s a bit of lifting to do and need some to hold me
bones together
and when its done and you come in and look about
You will see much more than the whites of your sparkling eyes
yep-lol-:headbang: ---hilly---:icon_salu


Full Member
Foundation Member
hilly said:
Do you know meaning of the word
How can you guys be alone
or is it only in your heads.
To be alone is to wake up to
a empty bed each morning and if you
want to talk to someone look in the mirror
and see if you get a answer
when you look across the table all you
see is a list of work to do .
You start going down the list till it
gets to dark to work come in and start cooking tea
redo list for the next day clean up feed the dog
then stagger to bed and try to sleep--Up at 5-00
repeat the day not sure what day it is sometimes.
try doing that for a mouth and see if you feel alone.

....with the exception of feeding a dog, I've been doing what Hilly wrote my entire life......and not through choice. Maybe one day, things will change.....and then again, maybe not. Either way, for me, life dealt me these cards and I just try to make the best of it as I can. I hope it gets better for you too, Hilly.


'Doing the best he can'

Yep, I think Hilly's profile says it all!

xx :angel1:


Smatey pants


And theres no lines to read between,
Now there is someone thats know me so well.
--and still trying to have the last say-lol.
Now let see if the Whip comes out-:headbang:
or maybe the big ( BIG BITE ):ky: -LOL.


Dear Caveman,
There are two types of alone. Akone - unhappy, and alone - happy. I happen to be one of the latter types. I am alone but happy with the fact. There is no such company as yourself.



Some times I like to be alone. As a matter of fact my girlfriends tell me I can be a bit of a hermit.

Other times I go out and take dance lessons and do night courses like art or writing. Yet I tend to keep myself distant at times. I have been to speed dating and never put a single guy down on my list as I realised I wanted to stay alone.

I think the worst thing you can be is, not alone in your bed, but To be in bed with someone and feel alone.

Or be in a crowd and feel alone.
Or with family and feel alone.

So I guess it's perception and how you open up to other people, Fear of letting others in keeps us alone at times.

But on the good side, you can walk around the house naked.
Run a hot bath and lay back reading a book in the bath.
You can drink straight out of the milk bottle.
Watch what you like on TV.

Or do what i did today
lay back in the hammock in the back garden and look up at the trees and the sky
kinda nice at times.
yep caveman sometimes its nice to stay in da cave.
da blonde

Mary Anne PA


Good comments folks. I think i was a fairly young boy in the jungle when i realised that i would never be truly lonely, but perhaps alone within my own little world.I had my freind the honey badger who would always lead me to a bee hive so we could eat honey i would always leave some for him . I remember once i did not leave him any honey and the next time he led me to a huge snake i never made that missnake again ho ho.

There were insects and lizards i played with, the birds were always chattering and talking to each other ., i am sure they talked to me as well.I think i even had an imaginery freind at one stage and used to chatter to that freind a fair bit to. We come into this world alone and leave this world alone and go to the next richer and wiser. I have seen visions of that other world while tribal dancing and trances it is so spectacular and unexplainable . But one thing for sure is, what ever you do here effects you there.



Would have to agree with you honeyblonde I am in the same situation and I dont mind at all as you said you can walk around naked I can get in my spa naked LOL no other way to get in a spa but naked but dont mind company in there either sometimes the kind of company where you still get in there naked LOL :tongue3: and I also like my music and I can put what I want and have it has loud as I want without anyone saying turn that down.


hmm yes i agree half and half, as it used to be my greatest fear of all being a young boy working the catle stations and being the only person apart from the manger for hundreds of miles without any social life. Then to be very popular working in the big smoke as a pro sportsman with all the friends in the world knowing when you scratched yourself lol to having your own family and just wakeup oneday completly alone and knowing no one is dornting. I gess you have to make the best of every situation, live life for now as if there's no tomorrow, treat every body as you wish to be treated and best of all love life to the fullest, yes we cant control to much at all really except for only one thing, The attitude we take is the only thing we have full and total control of.
cheers to all
"ROAR" tiger
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