I got the Marina in November last year and had it taken out in March, it basically stopped my period which I personally didn't like, experienced brutal cramps for the first time, felt really out of rhythm, I got acne along my jawline, and whilst I couldn't feel it inside me during sex I was always thinking of how it might rip out. It has messed with my hormores and sex drive and put me off using birth control altogether. I was also a huge bitch most of the time.
I was on the pill for 6 years and when I stopped taking that I felt so out of control and confused and the doctors I've talked to all blindly say things like "oh but you're at a lower risk of cervical cancer cos you were on the pill!" How could they possibly have THAT data and not know the long term side effects?
Getting the marina taken out was painless but another girl told me it hurt more than anything so in conclusion I think we should start taking women seriously if they want thier tubes tied, or get men on birth control.
Love from the Most Sensitive Petal