I have often wondered how the partners of w/ls fair after their lady returns home after a "hard day at the office". Obviously the couple must be on the same page, so to speak, for such a relationship to work and survive. Nevertheless, after 'pleasing' clients in various methods during the day, days, week how does the lady feel when approached by her partner upon her return home for a long session of sex (love making sounds more romantic), especially if she is a bit over it after several full-on sessions with clients? It must take a special form of trust and love, I guess, for such a relationship to work. One special w/l I have been seeing for a couple of years as clearly we get on famously for several reasons, I know I could comfortably have as a partner because of my age (and wisdom? ) and consequently understanding and acceptance of such a couples' working situation. (It won't happen due to considerable age difference). In my 20s and 30s I was too possessive, jealous and naive to accept such a scenario. With age comes clarity and hence acceptance of various types of partnerships. Please enlighten me ladies to your long lasting relationship and to what you credit your and yours success to. Or on the other foot, what caused failure. I find it all so interesting, especially in my strange situation.