• Lots of naked NEW Members on the forum plz add an AVATAR we are adding them if you don't if you don't like change them.
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Kate VIP Perth

Manager @ Langtrees
Staff member
Foundation Member
For those interested in why accounts do not get deleted instantly, I hate to quell the many conspiracy theories I'm sure that are out there.

It is purely due to the fact I AM BUSY. Deleting accounts on this forum are unfortunately quite low on my TODO list.

I can offer a tip to those unhappy about it not happening instantly DON'T LOG BACK IN.

But really apologies to those who have not been deleted.


Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
I will get to deletions tonight hopefully they are time consuming and Tania has been away

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
Please delete my account
All deletions will have to send me a message and I will do it as I recieve them...I dont have time to send out messages and check the last time you visited send personal message to Mrs langtrees and I will do them as I open the message.
I am closing this thread as its double work answering message then having to delete the post. Only way for deletions is by message to Mrs Langtrees I will add tania to the message if I need her to help because I am travelling.
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