Silver Member
Hmmm you have a pointWell I don't mean to break up the party . But not long a go a girl told me about a man who was doing ratings. He went through asking about the service what extra's were available and how he was going to rate them. Then in the service he then said that she would get a better rating if she took of the comdom and gave him a really good enjoyable time. She said no thank you. Apparently he told her she better and she said again no. Then he threatened her with a really bad rating she said that she was happy with the number of men coming to see her and she didn't need his rating. So before you think that this is a good idea. Think again and ask yourself if it is when some of these girls have been forced or reluctantly had a punter trick them into doing something that they would not do normally.
I do question what might have happened to get a rating. And it is only one person's view.
And asking for free sex if fake photo. ? . There are reasons for fake photos not just the obvious ones. But all so for privacy reasons of identification once they go home, no girl wants to be known as the hooker from down under when they do go home.