• Lots of naked NEW Members on the forum plz add an AVATAR we are adding them if you don't if you don't like change them.

just saying


Gold Member
Hello all

this has got nothing to do with anything, I was thinking the other day about when we were kids (by we I mean friends and my brother) we used to be little smart asses cause if we drove past Langtrees back when the place looked like horse stables and the ladies were allowed out the front. We used to wind down the window and yell out " DAD, mum says to come home" We were brats but good times.

Like I said its a useless thread I just wanted to share!!!!!!

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
It wasn't useless, I remember many off the kalgoorlie Kids doing these sort of things and they were fun days.

kim of kal

Senior Member
Foundation Member
The good old days when the kids of Kalgoorlie used to come past Langtrees and yell out " Dad.... Mum wants you home now" lol.. and you know what some nights they still do it :)


Legend Member
Hello all

this has got nothing to do with anything, I was thinking the other day about when we were kids (by we I mean friends and my brother) we used to be little smart asses cause if we drove past Langtrees back when the place looked like horse stables and the ladies were allowed out the front. We used to wind down the window and yell out " DAD, mum says to come home" We were brats but good times.

Like I said its a useless thread I just wanted to share!!!!!!

As Maryanne says... no thread is useless.
Let`s see how big a list we can make...

Miss Delights

Diamond Member
Hello all

this has got nothing to do with anything, I was thinking the other day about when we were kids (by we I mean friends and my brother) we used to be little smart asses cause if we drove past Langtrees back when the place looked like horse stables and the ladies were allowed out the front. We used to wind down the window and yell out " DAD, mum says to come home" We were brats but good times.

Like I said its a useless thread I just wanted to share!!!!!!

LMAO I love it but can you imagine if you were to say it in reverse order?? Lol :laughing4
( "Mum, Dad says to come home" )
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Dis is verrry trrrue bloody. Vhen I vas children, I uzed to play vith Kalashnikov. You no di vord yeah? In Russia, dis vas norrrmal bloody, but herre in Ozzica, or americano, you get in big trrroble bloody. You no.


Legend Member
Way back when! On the annual chrissy holiday Dad was driving us through Kal
Mum just had to go past the Redlight district See what it was all about "Filth"
was a common theme dirty men and loose hussies
Next thing she said was "Lets go back to the hotel" So dad had to have a good gander to see what had quietened her down And very cheerfully he said to mum " Isnt that our eldest going in there mum?"